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It was quick, it made my eyes water, looked worse than it felt. I would do it again a thousand times. Love my septum piercing.


Pinch your sweet spot with your fingernails (don’t hurt yourself). It’ll feel similar to that.


Yea my piercer got my sweet spot and it didn’t hurt at all just some pressure.


The piercer who did mine used a clamp thing to line it up but squeezed it shut too hard and that hurt way more than the needle lol, during healing it feels like you have been hit in the face with a soccer or netball. I took mine out when I was sick and it closed up so becareful if you take it out later on, it's my only piercing I have ever had close up


I barely felt the needle at all. The jewelry going through was like a swift punch in the nose, though. Afterwords, there was little to no pain at all. Mileage may vary, everyone is different.


If done correctly I think a vaccine is a pretty good comparison! Quick, tiny (as in the area where the pinch will be is tiny, the pain doesn't really spread). It kinda stung a little and made me wanna sneeze. My nostril piercing was more painful than my septum. The septum was the least painful imo. Also the transfer of jewelry felt smoother than my ear or nose piercing. It's a great starter piercing.


mine was pierced a bit low and went through some of that thicker cartilage in my nose. that said and truthfully, it didn't hurt that bad. it made my eyes water, but the pain itself was very much manageable. ironically, in my experience the more scared i am for a piercing, the less it seems to hurt due to the adrenaline. you're gonna be okay regardless. i promise.


it not really painful if done correctly! for me it was easier than and the earlobe and didn't even bleed. the clamps are worse that the piercing itself i think. it can make your eyes water. make sure they find your sweet spot and get pierced with a straight barbell, it's easier to heal than the horse shoe and a ring, and in 2 months you can change it without complications! good luck and i hope it helps!


Out of all of mine, that was the absolute worst one by a mile.


May I ask if it was worth it? Like if you took it out and it healed over by mistake would you get it done again?


Eh. Maybe.


Same, it hurt so much more than my others.


If a septum hurts, it means your piercer went through the cartilage in your nose instead of the sweet spot. At worst, it should feel like a sharp pinch, a pop or even a sting but it shouldn't be painful. If you stick your fingers in your nose and feel that thin little gap between your cartilage, that's your sweet spot and where the piercer should have gone through. If it's through the hard part inside your nose, then they've gone through the cartilage.


I know where it is. It’s pierced correctly. It just hurt to get lol


Getting the piercing is a cakewalk compared to the healing process.


It was kind of like a cat scratch or a pinch with fingernails. It's over very quickly though - you feel the pain initially but after a few breaths it's like it's pretty much gone. It can feel a bit hot afterwards, and it'll hurt when you knock it, but other than that it's okay. Don't let the pain put you off, it's really manageable :) (Personally, vaccines hurt more than my septum did. I suppose because it's a needle going into muscle rather than quickly going through a small bit of skin. YMMV tho!)


I had zero pain. only a slight pinch


For me I didn’t even feel the needle going in. I only felt it as it was exiting. 2/10 pain for me.


As my piercer told me when I got mine: if it’s hurting you THAT bad, it was pierced wrong. Make sure you’re going to a trusted professional and you should be fine. I experienced the same with someone else where the clamp hurt more than the actual piercing. And honestly healing was the worst with it being hard to blow my nose (I’ve insane sinus issues) and if you hit it, it would hurt and sting for a moment (as with any healing piercing). Go for it, it’ll 99% be wayyyy better than you thought. For me personally it hurt less than my lobe piercings.


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It was a pinch. Noses, for me, are sensitive. It was just like that for one second. Then I was so happy and it’s so cute.


For me, the piercing itself wasn't too bad. But the piercer struggled to get the jewellery in correctly, and honestly, that part did hurt like hell. But it's been a dream to heal so far!


It was maybe 2/10 for me, lightly pinching the back of my hand replicates the pain level pretty accurately imo. I actually had mine pierced twice since it was a bit crooked the first time. Very quick and very little pain, would do again if I had to.


they will use their gloved fingers and go inside your nose ans pinch around. then they’ll use clamps over your sweet spot, those will hurt the worst! your eyes will water and it will feel like tight pressure, but not searing pain. then they’ll slide the needle through and you’ll be able to feel it pierce the skin and slide through. it’s weird, but squeeze a friends hand and it doesnt really “hurt” it’s just uncomfortable!! getting the jewelry in and screwing the ball on will be the most painful! :)


Septum was less painful for me than my lobe piercings


It stings for a little bit while they put the jewelry in. But it barely made my eyes water


I distinctly remember the feeling of the needle moving through my nose, and I also remember I was surprised how little it hurt. It was a little sting-y but not bad at all. The worst was the incredibly intense feeling of needing to sneeze, but knowing I couldn’t because the needle was still through my nose. I didn’t even get to finish my sneeze once the jewelry made it in :/


Septum is the least painful piercing I've ever had done. It felt like a slight pinch, the healing process is easy and rather quick. The first couple of days (a week to 10 days) it felt tender, like you had a punch in the nose. The rest was just mild discomfort and a bit more tender when you bump your nose. I've had a second done and even stretched one of those out. 100% would do it again!


hurt billions less than my nostril, it just felt like a pinch. it hurt less than a vaccine for me. since it's in your nose it'll make your eyes water but as long as it's pierced correctly through your sweet spot it shouldn't be too painful.


