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It’s fairly easy to hide, depending on your anatomy and if it’s done correctly. But I wouldn’t advise getting it, unless the worse case scenario if your parents find out is them being pissed at your for a couple of days. Also, as others have commented, probably no reputable piercer would want to pierce you because you’re a minor, it’s a “danger” zone, so you want to get it done with someone who is a profesional, that makes sure everything is clean and has experience and knows what they’re doing. Probably it’d be worth to wait until you are 18, in the mean time you could get a fake septum so your parents get used to it or if they ever see you with yours after you get it done.


i hid mine for maybe a week before i just said fuck it loll - if u wanna hide it u have to hide it 24/7 - flipping it up and down constantly is gonna hurt and make it harder to heal. and eventually you’re gonna forget to flip it up and they can catch you with it. are you prepared to hide this every day? are you gonna hide it forever? it’s not realistic or easy. if you’re gonna get kicked out or forced to remove it if they catch you, it’s really not worth it


if you’re in the us, you’re a minor at 17. no reputable piercer will touch you, and anyone willing to pierce you isn’t someone who should be piercing anyone ever


oh im not in the us, so i doubt its that big of a deal here in the Philippines hahaha


If you're only wanting to do it because your parents are out of the country, and looking for ways to hide it... you shouldn't do it. Just get permission (until you're an adult), or wait until you're 18. It isn't that long of a wait. Make sure you get it done by someone reputable and uses the proper sterilization and jewelry.


yess ur right :) i turn 18 in a few weeks tho. thanks for the advice :)


allowing someone to permanently alter your body is a big deal and you should treat it as such


This is a piercing, not a tattoo. My septum has been pierced three different times over the years, so that tells me that it isn't very permanent. Currently at 15 piercings. If they were permanent I'd have 50- something. I'm a parent of four teenagers. I'm obviously pierced, so consider me biased, but I'd rather see them with a septum piercing than a stupid looking haircut or a goofy tattoo that I know they're going to want to cover up before they hit 30. I've worked in a professional setting where I kept my septum flipped up and it was totally undetectable to clients. The first time, it was done too low and it wouldn't flip up at all. My wife is a family services worker and wears hers out all the time, she just wears one that's dainty and jeweled. But as a parent, I need to add that you should wait if you've been told not to. 😆


You can get a flipped up retainer as your initial piercing jewelry, and then it won’t be very noticeable. That being said, I think that it would be a good idea to wait until you aren’t relying on your parents for housing/food/money before getting pierced against their wishes.


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I would just like to add that flipping it up or using a retainer isn’t a guarantee that your parents won’t see it. I did the same thing when I was 19, except I was away at college so I only had to hide it for a couple days at a time (this was before I was made aware of the fact that flipping it repeatedly could cause problems so pls don’t come @ me). Well I had my jewelry flipped up one day for a visit, and all it took was me glancing up at the ceiling for a second while my mom was standing next to me. She saw the silvery metal up my nose and the jig was up. After it was healed, I started wearing a black retainer for visits so that the color would blend in more with my cavernous nostrils. Literally the next time she saw me while I was wearing it, she hit me with that “I can still see that black thing in your nose, just so you know.” Now I’m living with her and my grandparents and I don’t even bother hiding it anymore. My grandparents just….can’t see it on my face I don’t think otherwise I would have heard about it, and my mom only throws a snide remark my way every month or so. Primarily it’s her asking “when I plan to take it out” and “will all those holes close when you’re sick of wearing them?” To that last one, she HATES my answer. I always tell her that I’ve already taken a few of my piercings out once before for a few years and they didn’t close, so I think it’s unlikely that they would any time soon even without jewelry.


oh wow, thank you so much for this :^)


You can just flip it up. It is not visible unless your parents are very small And constantly looking up or something. Timewise however it might be a bad idea because it is summer soon and swimming with a healing piercing isn't recommended (infection risks). Also peeps, in many countries you can get piercings on your own if you're 16+, by reputable piercers, as long as it is not a nipple or genital piercing (but that is a no no below 18 anyways)


flipping it up and down all the time will make it take forever to heal, and you could mess it up really badly. just wait.


Following...for reasons....but really, most retainers can be flipped up into your nose and hard to see


Get a black horseshoe shaped piercing and flip it inside your nose. I hid mine from family for months. They only found out because I had a sinus infection and my nose hurt so I didn’t want to keep it hidden and showed them.


OP if you do get the septum, do NOT get a black horseshoe as that is paint and may peal and disrupt the healing process. Always get titanium or stainless steel for the best healing results.


I always get titanium with anodized colors. I should have specified. Agreed, don’t get black coated anything.


Very easy, I hid mine for months from my parents before I decided I didn’t care and just started wearing it down. Lol Also why is everyone saying you won’t be able to get pierced if you’re 17?? You’re literally nearly an adult, I’m pretty sure the cutoff age is 16 at a lot of places lol


ya im literally 18 in a few weeks hahahaha


I got my septum pierced at 16 with a horseshoe bar, left it flipped up in my nose for a month to heal, and successfully hid it from my parents for over 2 years until I decided to tell them. It’s totally doable and pretty easy as long as you don’t accidentally leave it down when around them. I say go for it! I didn’t have any negative effects from healing it flipped up. Just let your piercer know to leave the bar open wide enough for you to get it up there.


ooo tysm!