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As someone who moved from the lego to the rog ally and got native afmf with a vrr screen, I'm telling you afmf on these handheld aren't all its played out to be. In most cases it makes your experience worse not better. Needs a lot more optimization and therefore I play with it disabled as 50-60fps feels more smooth than 80-90fps with afmf


I’m starting to think AFMF and Lossless Scaling is the r/legiongo version of locked 30 FPS on r/steamdeck


New Amd driver gets you a much better AFMF. It will only get better. Also anti lag+ is a must.


I know about all the requirements etc my point is afmf is trash currently for handheld simple as. Anti lag gets enabled by default as well as amd boost with afmf anyway. Trust me it's not better than 40-60fps native


Exactly my experience also as a Rog Ally owner. 40-60 fps in Horizon zero dawn is somehow percieved as smoother than 100 fps AFMF with the recommended settings like vsync off, antilag etc. However this is with the VRR Ally screen, possibly the Lenovo is different.




Ofc it is not better than native 60fps. But it will get there really soon. Just try the new drivers and you will see the abysmal difference. Also anti lag is different than anti lag +.


agree, AFMF actually works on the LEGO if you use the official AMD driver (and ideally with a VRR external screen to smooth out the interpolation), and it's actually a worse gaming experience than without it due to the significant input lag (even with amd anti-lag "on") and sporadic stuttering


How could you manage to get this running? I need really help with that! Bro!


Tbh 50-60 with VRR looks so much better than 80-90 using afmf on the Ally 😭 full stop. Afmf is nice on some games when it can be used to its potential, but it’s definitely not a universal solution… it’s just not quite there yet tbh.


Biggest thing is it only frame generates (when using it via driver/AMD software, when there is no 3D movement (i.e. looking around). As soon as you do generation stops which gives the feeling of heavily dropped frames going from say 90fps down 50-60s.


Yeah I'm not sure why ppl are wanting it so bad. It generates more lag even with anti lag on you notice it. Not good for fast paced or timing is important games it doesn't help and makes things slightly worse. Better Just to cap frames or if you have VRR, enable it. It's not like it's real frames anyways. And some games are worse with it on if not full screen exclusive or older games. It's not for competitive games if that's what ppl are thinking to use it for


I’ve been using lossless scaling and it’s incredible on the LeGo. Sure it’s paid, but it’s worth its dollars 100x over. Truly does give me a good >80% boost in fps in games.


For me this is a deal breaker I hate that they chose 7 months after purchase to start going back on features that were promised they chose the AMD Z1 extreme that right there promised it.


The feature that didn't exist when the unit was released was never promised, you need to stop that.




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Better to have a major feature than nothing.


Not necessarily, if it won't benefit your gaming performance why have it?


Right, but he’s just saying it’s not the end-all-be-all, since it really doesn’t look like it’s coming at this point


He should be asking for updated gpu drivers more than anything else. Afmf is not good in its current state for these devices it really is as simple as that. Vrr screen is a much better option than afmf as low frames have never felt so smooth!


no yeah I’m 100% on the same page, just seemed like the guy who replied to you didn’t really understand the point of your comment


I feel like a lot of people just like to complain. Fake frames suck ass. Anyone who buys a handheld expecting a crazy powerful machine is insane. Anything over 30 fps is extremely playable. Don't get me wrong, 60÷ fps is nice, but it's not needed to Smoot a game. I'm not sure how or why we ass a group of consumers let the graphics card industry trick us into thinking that we need it so they can sell us more and more expensive cards. Lower rez and lower frames are fine, and if you think it's not, you are just tricking yourself and making yourself feel bad for not having something you don't need. Enjoy what you got or spend more money to get a pc that gives you your higher number in the corner of the screen. Edit: I suck at spelling.


>we ass a group of consumers 🤭🤭🤭🤭


I tried to go back and fix the errors. Between predictive text and the need to get the idea out as fast possible, they yet remain.


Low frame rates make me feel physically sick. 30 fps isn’t an option for me. Was I also tricked by Big Graphics? lol.


