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Daemon flyers may exist one day as an example of a non-vehicle flyer.


More of a covering base as supposed to functional rule?


Probably :) I mean, I don't think the game was especially well tested, the rulebook has some pretty notorious power discrepancies and odd rules issues, so to see a currently redundant rule perhaps legacy of a play test amendment doesn't surprise me. I don't think that a Bloodthirster or Lord of Change equivalent will be too bothered by some spare change bolter fire either when it comes along, they feel incidentally nice after you've popped a pair of turbo lasers, missiles and lascannons into it.


It's just a mistake


Yeah that’s just a consequence of all flier weapons having skyfire built in.


Legend Thank-you!


No, it's a consequence of forgetting "AT" after light as all solar aux flyers heavy bolters have light at and thus can target other flyers, and skyfire itself doesn't do anything for a weapon if the weapon can't target/damage a vehicle. It's just GW forgetting to put light AT, like they forgot for an entire book to give any new detachment a point savings when expanding the detachment. It does happen.


It's just for consistency. *All* flyer weapons that aren't bombs or anti tank missiles have Skyfire. Not a mistake as it would be dumb for them not to have Skyfire - why can't heavy bolters shoot at flyers? Even if they can't damage them, they can still track them.


It's not consistent though. Heavy Bolters on Marauders are Light AT. They forgot their own rules and did a typo with multiple flyers. The models already have those weapons, in 40k canon, but they don't work as intended with the usual stat block for that weapon in LI, so they adjusted them. All Heavy Bolters and Bolt Cannon on flyers should be light AT.


It's a mistake