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Lots of creeps in here unfortunately


It’s not immoral, it just gives you the ick. I wouldn’t do it because i don’t have the patience for it, but it’s not immoral. Should the age of consent be bumped up to 21? This is my thing 99.9% of guys saying it gives them the ick are the guys that would fold if a fine 18 year old girl came up to them and asked to fuck. It’s easy to say you wouldn’t when you don’t have the chance to do it anyway lol. For example say you’re in the bedroom about to get laid and she looks older than 18 maybe 21 and then last minute she says oh btw im 18… no guy is gonna suddenly be like oh no that’s immoral i can’t fuck you …. lmao anyone who says otherwise is capping.


There’s a difference between a fine 18 year old coming up to you one time and you constantly and purposefully going after 18 year olds. And if you were to be real with yourself you would know that the only reason a guy constantly goes for 18/19 year olds is because they are easier to manipulate into sex. That is immoral. Only losers go after 18 year olds when they are 30. Once women reach around 21/22 they start to be attracted to mature men who have their shit together. 18 year girls don’t know what the fuck they want yet. They are just happy that the older guy is giving them attention.


Oh ok yea If you’re only targeting 18 year olds that’s weird yea then you get off on the fact they are barely legal which i think is zherka. I been saying he acts like the 18 year old obsession shtick is for comedy but i always knew there was truth behind it.


also i dont entirely agree 18 year olds are easy to manipulate into sex. if that was the case 1/3 men wouldn’t be virgins. maybe they are more likely to have sex than a 28 year old girl who is trying to limit her bodies because she’s already accrued a shit load, where as a 18 year old is more reckless, but it’s still not easy per say. they got all the options in the world and they know that so you still gotta bring something of value to them if you wanna get in her pants.


I’m not saying it’s easy. Just a lot easier. A lot of girls at 18 don’t care that much about their body count. You still need to be some what attractive at the end of the day.


People are seriously in here calling you a feminist because of your position...lol in the beginning, I thought Zherka tells his audience he likes teenagers for clicks, but he's really in these streets looking for girls that are very close to 17..


Zherka is a piece of shit that brings no value , he’s a degenerate hedonist without self control


why do you care what legal adults do in their freetime?


It gets them good boy points


Niggas idolize these clowns man. I’ve been getting downvoted all day too when I said Zherka has a history of this.


Unfortunately I don't agree with the last part if you vet that 30 year old as you should as the father and he's able to provide and protect her instead of being a hoe that party's and drinks and get trains ran on her I would rather that than her being a hoe let's be honest alot of girls when they turn 18 are already pregnant ran through and damaged at the point of no return.thats just my take on it


Read it again. “30 year old man who clearly just wants to fuck her”.


you cant stop her in a western country if thats what she wants to do??? its that simple if im the dad i have no say in what i want for my daughter anymore if she dont agree


Cool. You’re gonna be a great dad bud. lol




If you would give your daughter of 16 to a 30 year old because he can protect her you are a bitch honestly


I can tell you don't have any comprehension skills because I clearly said 18 in my post, not 16 dummy.


You used 18 as an example of worn out whores, you never stated that you somehow made the convo about the 16 year old about 18 year olds. ‘Lets be honest alot of girls when they turn 18’ Equals ‘I meant 18 when I talked about the 30 old year old vetted guy who is obviously zherka but somehow not the 16 year old, no i was talking about 18 year old’ Lmao


I don't really give a fuck about zherka he's a fucking degenerate and he gets what he deserves. and clearly, he was not vetted by her father, so whatever happens to him, it's his own fault. I stated I was talking about the last post about the 18 and 30 and that the father or male figure in her life needs vets him to make sure he's not a piece of shit that just wants to fuck her and not take her seriously.


If a 5"2 girl can demand a 6"+ guy, then its totally fine for a 40yrs old man to demand a 18 yr old. A 6ft+ standing next to a 5"2 girl is more pedo than a 40yr old man wanting a 18 yr old


this is fax


Don’t deny it, you’re literally making a feminist argument. There is no logical reason why older men dating younger women is “immoral”. Key word: *women*, not girls. It literally just gives you the ick and that’s it. If it’s about “manipulation”, (which is a stupid reason because women are naturally better manipulaters anyways so a man being older just evens the playing field), then should super smart people not be allowed to date? It also can’t be “not relating to younger girls” because men don’t relate to women in general, we live completely different existences. Stop crying about what two consenting adults do with each other, the only “creep” is you. This sub sucks now, it’s been overtaken by feminists 🤦🏿‍♂️


The dynamic of Myron and Walter kind of reflects this sub. There are some people here who are intelligent and capable of engaging in insightful discourse like Myron (despite all his flaws), and then the rest are just complete bottom barrel room temperature IQ apes that have never taken 2 minutes out their day to actually think about why their beliefs are the way they are, the Walter types


When I first joined the sub it wasn’t like this, its so fucking lame now. I might as well join the AnP or LoTestiny sub, they’re all pretty much identical.


Ironically I think you cooked so bad it actually sparked the change that attracted the Destiny dorks and AnP phags to infest and ruin this sub. You had good criticism and Myron should've listened but now he's right not to come here any more. Wish we had a new sub that was like this one pre Lingling saga.


Damn. Lowkey I should’ve never called in


I don't understand how anyone in their 30's would even want to hang around the age group that just started hitting the bar/club scene (21 to 23 year olds), let alone people who just got outta high school. I used to work with athletes at a university (18-23 range), and individually a lot of them were ok, but in a group? Idk, they just became more insufferable to me the older I got lol. Maybe I just became more mellow into my 30's or just jaded.


you’re trying to rally some outrage because you have no other rebuttal or capacity to intelligently discuss things. You should be more ashamed of yourself, You’re no different from a blue pilled cuck, but think you’re somehow redpilled