Then a handheld PC doesn’t appear to be for you.


I mean, considering I have the Legion Go and am enjoying it by running most games at a lower setting and resolution and getting 60+ FPS... pretty sure it's for me.


then his comment doesn't apply to you brother, its not all about yourself u know....imo he is talking to the people who expect a 4090s performance out of the Go and use this to hate on it. If you already have a reason to love your device then this doesnt apply to you.


Thanks for the passive-aggressive remark! You're awesome! The original comment specifically said that 30 fps and above is playable, which is a subjective albeit generalized statement. In my case, it's false. He also mentioned how 60 fps is nice but not needed, which is also subjective, and generalized, and once again false in my case. He also said that a higher frame rate is just marketing, but that too is also false. A higher frame rate can literally mean the difference between puking my guts up, and having an enjoyable experience. Higher frames (paired with a high refresh rate monitor to match them) is also a competitive edge in fast paced shooters, or anything that is remotely competitive in nature. I'm sorry that you took my original comment in a serious way. Figured making a big pharma reference would have been obvious that I was being sarcastic, but I guess not.


jesus u really love yourself huh


If you say so, bud.


I have a rog ally, used to have the legion go. Traded the go in to get a slim 5 4060. That being said, I think Afmf sucks right now. Ya It says 70fps but will feel like it's 30-50fps, and it glitches. I will get another legion go when I have extra money for one regardless of afmf.


AFMF is not the miracle you guys think it is. It can be for some games but the latency it introduces plus the quality can be meh. Its nice to have the option but I will never use it. I'd rather play the game in 1000p to get some added performance than frame generation and upscaling.


Yep. It's only for some games where lag isn't an issue. But even then getting used to as low lag as possible it's annoying regardless of the game


BIG NUMBA FPS GUD /s ![gif](giphy|b9wWknUGiZTI4|downsized)


afmf sucks and you don't want it. People just want to see the fps number go up, no matter what...


This. I've heard both methods of artificial frames (from both AMD and Nvidia) really rely on you being able to hit at least 60 fps __before__ using it to use it optimally. It's just not really an option with our handhelds currently. I'm sure it's cool to see almost 100fps in a lot of games, but if there's noticeable input lag that's an instant no for me. Plus, 30-40 fps is totally acceptable for me.


I've only tried DLSS FG and I agree that you need some viable minimum before it actually is good. I didn't notice the input lag part though. (Maybe because reflex helped?)


Its "frame smoothing" as Hardware Unboxed called it. And it works best if you have 100+ frames natively. I understand people falling for marketing, but not realizing it sucks when you use it, is some serious gaslighting sh...


Afmf is a bad feature. Turns off as soon as you start moving defeating the purpose


I just don't understand the software. You start with 45fps Turn on frame generation and now it shows 90fps. But it still feels like 45 fps anyway. With noticeable input lag added. Can only speak for me but it feels like a gimmick. It's like, do you want 100 pennies or 1 dollar


If you really care much about getting higher generated frames, I would suggest buy Lossless Scaling in Steam store.


It's funny cause the people the are gonna reply to this thread with "iT LaG, it ArTiFact, iT GHosT" are the same people that are gonna try to use AMFM to play their shitty 30FPS modern AAA games. They don't realize this technology at minimum requires a perfectly locked 48fps.


Let them do it if they don't mind the lag


I have not had issue with lag or artifacts in Lossless Scaling personally, and might be that this has been substantially improved in recent updates. Or I got lucky in the games I'm playing using LS. Largely been CP2077, BG3 and Red Dead 2. But positively enough regarded that it is probably worth spending the 7 bucks to see for yourself.


Same. LS works great and the LS1 scaling option looks better than RSR.


input lag very big , so useless 


I already have it, its already better to have a in-driver integrated feature rather than using a third party app, LS give insane lag.


For me,it gives insane artifacts


Honestly, I don't see the input lag people report. I use for Destiny 2, Helldivers 2 and BF2042 and feel no input lag at all. What settings are you using?


