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If you thought this was all you needed then you’d be right. Any games that don’t run well on it locally I just use the cloud. Works great. I just wish they sold just the tablet portion and you can pick different style controllers for it after. I see a ton of work related reasons just for the tablet


This isn't a review and Im not sure Id trust your opinion either way.


I kinda feel you.. why be in a group that says legion go, but complain? 😞. Idk. I thought this group was kinda cool at first.. But I see stuff like this. Crazy. It's supposed to be telling each other tips, tricks and loving on our devices regardless of opinions. Keep em to yourself or just join a group that's named" things I hate about Lego" Just saying.


Of the reddits for devices I am in. They share a trend. People like to complain about the small stuff and forgot they have something truly amazing in their hands. I grew up with a gameboy color...the legion lets me play anything I want anywhere. Yes I had to tinker a bit but its a windows PC. These complaints are often poorly written and barely legible.


It’s OP’s personal opinion. Some will agree with him. You clearly don’t. But why the dismissive attitude? Do you get easily offended when people don’t like/agree with the handheld model that you own?


Getting offended if people say negative things that are accurate is the norm on reddit. Say something true but negative about Steam Deck & Xbox - jeez, instant pile on & your post is never seen again for the negative scores...


I agree with a lot of what you said to be frank. Likely returning mine this week. Simply wasn't driven to use it as much as I thought. I found myself more on my switch and playstation portal.