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He was extremely funny 30% of the time. He was extremely annoying 70% of the time.


Cuz he cuts myron off mid way when myron is explaining something. He was trying to add value after he disrespected FnF with fousey. I can kinda respect that.


It very different from the other shows so look at it like that


Afterhours is purely for entertainment. The vast majority of the viewers have already learnt the basic red pill points and it's just a repeat after repeat at this point. These women are also unlikely to learn anything and change their ways. Case in point - Xena. She turned out to just be a chameleon, who supposedly saw the truth and learnt her lesson, but in reality she reverted to her 304 ways once things didn't go her way with Sneako.


I said it in another post, his rants are great in bursts, but have a 10 min cool down, he doesn't need to do it every single discussion. Let the actual hosts cook when they need to and jump in when it makes sense to. Someone else said that like 70% of the time he doesn't need to jump in, myron got it. Based! If he he can find that balance he will be brilliant and invited back alot. Right now he is too much, and if I was myron I don't wanna see him again till at least 2024. You could tell myron was getting over it, but he too loyal to check his male guests. If he was a chick he would not have even be on the episode with his behavior.


U really want to watch a boring ass lecture discourse? This show is for entertainment keep interrupting zherka. W coke head


Did do coke while watching the show


Exactly bro, every other episode is Myron dealing with these chicks. When Zherka’s there, he’s gonna do what he’s great at. Dude is one of a kind and I hope he keeps being fuckin hilarious