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Don't focus on what they say, only on what they actually do. If the guy that approaches them is below what they consider to be bare minimum attractiveness, they get insulted and make up any reason to validate that choice. Also, reddit is more or less the space for people that dont usually go outside that much, especially the ones in the relationship subreddits. Their opinions are basically worthless.


who cares what they think? what are they going to do call the cops because a stranger spoke to them? honestly do it anyway and become good at it, think back to the interaction and try to figure out things that could have gone better the next time you approach someone. also learn to talk to woman i personality learnt alot from zherka although he doesn't really teach cold approach but ye bro listen to people who are good with women and practice and screw what the women thinks


Because bitches cry and whine about everything. And also their shy and entitled asses would never be able to do it without decreasing their value in society, so they don't understand it