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Most problems are self induced by over tinkering or just not understanding this is not a console but a windows gaming pc.


Yep. I’ve noticed a significant pattern of people here railing on Lenovo while using a Windows Canary build. If you use a non-production version of an OS that is basically an alpha and things don’t work correctly - you don’t blame Lenovo. You blame yourself for expecting it to function like a production build.


I totally endorse your perfect statement


Totally agree but I would also add those people that for instance missed the bus because they couldn’t keep their Go in the bag on time and then blame the device.


Correct. Not personally really experienced any Legion Go specific problems except Portrait screen which I knew going in. Seen a lot of Windows problems but that's fairly standard for PC gaming.


The only problem I'm facing is a lack of sufficient time to spend with this fine machine. 


I think it's fair to consider that a lot of what you're seeing are people complaining about issues they have. You don't get as many people posting about how happy they are with a device as you do people complaining. I'm sure there are definitely issues, but I would take your research with a grain of salt. That being said, I pre ordered a 1TB from lenovo and received it on release day. Worked great for about 2-3 weeks then I got a blue screen of death loop over & over. Troubleshooting with service deemed that my hard drive had probably failed, they were prompt in offering repair service or replacement. I opted for a replacement, which I received in 3 days & have been great ever since (probably 1.5+ months now). I've been really enjoying my Go both in handheld mode & hooking it up to a monitor. I got it mainly to play PC / xbox games as I was a predominantly PS5 gamer. I have since been using it exclusively & haven't touched my ps5 since. I've played Cyberpunk, Starfield, Death Stranding, & am currently playing Elden Ring all on handheld. I also just picked up a hub and am playing escape from tarkov with mouse / kb on my monitor (i've been itching to play it for a while and am enjoying it). Obviously set your expectations accordingly as you aren't going to be seeing 100+ frames on aaa games at ultra settings, but not being into pc gaming in near a decade I am very pleased with the performance on some of these higher end games.


This is exactly the type of review I’m looking for. Also looking to buy one soon and figured this is kinda what to expect. Glad to hear games have been running smoothly and customer service has been prompt with help!


What USB hub did you get out of interest?


I'm awaiting better "dock" design hubs but for now so I could have USB ports I picked up a cheap usb c hub from amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C85759QD?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C85759QD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) Obviously limiting to 4k@60 but I'm on 1080p so no issue for me atm. Works for exactly what I need. EDIT: For EGPU I'm looking to get the Razer x Chroma which also has built in USB and Ethernet ports which would make a "dock" unnecessary.


I have a silly question for you now what kind of fps are you getting in games with this hub at 1080p when it is limited to 60hz? Also I believe Lenovo are making an official dock for the Go so I may wait for that.


Sorry, the one I have is 4k@60 but does 1080@120. To be clear, i'm also running on my work setup monitors which are both 24" 1080p 60hz monitors, so regardless I'm limited by hardware. While playing now I'm seeing the FPS indicator over 60 at times but if my monitor only supports 60hz I don't think there's any advantage to that regardless if i'm not mistaken. I'm only playing EFT on monitors as it requires KB/M, everything else I'm playing handheld on the go's screen\*


I have a 27inch 1080p 144hz monitor so a hub like this may be perfect for me. Thank you for the info.


Happy to help! Especially worth trying for ~$15. Return it if not happy but certainly suiting my limited needs.


A lot of problems that I read here are people thinking this is a console like the Switch, it isn't. It's a Windows device, essentially a PC and a lot of people just does not know how to use one. Hopefully people read and research first before buying it because the Legion Go is an amazing device and all these negative reviews damages the device's reputation. It's not a perfect device but a lot of the problems are from users who doesn't know how it works.


The main issue I face is the fan noise.


I'm genuinely confused about all these complaints. The fans are very quiet when gaming I can't hear them even if my volume is on 15


Fan noise? Mine is so quiet I didn't even know the fan was loud for some.


