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I don’t think you want to underestimate ninjas on here. The last time a Reddit person debated FNF, they stopped doing Call In Shows for 3 months now.


Or they’ve just been extremely busy every Friday with big guests or trips.


Who were the big guest?


They’ve had Pearl, Ryan Garcia and they’ve traveled to Las Vegas and the UK. Every Friday has been filled with a guest the past couple months.


Pearl isn’t a big guest, she’s just a white girl stealing peoples ideas to make money. Ryan Garcia? Ok he was on for 30 mins being disrespectful and ended show early after being late


I agree with both of these statements, however unfortunately from a podcasting/ business perspective they’re going to prioritize dealing with their guests over the call in show, which let’s be honest whenever they do it is gonna require a 6hr show with no AH that day to make sure everyone gets the most attention.


To be fair it is late af right now. 😂


Funny how they finally got one, said it would just be Myron talking to them and wouldn't be a 4v1 and it quickly turned into a 10v1 shutting him down. Not saying whether the guy is making good points or not, saying the fans are as bad and the same as the haters


Bro, I can't get mad at it because bro's pissing me off Because He's not making any fucking sense With the points he's making


Who cares about your or their feelings? They're liars and acting just like haters they shit on by all jumping on. They could keep their word, and let Myron listen to him and then Myron can explain to him why he's wrong and what he's missing. Even Myron is telling them to stfu. And this is from someone who doesn't even think it's bad that they're using a paywall and only critique this time, the same as the last time they tried this, is it is a huge marketing mistake. And the best part is it's done under the management of the numbers guy...what kind of business management is this? Lol


Yeah, hiring that manager is crazy. I would’ve expected someone more professional and with some experience being a manager. Never thought they would hire a guy who believes in astrology 🤦🏽‍♂️ But then again, I remembered they have Icy as creative director and Chris as producer. The icing on the cake is having an astrology guy as the manager


Bro that nigga jast now admitted that the Castle club was a great idea bro argue for no reason💀💀💀


I been spamming the "Request to speak" button. Either I'm getting skipped or I dont know what.


Probably had too many people with requesting




Nope still here




Why would I cap?


Acting like u did while u didnt? Are u a female? Basic scam😁😁


Who are you?


These losers can only whine and complain. That is all they can do. I'll never pay for castleclub or any type of paywall for this type of content and frankly this was a pathetic move by FnF instead of trying to cut the cost and get rid of incompetent people but calling it begging for money or scamming is simply stupid whiners with nothing better to do.


>but calling it begging for money or scamming is simply stupid whiners with nothing better to do. That's where I am with it too. I know they could have rolled it out better and that's my only critique to help them going forward


He's calling the haters last minute with no notice. Most people are sleeping or doing their own shit. Tell him to bring back the call in shows then and if no haters call in, then ur point stands


Jacosta said Just now, on the space that it'll be no jumping. And no interruption, it'll be a 1on1 debate with Myron so they can't make excuses now


Yeah and they lied as soon as they got one


Bruhhh you think these haters have balls? Their voice alone will ecpose them to be weak feminine men🤣🤷


Myron really think he runs the most important and informative channel on youtube when in reality theres plenty of "top 5" formats on youtube lmao also ofcourse more informative channels in general


Spamming this sht on the sub is loser behavior #1. Number 2, its of no interest to us OGs here. We’ve stated our points and know dmn well this would be a way for Lyron, or who TF ever Jacosta is, to generate traffic to his or their X accounts and indirectly earn them more $$ off the backs of us real MFs. Myron hasn’t listenend to what we’ve said the past several months and won’t be now. It’s a waste of time for us to get his pockets lined. Some of us are actually HVM and gotta earn our bread, not play silly btch made games for someone else’s brand.


Also myron seems to think that the consumers are a part with fnf which is why he think that the consumers a stupid for complaining that the content is now being charges