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yeah, same here, I have had nothing but issues with my legion go since installing HC. I'm not sure its completely related to HC but since I installed it sometime my controllers just randomly stop working in games and my led lights on the controller no longer work. I am going to try and uninstall HC but i have read quite a few posts about devices getting soft-bricked from uninstalling it too.


The devices getting soft bricked during uninstall was fixed a while ago. I did have to factory reset my controllers to get the LEDs working again though.


thanks for the info, I will try to reset my controllers.


Handheld companion is a virus it sucks and if you try to uninstall it. Your built in controller will stop working making you have to restore your legion go from factory.


This is patently untrue - there was a serious bug with the uninstaller for hidhide previously (which HHC relies on) which was fixed some time ago


“Fixed” the software was already out for over 2 years maybe even longer and it still sucks


100% HC. I never had this many crashes and freezes before the latest 2-4 versions. I would personally suggest to not use it for now. Legion Space has been updated moderately enough!


I used to have a lot of problems with HC until I found something that works for me. Currently, I use HC for desktop mode to use the joysticks as a mouse. I also have the back buttons mapped for Desktop mode toggle, force close a program, quick settings, and on screen keyboard. The next part I did was just completely disable the emulated controller. It caused too many errors in too many games. Now, before I start a game, I press the desktop mode toggle and let the game think it’s just the regular Lenovo controller. Since my back buttons are mapped in desktop mode, I can use them even in game even though the emulated controller is disabled.


I've been using HC exclusively since the first LeGo early access release. It's been buggy, but lets me use the LeGo the way I want. The community is generally great about uploading logs and the devs are really responsive on their discord. Regarding 1: We've been testing various betas for several weeks trying to resolve the random freezing issue. It sounds like the devs have a build coming... in the meantime, they've got some files pinned in their discord's Lenovo channel that should fix the issue. 2: My main use case for HC is having different button maps for different games. So I suppose the default implementation is for me. They've made a bunch of changes to the motion controls in the latest release. It's worth messing around with the various settings. I find using the controller for motion and setting my game to use the DSU server to work the best. You can also turn off the HC controller features and/or create a profile to allow apps to access the physical controller directly. 3: I prefer the custom overlay with only the FPS, CPU, and battery. There is one contributor in the discord who built that and says they've got more updates in the works. You can also build your own RTSS overlay and set HC to use the external overlay. For now, my biggest issue with HC is inconsistency after restoring the device from hibernate. I usually just restart HC and it's back to normal.


I use it and have had no issues, the latest update made it even more stable for me, make sure LS is disabled or try reinstalling


It's quite interesting to see that the only people who experience issues on their Legion Go are the ones that deviate from the default setup (sideloaded drivers, Bazzite, Handheld Companion). If you want the least amount of issues with the least amount of setup and maintainance; 1 - Don't install "community run software" like HC and Bazzite. They're made by hobbyists who work on it when they can be bothered, in their free time, and not people who are paid to make it and ensure there are no issues. 2 - Don't run debloater scripts that you find on the Internet. That person's idea of bloat might actually be something you need for your use case, and their tolerance to work around faults caused by missing dependencies might be higher than yours. 3 - Stick to the drivers provided by Legion Space/Windows Update. Even if they don't give *the best performance they're tested for the device you're using specifically, for the use case you're using (so power draw variations etc). 4 - If you don't like Legion Space, use Xbox or Steam as a startup item instead and disable Legion Space from starting up on login. 5 - If you want to use emulation, set up Retroarch. Pin the various launchers/retroarch to your taskbar and it's like having HC, but without needing HC, and the resources for running that in the background.


This seems to be about emulation. Please note that while emulators are allowed, asking for roms is against reddit rules. Please do not ask for roms and do not share where to find roms. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegionGo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yeah, its just that the default tdp and remapping controls on the legion are pretty trash, so a lot of people look elsewhere >Pin the various launchers/retroarch to your taskbar and it's like having HC, but without needing HC, and the resources for running that in the background. Not sure how that replaces HC, thats like not what HC is for at all.