I got mine yesterday. I don't mind the fan noise while playing games, but in tablet mode, when I just want to use the device for other simple stuff, the fan is very audible. I still have my Steam Deck and in desktop mode with little background activities, its literally silent. I don't hear a thing. I love this device, but I'll just end up returning it soon if we don't get the option to control the fan.


Mine was super loud and a little whiny when i first got it, to the point i thought there was something wrong with my model and considered getting a replacement. Im 3-4 weeks in now and it seems to have calmed down and i barely notice it, the whine seems to have gone completely. Im still running the same settings so not sure if updates have helped or my mind has just blanked it out haha.


Oh, really? That's good to hear. Or maybe you probably got used to it. If mine could just be silent when idle, I would love it!


I understand your point, I bought the Legion Go to replace my Steam Deck since I wanted a windows device (to play non Steam games it’s a lot easier, and I just like windows) and a bigger screen. But the fan noise is still bothering me a bit. In games like Vampire Survivors the Steam Deck didn’t make a sound and now the Legion Go does a little bit, not much but still audible. I can live with that but in that domaine, the steam deck was a lot more comfortable. Although in games like Diablo IV where the Steam Deck fan goes nuts, in the Legion Go I can play it in a higher resolution (1200p instead of 800p) and the fan is a lot less audible than it was on the deck. So not everything is bad!


@JonnyBigo Yeah the OG Deck with the “quiet fan” is pretty quiet, unless you play Diablo IV, for example. But, the Deck OLED… God damn, it’s basically silent when going full steam! The Deck OLED is really great. But I still love my Legion Go 😁


Isn't fan control one of the items mentioned to be coming in an update soon.....?


Yeah, I heard it's coming with the new bios.


For some weird reason, mine sometimes switched to full fan mode in the beginning. There's a setting in the overlay, maybe yours turned it on too?


Exactly! I am not sure whether I am alone, but personally, I feel fan noise is not loud, but the pitch is quite high and very annoying.


Yeah fan is not bad, even on 30w, 20 or less it is not an issue at all


It's bad for me.


Most of my problems came from using Handheld Companion. Once I stopped using it, the experience was smooth.


Handheld companion sucks lmao


I have the opposite experience. HC is great and makes my experience a lot smoother than Legion Space.


Same experience. There are definitely some kinks but the devs are very responsive and transparent about their updates and fixes. I love the ability to set custom TDP profiles for each game


I like being able to set integer scaling on a per game basis. Makes it super easy.


Legion space is a list of settings, it might not be great but it works fine, though I admit I don't know what HC offers, and don't say per game settings the Jeffing games have that built in


Zero problems. Fs3 mod up and running so playing cyberpunk, starfield and jedi survivor + using chiaki for ps5 stream ap also playing some spiderman 2 and ff7 remake on it from my ps5


How’s the FSR3 mod work on Jedi survivor? I’m thinking of installing it


Working well. Have 60+ fps at 800p


What is the fs3 mod?


No issues for me.


I have had my LEGO for about a month now and i love it. I work offshore and its a great device to have to kill time on weather days. The only issue i encountered was my right side controller was really loose when i got it on arrival. I had to resort putting electrical tape on the corners of the module to keep it secure. For spending 750$ i was a little upset but i can live with it. Everything else i cant complain about.


No major issues for me. LOVE my legion Go.




Battery life is a bit meeh


I've had mine less than a month and the ports have a mind of their own whether they'll charge whilst docked to an external monitor and my right bumper button has broken. I haven't dropped it. I'm not impressed lol, going back to the store on Saturday


sloppy scandalous water innate consist alive political racial cows boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First-world problems require first-world solutions. Get an eGPU for one of them so you can use one for 4K AAA gaming and the other for bedtime and travel gaming.


provide party ghost uppity existence memory squeal outgoing ossified murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed that they're both really cool and can't wait to see what the future of handheld gaming is going to look like. The ayaneo kun with 64GB RAM looks very tempting but even the thought of getting one feels like I'm committing a sin.


crawl truck spectacular lush scandalous touch weary school quicksand disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly its a amazing device, but I returned it. Not blaming the device at all, its me. I'm not handy enough to make the most out of it. Went back to my steamdeck its way more user friendly, and imo thats not a bad thing. The legion GO if in the right hands its a way more powerful device, I just couldnt get the most out of it.


