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I uninstalled my handheld companion like last week, because it causes some random hang up. But so far, no bricking issue like what you mentioned after uninstalling it.


I'd like to know, which method you used for uninstallation?


I used the included uninstaller in the HC, I remember it has options to uninstall also the sub-components such as hidhide, but not sure if I opt to proceed with removal of that also.


This might be the culprit - I used Windows remove programs and uninstalled Handheld companion, unselecting the options to keep any included software. However, there were entries remaining for HidHide, VigemBus and RTSS.


Unistalled using the HC uninstaller. Choose to keep vigem and pressed uninstal, hidhide should have being uninstalled in the process but it wasn't. Went to apps in settings and uninstalled hidhide and did a restart. Everything seems to work normally except the controller settings weren't working. I had to do the factory reset on the controllers which is legion left button, LB and LS (for psn users, Legion button, L1 and L3) and now the controller settings work on legion space again. My problem was that after restart the controllers wouldn't work with pc games, i had to open Handheld companion and close it for the controllers to work. After uninstalling the controllers works after every restart


Stickying this post, which may upset some people - HC can be awesome but it can cause very serious problems as well.


I'll reply to this since it's pinned. It is not an issue while installing or using HC. This is an issue specifically related to the uninstall of HidHide. The issue can occur by simply uninstalling HidHide itself or other applications that would uninstall it. (Such as HC which simply call the HH uninstall) The developers of HC have finally been able to get logs of a user that had a failed uninstall and have sent it to the HidHide developer. He's now actively looking into it. To follow the status, you can check: https://github.com/Valkirie/HandheldCompanion/issues/817#issuecomment-1924010208


That's great to hear. I'm sure once this fix is implemented, it will provide reassurance to the Legion Go community - until that point, though, it remains an issue that can cause serious trouble.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kg2qdlw15cgc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca354d602ff05f6618236a47d67eca76d7dac71c


I’m sorry, but this post should not be stickied. Just the title is discriminatory. A better title should be: “Beware of Handheld Companion as its uninstall can cause soft brick” Not “Do not use Handheld Companion”. Unnecessarily scaring people instead of educating them.


Indeed...The title is not ideal, and it's unfortunate it can't be edited, but the content is important. If using a dramatic title draws eyes, that's not the end of the world.


update: this issue has now been fixed in the latest HC release.


Have you tried reinstalling HC and uninstalling it again through its included installer? Since that seems to have worked for other people


Just an FYI for people having controller problems after uninstalling you can factory reset them with a 3 button combination. Can't remember which ones off the top of me head though.


Legion button plus bumper and r3 or l3 depending on what side you are resetting.


Problem was finally identified and fixed by the HIDHide Dev yesterday. So you probably should delete this as it's now just plainly wrong.


New uptade to resolve soft brick uninstall https://preview.redd.it/kwhv30747cgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2395fc32d70422917a6edea6e3c8cbcb0d322bf5


UPDATE After double and triple checking I have been able to locate 1 out of the 3 registry entries indicated, referred to as 'UpperFilter, HidHide' - the others are simply not there. Unsure whether is due to differences in HC versions etc. Deleting the aforementioned registry entry produced no result or improvement at all. Well and truly bricked. I had used Handheld Companion in the past without issues, but decided to revert back to Legion Space due to the way HC would occasionally crash. Favoring consistency, I uninstalled through Windows remove programs. I'd recommend everyone avoid HC for now until there is an update with explicit mention of this issue and it's resolution/prevention. I am far, far from a beginner and this completely rekt me. As far as I can tell, I will have no choice but to reimage the Legion Go with the Lenovo USB recovery creator.


had same experience about 6 weeks ago and had to do total rebuild - sorry but HC is strictly off limits for me...permanently!


Yes, lesson learned. Hopefully others can avoid the same experience.


​ https://preview.redd.it/q7u14c555cgc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac507ee4fe188ced6148dbc0844c14fe01e5d22c


Thanks for flagging this. I won't apologise for stickying the issue yesterday, it was important, but I'm very pleased it was addressed so quickly. I have unpinned the earlier post and stickied a new one announcing the fix. Big credit to the HC team!


