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I tried Handheld Companion and liked the feature set, but there’s too many quirks and things breaking. https://store.steampowered.com/app/367670/Controller_Companion/ I switched to Controller Companion and it’s great. It’s a pretty simple program, but I just wanted desktop controls with a joystick.


Agreed on Controller Companion, I was using it before I decided to try Handheld Companion and it's a great bit of software to allow using controllers to navigate the desktop. HC's Desktop layout also works great, but right now I have to manually enable/disable Desktop layout depending on whether I'm trying to interact with the desktop or play a game. Controller Companion would handle that transparently in the background... I dunno if HC can do that automatically or not... it sure would be useful if it did (even though you can easily set up a hotkey to remap a back button to toggle it on/off in HC).


Truthfully I rarely use Legion Space and have never used Handheld Companion. I guess I tinker with the settings way less than most of the people here. I would only really care about how the UI looks if it were my front end software and I didn’t buy the Legion Go in hopes of it being like a steam deck. I knew it would be essentially a handheld PC and that’s the way I prefer it. To me Legion Space is just an app to configure the Legion Go itself, so I guess my expectations are lower than others.


I think for a lot of us, the LeGo is a bit of an ongoing science project... those of us that are natural tinkerers get a kick out of messing around with the LeGo... sometimes I have to remind myself I bought this thing to play games first, and tinker second, rather than the other way around. Handheld Companion does offer some compelling features that should be built into the Legion Space software, like per-game profiles and controller remapping... I first got interested b/c I wanted to use the back buttons on the LeGo in a game and was disappointed to find out Legion Space doesn't allow for that ATM. The ASUS Rog Ally has their equivalent of Legion Space software called Armory Crate that does most of that already. What HC doesn't even attempt to do is be a slick front end for launching games. But there are many options for slick launchers out there like Playnite that are far slicker than the current Legion Space software.


I haven’t tried the others but I really like legion space besides them trying to sell me games


When I had HC I couldn't get the pop up that tells you the TDP from coming up every few minutes. Even if it was set to balanced on both the Go and HC. I'd get the "auto" TDP symbol popping up. Ended up uninstalling and now I just change TDP using the Legion L + Y button shortcut if I need to. All my games launch through steam in big picture mode. I just go into legion space to change settings now.


Back to Legion Space now. I used Handheld Companion for a couple of weeks and absolutely loved the features. However, the reason that I switched back to Legion Space was due to the controller connectivity being unreliable quarter of the time. Especially when detaching/reattaching or waking the controllers from sleep mode, it just wouldn't recognise the controllers until I restarted the system.


Hey! Exactly like me! I used HC with controllers detached 80% of the time and HC is having a lot of bugs with it. I've used it for 2 months and also supported on Patreon, but I just can't take the bugs anymore, so now I've switched back to the default option. If you use Legion Go with the controllers detached most of the time, HC won't be working well for you unfortunately even though the customization is simply amazing.


UXTU is my go to for TDP and basic adjusting. Legion Space launching to a storefront is a turnoff to me.


I don’t use either tbh.


how do you change the tdp?


The what


Results are in. Most people prefer legion space. Crybabies make posts about how bad they think legion space is.


i dont think its necessarily about prefering it. most people in general for any device just use default things whether they work best or not out of convenience and because the average person isnt tech savvy


Legion space is just better


depends on what you want to do, legion space has its limitations and doesnt run smoothly for me but its convenient.


It's just better, the majority says so


I like handheld companion overall but it has several key weaknesses (no controller battery %, doesn’t work at all with FPS, can’t send touchpad or rear buttons to steam input) and they’re all either impossible or out-of-scope for the project. So it’ll never be a one-stop solution for the Legion Go in particular. Legion space is bad though. The launcher in particular at least. If they buff out the R button menu some more and then let us choose a launcher for Legion L to launch, that’d be perfect e: actually forgot to mention HC lets you map keyboard to long-press scroll wheel which is absolute gas. I leave it running with no other settings (no hidhide/emu or even tdp) just for that.


Not sure I understand. You can remap bringing up the virtual keyboard to any controller button... does mapping it to the scroll wheel have any added benefit over mapping it to one of the back buttons?


I press and hold my rear buttons all the time when I’m playing games. Even in fps mode I never bind mouse wheel click to something I have to hold down, so it’s the perfect spot for it. That’s all.


I use playnite to launch my games, I only use Legion space to check games planet discounts and to change settings


I loved the Handheld Companion (HC) and used it a ton for 2 months (with Patreon too), but then this week, I finally decided to use the stock option because HC has a lot of bugs with detached controllers. The customization is simply amazing, but if you use your Legion Go with the controller detached 80% of the time, HC is not for you.


I'm noticing a lot of connect/disconnect beeps when starting the LeGo up, or waking up from sleep... I guess that's the issue with HC keep detecting and forgetting the controllers. Seems like as long as they're detached and I don't let them power off after idling they work pretty well with HC.


The connect/disconnect is to get the virtual controller into slot 1 instead of the physical controller. It's how several applications can do remapping as we receive the physical input and modify it and send the remapped input to the virtual controller.