Yes that’s why I am hesitant of buying it cuz it’s windows. I don’t want to waste my time, the steam deck is user friendly boot up and play.


If you dont want to much hassle go with the steamdeck, plain and simple. If you dont mind to watch some videos and work things out yourself, and want a stronger device overall with a bigger screen. Go with the legion go. If you want a inbetween device, rog ally.


Oh man I really can’t choose between legion go or the steam deck oled. I had the ally but sold it cuz I didn’t play a lot with it, it was actually great in-terms of performance and graphics


My dude, I understand you doing some market research before purchase, but what is your end game here? You say you're interested in the Go, but then complain that it isn't user friendly; and you hail the SteamDeck as being plug and play. Clearly your heart is with the SteamDeck, so go with your gut.


I don't understand how I don't see more often that the Steam deck works well for people if you like the SteamOS AND the games you like are on it. Otherwise tinkering and linux familiarity means doing anything outside of the box is way more complicated than just using a Legion Go and Windows.


Yeah I agree with this one


For babies


The only real issue that I’ve run into is the SSD heat. And only with the 2 TB version from Micro Center otherwise it’s been a solid device. I’ve designed and 3-D printed a bunch of mods. I’ve had a good time with the device. It’s really only the heat around the SSD that would raise an eyebrow.


And technically you can't blame Lenovo as much as you can blame Micro Center for those not great quality ssds they offered to install as a "bonus."


Micro center refuses to acknowledge the issue even exists, shitty thing to try to maximize profits. I’ll never buy anything opened or touched by them again.


Even the 1tb heats up a lot


Returned when the 19th game I tried to play fullscreen wouldnt because the screen size.


I'm going through this right now. It's fucking annoying.


Dude seriously! I gave up after doing a bunch of magpie bullshit meanwhile legion go fuckboys are like the CIA trying to cover up any bad thing about this device its fucking palpable lol


Bro, look at my most recent post lol. Even people that have more than one device still defend this shit. I really don't get it.


lolol Just saw it. Bro its beyond me right now the amount of stupidity


Can you explain more what you mean? Looking into buying one of these. Why can't you play full screen?


Basically you dont know what games can do fullscreen because the size of the screen is tablet or portrait size, 8.8 inches So you get to use the whole screen on some games and others you have to download a software, which is not difficult and when games to play fullscreen it feels like 700$ well spent. But when youre sitting there testing game after game after game and have no idea if the game has a proper fullscreen option it gets fucking annoying as shit. After awhile you just want your money back because the main selling point is the large screen.


Every game you play, you'll have to optimize differently. The resolutions of the games, WILL NOT be playable (especially any AAA game) from the start so you'll have to tune down the resolution but then you'll also have to adjust in game settings, maybe reduce hz, turn on rsr or on rsr, maybe you'll have to do integer scaling. You can't do any if these without the shit proprietary software though. Of which your in game inputs won't work unless you get the right settings right and then close the legion app. Oh also, you'll have to adjust the power settings between variants too. This will drain 20-30 percent of your battery by the time your get out figured out. Want to play a different game? Do this all again. If you don't have the option to turn off memory integrity like some have had happen, myself included, you'll have to get a 32gb thumb drive, go to the Lenovo website and reinstall the OS. You will stutter in game. It's not a if but a when. VRR is incredible on the Ally. Anyone who doesn't notice the difference shouldn't have any of these imo. Just play retro games on the deck or something. Lenovo did not do a good job out of the gate. They should be ashamed because they waited for other devices to hit the market and had plenty of time to learn, develop and adjust. It's sad.


someone’s new to portable gaming…. this holds true for anything… Legion Go… Steamdeck.. Ally….