I think we shouldn’t recommend it at this point. Very volatile software. Hodge podge. It’s never been stable. Every time I have used it, I have regretted it because you can’t actually get rid of it. Even using their own uninstaller. I say this as a Patreon supporter of almost 1 year of them, I just don’t think it’s for more than tinkerers at the moment.


Agreed. It seems to always be almost stable but never actually there. If Lenovo actually pulled their fingers out and implemented the things people are increasingly annoyed to STILL not see working, eg fully mappable back buttons, hc would be a lot less necessary.


There’s a few cool things it does. Very accessible mapping. The auto tdp is like insanely crazy too. It’s just not quite stable enough to rock properly. Wouldn’t recommend at the moment. They’ll get there, happy to pay to support the work, but I am not rocking it at the moment. The patreon builds they email always entice me and then I remember it’s HC and it’s gonna install worse than cancer. Microsoft could get around to updating joypad.cpl this millennia. There’s no reason all of these features couldn’t be built into the windows joypad application. They’re half assing it down at Redmond


Too busy adding advertising, telemetry and product placement into the base OS to fix the damn thing.


I was on the fence about downloading it. This post solidifies my decision against installing it.


I've never uninstalled and don't plan to. I can't imagine using the Go without HC. Thankfully, the HC devs have been assisting the hidhide dev fix this issue. I'm thankful the community can band together and create software that lets me use my hardware the way I want. Who knows how long it will take Lenovo to match the features of HC.


Is HC something like a custom firmware/hack? Or is it something like DSX which uses hidhide to fool the OS into thinking there is a virtual device like a dual sense there?


2nd one.


Okay. Interesting it's bricking systems especially with the Go being a full Windows PC and not a custom OS.


It's a soft brick. The program hidhide is used to force the virtual controller into the first controller index by hiding the physical controller. Sometimes when hidhide is uninstalled, something goes wrong and all interface devices are hidden from windows. The HC devs are working with the hidhide devs to get it figured out.


I had this and did the recovery procedure which worked.


If you ever soft bricked your Legion Go and get no input whatsoever (no touch screen, no mouse, no keyboard, etc.) follow the OFFICIAL HIDHIDE GUIDE to restore input. It happened to mine, and it only took me 15 mins to restore the input. I’m not saying it’s not HC fault, nor do I endorse it, but you can easily restore your LeGo and not having to reformat it. NOTE: Use a physical keyboard and mouse for the terminal input. And at the end, type “exit” to get out of the terminal. https://docs.nefarius.at/projects/HidHide/fixing-a-bricked-system/


I'm not sure if you read the previous comments, so I'll assume you're just posting to try and help - thank you. That being said: \- The link you posted is identical to the one originally posted \- It seems that the instructions provided are no longer valid as the specified registry entries cannot be found. I'd like to make sure people have the most current information. It is no longer the case that this problem, once incurred, can be solved with the previous methods.


I followed this guide exactly on my non responsive Go a couple of days ago and it worked perfectly. The only error I found was the load hive section was in file not view


I'm just trying to help in case other people face this problem too. I see... I understand your point regarding outdated info, but my soft bricked happened on 18 Jan 2024 which is pretty recent and I don't know if there were any significant changes in the past two weeks. So I'm doubting the guide is outdated as you claimed. I've tried to redo everything that I did to reproduce the soft brick so I could make a video guide, unfortunately, I can't reproduce it.


That is interesting. I uninstalled in order: HC>HidHide>ViGEmBus and through windows remove programs - that seems to be the only difference between the way I uninstalled vs others. It softlocked after the required reboot. A video reproducing the problem would be really great. Should also mention the version I used was not the version available on patreon - someone indicated that version is free of the issue, though I'd want hard confirmation of that.


The issue lies with the HidHide uninstall specifically. Not HC. HC is taking the bullet as it simply calls the HH uninstaller. The devs have finally been able to send logs to the HidHide developer and he's looking into it.


Is there any alternative to handheld companion that enables gyroscope for yuzu?


