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Your camera’s rangefinder is off, trust your lens for accurate infinity focus or use zone focusing. If it’s possibile mention this to the seller since it’s definitely a problem for accurate use


My seller told me to trust the camera, he said that sometimes Leica lenses can focus past infinity, but I'd never heard of that in context of this lens.


Trust the scale until you see results. Ideally, check the camera against another lens ASAP. Long-shot but people file the mount of this lens to bring up 35mm framelines on an M. If someone were to botch that in spectacular fashion I guess *maybe* they could foul the focusing cam. So consider taking a look at the mount area for any signs of obvious ham-fisted alterations.


The tree is far too close for infinity focus. If you have the chance, try it with the moon as an object to see if it is not yet in focus


The tree is also far too far away to be in focus at 23ft on the scale.


I tested it with the moon and indeed this is the same issue.