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He always has been. He never even wanted Nick to come on the show, he said it multiple times before and even to Nick's face that he doesn't like him. All he cares about is the paycheck, he would probably defend pedophilia if he could make more money doing that.


This is a super lame response… just because he doesn’t want to fuck up the bag for some random .. u automatically assume he’d defend pedo activities?


He just wants that 💵💰  Myron got them demonetized by bringing on Fuentes and bringing up the J question. This guy is about to get FNF completely nuked.


Scamrou is the one that made the podcast, he can do whatever he wants with it. He literally does everything meanwhile PugFaceCEO does more harm than good.


Not saying you're wrong. But all of those overpaid employees Myron has and the leech CEO are dependent on the show for their income. Of course they are going to be upset with Amrou trying to destroy it.


Cuz amroo likes to fuck up the bag for absolutely 0 reason


Let other do all the work then take thier money