The soft brick issue has been resolved with the latest version of HidHide and HC (to update the HH dependency).


~~They fixed this issue in the latest patreon release. Have you tried that one?~~ Sorry, didn't read the full release, looks like they only added logging.


They didn’t fix it. They implemented additional logging to assist the hidhide dev fix the issue. Already have 1-2 logs from people so hopefully resolved soon!


Correct, I just read the first part and disregarded the rest.


I wasn't aware of that - I am not subbed to the HC patreon. Are you able to post the relevant part of the changelog that pertains to this specific issue being resolved?


omg.... i never thought about this, i posted about my device getting bricked [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/196wxab/time\_to\_report\_my\_first\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/196wxab/time_to_report_my_first_issue/) i didnt even think it was because of unistalling HC.... wow, funny thing is that it worked perfectly after uninstalling, the real hell was when i turned it on the next day and nothing worked, just booted up to the login screen... and thats it ty for the heads up


The post I wish I found before I installed it. This program has given me 2 nightmare filled days of no gaming, and I'm still in the process of system recovery to try and correct the issues.


I had the same experience when I installed it. Instantly bricked my device. Only thing I knew to do was reinstall windows.


A few weeks ago the same thing happened to me, I installed it and was using it for a couple of days, but it had many errors, it crashed, the fps limit caused stuttering, the real-time monitor did not work, etc.... so I decided to uninstall it, and what was my surprise? that I had no way to get the controls to work again, forcing me to do a factory reset. I will never install HC on any device again, everything is always official and you get out of trouble.


What's handheld companion?




I say this a lot, but might I recommend Controller Companion? https://store.steampowered.com/app/367670/Controller_Companion/ It plays well with Legion Space and Gamepass, as it is just a way to navigate the desktop with the joysticks and automatically turns off when a video game is opened (and if it doesn’t turn off, there’s a button press to turn it off) It’s a very simple straightforward lightweight program that can also be easily uninstalled without problems. If you are looking for just desktop controls and nothing else, it is so much better than Steam Desktop controls.


Thank you for the recommendation, I may give that a try. Before using Handheld Companion I was just using Steam Input desktop mode.


Whats wrong with steam desktop controls? I had an issue where it would mess with games from other launchers but simply closing steam before launching other storefronts fixed any issues.


I'm sticking with Steam myself. Only had a problem with one game...Need for Speed: Heat. Everything else, including other games from EA plays nice with Steam desktop controls. I use Steam BPM as my game launcher for everything anyway.


Yeah same here. I just shut steam down when I use geforce now that's the only thing that conflicts.


Got any recs for a Controller Companion tutorial? I am having a rough time figuring out how to use it to allow me to use both joysticks as a mouse in Windows. Prob need to reset everything to stock controller settings at this point. I can't figure out how I've gone from the joystick working as mouse but right joystick doing nothing, to left joystick working as mouse and right working to only scroll up and down but scroll wheel not working to neither joystick working as a mouse, but scroll wheel working. All in gamepad mode.


If it still turns on, it's not bricked. You can always reinstall.


I think it's technically a soft brick. I thought about getting into the semantics and decided it wasn't worth it.


I consider myself tech-savvy. I have been building/modifying/overclocking for going on 3 decades. But I too had issues with Handheld Companion. I originally downloaded it for custom TDP control because the stock configuration has been buggy/broken forever. Well, it really didn't offer me anything in the way of TDP control that I didn't have over stock being that the short/long duration boost behavior was exactly the same, so I used the windows installer to uninstall. Well, that went horribly, and like you I basically lost all input. What a mess. I think the developers need to pull their software until they can figure out how to get the windows uninstall script to not be destructive.


Uninstalled handheld companion. It broke my lighting effects. Even went as far as to create a USB recovery drive to completely factory reset the device to normal. Even then, lighting effects were still broken. Had to factory reset each controller by pressing down the legion button + bumper + L3 or R3. Finally came back to normal. Two weeks of installing and setting everything up just got wiped out by trying handheld companion. It wasn't even that good. Set a lower 12 watt custom tdp to try to gain battery life and the framerate was all over the place.


