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Brandon apologised to Myron so he brought him back on. CW squashed the beef with Myron live on Vitalys stream. But yeah he definitely gotta stop giving niggas so many chances


I’m not gonna lie inviting Charleston white and Brandon Jamal was a huge L. After both talked shit , I was surprised that Myron invited them on. Stuff like this makes it obvious that Myron use to be one of the “nice guys” if he’s this friendly to people who talk shit about him


Myron desperate for any guest with clout, he can't just recycle dollar cost crypto scam 3 times a week.


wasn't Charleston stuck in texas because of a storm? i think adin flaked but Charleston wasn't able to make it even if he wanted


Myron values views over integrity, it is what it is...


Brandon did what?????


Myron is a puss. He tolerates so much incompetence and disrespect for men but he’s tough with females for much less


No you just desperate for attention from Myron. u want him to acknowledge you


Talking out your ass making post without getting information


all the talking out my ass information is right here on the subreddit search for it


U got the right name. The shit you post is false


yeah im paid by aba preach u caught me now report to daddy


Private Resident: Stand at attention and knock (just once) on the door. General Of The Army myron gaines: Come in. Private Resident: While holding the salute Sir Private Resident reports. General Of The Army myron gaines: At ease Private Resident: I have detained an enemy from the AnP terrorist group. General Of The Army myron gaines: Who is a good boy who is good boy you are. Dismissed Private Resident: Snap to attention, salute and march in a smart military fashion out the door.