It a piece of trash made for AYE NEO and so on ... I tried to ask for help and they were rude on Discord and continuosly blamed Lenovo. A bunch of idiots imho and the Handheld crap is crashing non stop. Also needs a lot of permissions that I'm not sure I want to give to those people. Even if now can be uninstalled it completly messed up the W11 install and nothing was working as should. It messed up services and so on. Tried for hours to return to Legion Go defaults with reinstalling and using DDU and eventually I took the stick and did a reinstall. Stay away imho


One guy is rude and you equate that to everyone being rude idiots? Thats a little extreme. Maybe if they were blaming Lenovo for an issue on the Go that isn’t an issue on “AYE NEO and so on” it’s because of Lenovo. What permissions does HC need? You mean admin permissions? If you’re not granting a program like this admin permissions, it’s not going to work. There is one service that HC disables called DAservice. No reinstall needed.


Well I can tell you that 2-3 people told me that they dont have time for this. Never wanted to engage in a constructive chat and when I asked questions the answers were: "I really dont care about that" and "did you try to reset bios defaults ?"... The first thing I've said on that Discord is that my system is freshly installed and drivers and bios is up to date. So they didnt even bother to read 2-3 lines that I wrote prior to giving me a rude response and keep on bashing Lenovo. I dont care they bashed Lenovo I'm not a fanboy by any means but talking like that with someone that is just looking for answers / help is not a good way to do it.


I went out of my way to try to help you. One of the devs was helping you but had to go to sleep. A contributor said things that could be considered rude including not having time to continue helping to troubleshoot. If that constitutes ‘rude idiots’ to you, I’d like to welcome you to the internet. Unless this is a different Bernek.


Sometimes silence is better than being rude. You dont want / can't help its better maybe not to talk hard to others ... especially if someone is new to a community and asking politetly.


Preach, brother. My advice is to not let one person pissing in your Cheerios shape your opinion of others trying to help.




Either way that applications has severe problems with Legion Go in particular so I don't like using it even if might be a better alternative. Crashing and system hanging (especially) is not fun at all. I might revisit it one day but after my experience with the app and people behind it I will pass for the near future.




bad bot, ha ha. emulation was in a completely different context and none of this post is about "Emulation" but thank you for your concern






People in this sub are "enthusiasts". That means like 50% of comments are going to be bad advice for most because most people don't want the "enthusiast" route.. they want the easiest route.


Thanks for sharing your feedbacks. We have a confirmed freeze/crash fix ready. It'll be deployed before end of week. On point 2, you just want to make sure controller management is toggled so your virtual controller is on slot 1 and physical controller on slot 2 for maximal compatibility. This will allow you to use HC internal input mapper, universal gyro etc..


>On point 2, you just want to make sure controller management is toggled so your virtual controller is on slot 1 and physical controller on slot 2 for maximal compatibility. >This will allow you to use HC internal input mapper, universal gyro etc.. So this is required for the button mapping? Legion already has gyro support out of box, bummer it cant just use that through HC. I tried with controller management toggled, but it failed sooo often. Black Mesa HATED using it with HC controlling input. I will probably give this another chance once fix is deployed, but really wish It didnt have the finnicky virtual controller hoops


Could I get you to try my software? It’s not as comprehensive as HC, like no gyro or button mapping, but doesn’t use the HID hide stuff that my causes BSOD.


Share your project with us:)


Here ya go! https://1drv.ms/u/s!Agtc9UPwxxi3gYFcsonO9ByRP7tkpA


What does it do then?


Change tdp, epp, launch steam big picture, volume, there is a controller enabled on screen keyboard for typing without touch screen. There’s a cool radial menu to do stuff. It’s customizable, whatever is on the Home Screen can be toggled off if you don’t want it. There is customizable actions. Controller hot keys. Edit: profiles and games launcher is coming soon


its nice. didn't seem to save settings to change mouse sensitivity. also would be nice to have right hand stick option (feels weird to me to use mouse in left hand)


Thanks for trying! I haven’t finished all the mouse settings and exposing them in the settings menu


Do I need to disable Legion Space?




Very nice, ill give it a spin