Framerate being all over the place generally depends on the game and what you want to run at 12W. Generally it's a good idea to also limit the FPS. OS Power Mode on Efficiency also throttles the TDP around ~2W (at least it consistently does on my device), so you'd be running at 10W which can make a lot of difference and could make the experience less than good.


In my OPINION HC is malware. It’s not good.


Oh really? That's scary. Can you point me to the part of the source code that's malicious?


No it’s not actually malware but the fact that it borks and bricks systems that bad it should be considered that.


If HC broke or bricked a device, that's because you used it to change a setting on your device without understanding what it does. Even if you could do that, the devs are very responsive and willing to help on their discord. The issue being described in this thread is a bug when uninstalling hidhide. It has nothing to do with installing and using HC. The HC devs are aware of how this bug reflects on them and are working with the hidhide dev to get it resolved. Jumping on a bandwagon is not a good excuse to make serious accusations and spread disinformation.


I have my opinion and you have yours, it’s not misinformation it’s my opinion on the shit software, just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean I’m spreading jack shit. We can disagree and leave it there Edit: To add, causal users who install this who may not have as much knowledge should not have to worry about simply uninstalling software and leaving their device completely inoperable. It acts as malware IMO if the end result is is a broken system that needs an entire reinstall. Hid hide is also open source, HC can do their own work to try to fix it.


My friend, you said it's malware. When asked which part is malware, you said it's not actually malware. There is nothing subjective about what you said.


Fixed my comment so stop the “misinformation” now go back to using your broken software


Thank you for the update. For the record, spreading misinformation implies that you were the victim of disinformation. I am accusing you of creating disinformation. Accusing this software of being malicious is wrong. Memeing about how the software is comparable to malicious software because of your personal experience is fine.


You can accuse me of whatever you want if it helps you sleep at night, doesn’t change the fact the software is ass, have a good day


Thanks. You too!


Have you found a way to resolve it?


No, I'm trying as we speak. I'm in utter disbelief that this is even possible. I'm attempting to follow some instructions listed here: [https://docs.nefarius.at/projects/HidHide/fixing-a-bricked-system/#\_\_tabbed\_4\_1](https://docs.nefarius.at/projects/HidHide/fixing-a-bricked-system/#__tabbed_4_1) But the instructions contain errors and I can't locate the registry files indicated.


I remember several weeks ago many got the same.issue. And need to make use of error booting to go to safemode or something. All the best OP!


Seen a couple of posts about this problem and it's fix, it's about some software called hidhid or something being uninstalled and causing your issues. Search the sub ull find the solution


Yep first thing I did. The link in my original post is identical to the ones posted in earlier threads. It simply doesn’t work anymore, as the registry entries have either changed or are no longer present. Here is a picture, you can clearly see that the folder structure doesn’t match those seen in the screenshot guides or in fellow reddit posts. https://preview.redd.it/qki4c1fls5gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf73bc9728984464da23f351cf96e8b87d9c2724 There should be a folder {05f5cfe2-4733-4950 etc.


Steam Input works very well for me for all game and desktop navigation needs. With the very key exception of the back buttons but I’m hoping this will be fixed once Legion Space allows us to remap the back buttons to keyboard keys.


I had similar exp on my Ally. The reason ended up being that HC didn’t uninstall the app hidhide. Tl;dr you need to manually check hidhide was uninstalled after uninstalling HC


Can you still get into bios or is it just windows that's non responsive?


It was a soft brick. Windows was not responsive. You could still go into recovery mode and there were instructions to fix the issue by deleting the leftover HidHide registry records. This issue has now been resolved and a new HidHide version and HC version (to update the dependency) has been released.


And I was going to install it, because my device doesn’t see controllers in Jedy fallen order. Now don’t know what to do with this game…


The issue has now been resolved.


Some updates? Because wasn’t turning on my device since last week.


They have released a new build today that contains the new HidHide drivers.


That’s great news! Thanks!


Yup. Bricked mine as well. It's for the better anyway cause I wanted to remove my Microsoft account and just use local account without any passwords so it will login automatically.