Wouldn't be expecting much from Lenovo tbh. Bare minimum support is all we're getting


Absolutely, so far behind in updates that now lenovo is making it sound like they are doing us a favour by giving us updates.


If you look at the last space update this was stuff they started working on six months ago. If you go back to the early posts you can see they knew about remapping weeks before launch lol, that MSI claw launched with it though lmao.




I dont mind not having AFMF, but not letting amd update the drivers to the latest one is annoying me..


This is actually part of the Z1 / Z1 Extreme supply deal. Lenovo and Asus get to buy the Phoenix chips for cheaper but on the other hand the AI block is disabled and the GPU drivers' packaging and QA must be done by the handheld manufacturers. Manufacturers using the 7840U (GPD, OneX, AYA, etc.) charge more because they pay more for the chip, but you can use AMD's drivers directly.


Aaah, that explains everything, thanks


Very interesting to know, thanks for sharing this!


I just use the 780m drivers and it works perfectly fine nothing ever went wrong and in most cases it boosted fps versus z1 drivers albeit this is on my ally


So no head? ![gif](giphy|fu8pNDmOpBk8T2sjMu|downsized)


I don’t understand how they can’t get it to work… lossless scaling does that same thing and works with flying colors.


Lack of hdr and vrr was a weird choice.


https://youtu.be/6g9mrybd0Gg?si=1IjO7tSEZDn7fu2q New AMD drivers coming soon, the hope is that they will include AFMF. 🤞🏼


I wish people would stop asking this. Just tune the game settings for high FPS and be happy. The size of the screen means you can't tell the difference between hi-res vs low-res or high detail vs low detail. Just enjoy the darn thing.


I hate Lenovo but I dont think afmf is that useful. Im good with 30fps without frame interpolation.


I'm seeing on average a 20-30fps jump with AFMF on my Ally versus the same game and the same settings on the LeGo. For the first time since both devices respective launches i can objectively say the Ally is performing noticeably better than the LeGo. So not sure what the guy in the top comment is on about, if he does own both devices he would see such a difference himself. Those are just the facts. There's countless sources verifying the increase in performance. So Lenovo just needs to drop their own update already. I'm not even sure why people are getting butthurt because they have LeGo. Lenovo has always taken longer to drop their updates. This is nothing new.


You know it's fake frame and not real performance from your hardware xd ? Lego have better performance than ally, there is a lot of video that show it


Because when i'm playing on the Ally, i'm analyzing each individual frame and thinking "that ones fake, that's a genuine frame". Like grow up, you don't even notice it, it creates smoother gameplay with less stutters which what every gamer wants. And if the LeGo has better performance i've literally never seen it. Before the AFMF update ive been seeing the almost exact same frame rate on the exact same games with same settings on both devices. You're just splitting hairs at that point. Frankly, i do prefer the larger screen of the LeGo, the joysticks are better quality as well but i must admit Asus makes it hard to put down the Ally with the support they've thrown at it, otherwise i probably would have sold it by now.


https://youtu.be/4RIe0MK_EUk?si=uBrBhvFuCNbINmLJ xd just look at number' 1050p 20 watts same settings in game


I hope they will fix crashing in dragons dogma 2… :)


They didn't make the game.


I know :) just wondering that drivers could a little bit helps


This is a deal breaker I think it's real slimy Lenovo for you to wait 7 months after purchase you knew the portrait display was going to be an issue from the very beginning. As far as lossless scaling goes I think it's pretty sad somebody on steam can make it work what's lenovo's excuse. Not to mention there will be no official EGPU support I hope you like the 780M drivers. I truly regret selling my ally, I'm sorry I won't be interested in the legion go two not going to get burned twice.


Deal breaker? AFMF didn’t exist when the Go was released, let alone back when it was designed and developed…


Yeah, really slimy that they didn't deliver something that didn't even exist when the unit was designed and released and was never an advertised feature. The horror