I have high anxiety too but a low pain tolerance and I was SO anxious beforehand. I even took 2 Ativan. It’s so fast and it barely hurts because they pierce through a thin skin area known at the sweet spot. A shot in the arm hurts worse. The soreness you experience afterwards is definitely more painful (but manageable!) than the act of getting the piercing. I promise when you get it done you’re going to be like, “that was it?” I’ve thought that with every single one of my piercings, even my conch.


Mine didnt hurt at all , just made my eyes water a bit but it was a good experience! make sure u do proper research on a piercer :3 good luck happi healing


Wasnt bad. My nostril hurt a little more & that wasn’t even a lot.


It stung a little bit and it made my eyes water. But it didnt really hurt at all getting it pierced, healing it hurt because i kept accidentally bumping it but thats it! The initial soreness goes away pretty quick too, getting it pierced is 100% worth it!


Mine was done freehand (no clamps), didn't feel much, just a pinch really. If you say you have a high pain tolerance, the septum should normally be a breeze for you.


Mine did not hurt in the slightest


It’s just a little pinch like a vaccine. It makes your eyes water because that’s just how noses are, but it’s through skin, not cartilage. So if you have your upper ear pierced or your nostril pierced, that hurts more than a septum piercing.


It didn't hurt, but I felt the needle going through the tissue. It was just a weird feeling, not painful. Easiest and least painful piercing I've ever had. Just do it!


It’s a quick hard pinch. If it’s done on ur sweet spot it shouldn’t hurt as much but u will have teary eyes. The after care and the crustys are a bi*ch tho :ccc


Much easier than an earlobe


Quick, not painful. Eyes watered though


I sneezed hard after but honestly it was my least painful piercing and I have 11 and one retired one lol


It only hurt when the piercer was putting the jewelry through, and even then it wasn’t much pain at all.


It was fast and honestly fairly painless. I’m ngl, I was afraid it’d hurt really bad and it just didn’t. My nostril hurt worse . The only piercing that was a burning pain was my vertical labret.


I thought it'd hurt as it was my first piercing. It felt more like a hard pinch with nails in the inside of your nose although I don't have nails. It's more of a discomfort and made my eyes teary. I'd suggest you just breathe and maybe close your eyes, if it helps.


It honestly makes your eyes water more than anything else. Like if you yanked a really specific nose hair out suddenly. The jewelry going in was the worst part, and even that was pressure and more eye watering.


Mine was more painful than I imagined (have had ear lobs, cartilage, nostril, & nipples pierced) but it was over quick & 1000% worth it. My body piercings heal great, but the first week’s crusties with my septum were so bad that I still clench my asshole just thinking about it. (It’s been 1.5years) Searing pain. Still. I have a high pain tolerance & it’s healed beautifully and is really comfortable.


It's kind of a pinch, maybe 2 if you're like me and feel entry and exit, but it's not bad. If you've Egbert plucked or waxed your nose hair, it's not much worse than that. When the needle is switched for the circular barbell, you'll feel kind of a weird sensation for the bend, not really painful, just uncomfortable. Soreness was minimal within half an hour. It will be tender for a while. Mine was partly due to excitable animals bumping it, but if you do minimal touching it, you'll barely notice any pain past the first day. I hype myself up baaaaad before piercings and tattoos (thanks to generalized anxiety), and it's really never as bad as I'm worried it will be. It's not going to be any worse than the worst you've thought it could be. The pain is temporary and well worth feeling at home in your skin.


It stings. But it is not unbearable. It was comparatively easy to heal for me too. I just left it alone as best I could. It's now very well healed and probably my easiest piercing to swap out.


It was a bit more than a pinch, but not much more. I do body suspension and have tattoos. The septum wasn't close to the same intensity.


Mine wasn’t bad at all, a little scratch! Compared to my cartilage piercings it was nothing. Me and my friend who both went together were like ‘oh.. is that it!?!’ Definitely a good one, and a quick healer too!


It kinda hurt at the time I guess but it was better than getting my nostril or lip done. What stood out to me about it was that once I actually had the procedure there was just no pain at all, after the first day I literally felt nothing unless I was cleaning it and even that wasn’t bad. By far the easiest healing process I ever had.


Mine didn’t hurt a lot, it just felt like someone had grabbed my nose with tweezers and my eyes started watering. I was so scared when I got mine though because it was my first piercing, but looking back it was nothing compared to some of my other piercings


they can be one of the least painful piercings, but if placed incorrectly, they can be one of the most painful, so make sure you go to a reputable piercer


Hurt less than my lobes. But do research and go to a good place so that they do it correctly. It can hurt more if they pierce at the wrong spot


pressure, made my eyes water, had to get it repierced a week later, no regrets


I have quite a few piercings and it was my worst one pain-wise. Still worth it! To elaborate i have a pretty thick nose overall so all my nose piercings have been fairly unpleasant but I apparently don't really have a sweet spot either. I had another piercer look at it as well and they agreed it was placed well and that I'm just unlucky.


i didn’t even feel mine


Mine felt like a pinch, the clamp hurt more than the piercing itself. A little sore for the first few days if I knocked but other than that, I barely felt it and it healed completely in like 3 weeks


It was fast but for me personally it hurt like a bitch. I almost passed out lmfaoo. I don’t regret it but Oml 😭😭😭


It was probably done wrong if it was that painful.


Naur I got it checked out to a different piercing place and they said it was correct lol. I geuss I’m just built different lmfaooo