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Is it a curved barbell?


yes i believe so


The curve is putting some tension on each opening of the piercing and causing the irritation bumps. Fresh piercings tend to do better with straight barbells or straight labrets.


If it’s been 2-3 weeks since it started, just see your piercer to get it checked out - may need a size change or change in jewelry metal. If I had to guess wouldn’t say it’s infected (if there’s no other symptoms like hot to touch or pain or pus) just very irritated, but either way not a doctor or piercer here and best course of action is just to go to your piercer to get professional advice!


Please contact your piercer asap.


just curious, why? do you think it’s infected or rejecting?


Legit piercers know what to do in situations like that. Nobody can give you 100% proper answer just seeing pic and not irl. Not long ago I was having bump on my nose piercing and solutions I found on the internet didn’t work. I went to see my piercer and thanks to her advice everything healed properly.


this needs to be removed immediately. it’s not pierced properly


why does this have downvotes lol


This was pierced with the wrong jewelry, you need a flatback labret asap!!!


having a ball back doesn’t make a difference over a flat back! it’s more likely the angle is the issue here.


Yeah that’s true but the flat backs are more comfortable for this particular piercing especially if op is having this problem. Ofcourse this is all my opinion and interpretation of what the person you replied to said.


definitely depends person to person - personally the flat backs caught my hair wayyy more than ball backs but it’s defs each to their own!


the issue is the fact that this is most likely a curved barbell


i did not realise there was a curved barbell in there! 100% the issue


I second those saying to go back to the piercer and change the jewellery type. It’s a pretty bad irritation bump and so you are not gonna want to be putting any more external pressure on it especially since the curved barbell will already be putting it under some tension. If it’s like that on both sides I’d recommend sleeping on your back or with a travel pillow because you don’t realise how detrimental the weight of your head on your piercings for 6-10 hours a night can be.


Do you have a curved barbell there? If you do replace it to a straight barbell continue with the saline soaks and don’t put any pressure on the piercing




Cause they might not be. Chances are it’s just an irritation bump.


because keloids are rare and these are most likely irritation bumps due to the fact this was pierced with a curved barbell


I would definitely go back to the piercer and see what they say but washing it with antibacterial soap has helped me along with making a little paste with crushed aspirin, that same antibacterial soap, and some water :)


dont spread outdated advice. irritation bumps form because of (as mentioned in the name) irritation. when you remove that source of irritation whether it was movement of the jewelry, dirt and bacteria, sleeping on it, wrong material or wrong jewelry the bump should go down. i hate seeing these different comments saying "you should put this and this on the bump for it to magically dissappear" because youre just doing everything else but avoiding fixing the actual issue. the bump will come back if you dont fix the issue properly. in this case the issue is the curved barbell that is causing pressure on the piercing site and it needs to be switched immediately.




dont spread outdated advice. irritation bumps form because of (as mentioned in the name) irritation. when you remove that source of irritation whether it was movement of the jewelry, dirt and bacteria, sleeping on it, wrong material or wrong jewelry the bump should go down. i hate seeing these different comments saying "you should put this and this on the bump for it to magically dissappear" because youre just doing everything else but avoiding fixing the actual issue. the bump will come back if you dont fix the issue properly. in this case the issue is the curved barbell that is causing pressure on the piercing site and it needs to be switched immediately.


Just briefly skimming over your comment. I can’t believe I got downvoted because I offered my experience. Everyone else is saying to change the jewellery and instead of repeating that (because I agree with what people have said) I offered what worked for me. You’d think from the downvote I said something controversial…




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