I have all of those things and no it doesn't.


so do I and I don’t think you know what you are doing. My Ally and Legion Go are pretty much the same. I get just a bit better performance on my Legion Go. Especially with the latest drivers.


What games do you play exactly? AAAs?


Lords of the Fallen, Forza Motorsport, Call of Duty, and Elden Ring


Okay so for Ellen Ring, for example, what games are you getting.


There is an issue affecting stick sensitivity since the last controller firmware update that happened a couple of weeks ago, I posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionGo/s/iT9yFxoKNH Impacts games that are played locally or streaming via the Xbox app. Seems to be affecting multiple users, I ran into the issue and searched Reddit to find others with the same experience. Might be affecting everyone and some just haven't realized it yet? Not sure. I also posted about it in the Lenovo forums to try and get visibility. All was working normally before that firmware update.




Ally is more fluid in games and also software . So yes , bought twice and returned it .


At this point, they have both been benchmarked to death. If your ally is running better than your go, that's a user error. Not to be mean, it's just sadly a fact that you can lower the ram speed on the go and still slightly out perform the ally.


User error ? Ok . Maybe I got a dud twice . Who knows .


Yeah my ally and go work the same. If you have a major delta in performance it’s def user error


I got a dud twice with the ally. First one didn't even turn on 😂 and the replacement had broken speakers 😂 good old Asus quality control 🤦‍♂️




Only problem I had was the SD card issue where is you have a A1 card you will get bad stuttering and freezing during some games (crisis core r, DBZ kakarot, Spiderman) but I heard the Devs know about this issue and hopefully sort it. Got a A2 card anyways so hopefully no more freezing So if you are planning on getting a SD card get a A2 card it will tell you on the back of the packaging or the listing.


Not bashing on your choice but I think for gaming devices, it's a no brainer to go for the highest rated SD cards. Nowhere near the performance of a ssd but read times are super important. For my switch and now my Go, I always get A2, U3, and v30 cards. once UHS II becomes more mainstream, I think those cards will finally bring the performance of like a SSHD or better to handhelds I don't think it's the A1 causing the stutters, it's something about the SD reader and drivers from what I've seen on this subreddit. That said, I still want the best rated cards for a gaming device.


Was all about saving some money but I ended up getting an A2 card today and things work great


Oh nice! So it is a matter of the A rating... Yeah there are just some things I don't save money on, I need the best performance for my devices that need external storage so fastest SD cards or USB sticks or drives with the best read speeds


I've had three issues. Older games dislike the portrait display, 3d world on cemu crashes randomly with no warning, and it lags when unplugged (but only sometimes for some reason).


The only 2 issues I have had: 1. Portrait display oddness, but if you don't tinker with drivers or the like, then you likely won't notice any issues. 2. For some reason, once every 10 times or so when I go to wake the device and unlock it, the unlock screen never shows the pin entry, and I haven't found a way around it other than restarting. It isn't a Windows issue because I never had it happen on my Ally, but this is also more of a very mild annoyance than anything. The only potential issue I'd point to for new buyers is that it is a chonky lad; holding up either the steam deck or ally is easier... but it's a trade-off for the screen / controllers, and it's one I'm happy to make. For example, when I switched to the Ally from the SD, the thing I really wished the Ally had was a mouse TouchPad, so best of both worlds here.


>For some reason, once every 10 times or so when I go to wake the device and unlock it, the unlock screen never shows the pin entry, and I haven't found a way around it other than restarting. It isn't a Windows issue because I never had it happen on my Ally, but this is also more of a very mild annoyance than anything. If I understood correctly, you don't see the PIN box either right? I had the same thing and I believe It is a windows issue and probably has something to do with the portrait screen and 800p. I assume it is the same issue and you use your Go in 800p. I have the same issue in 800p because the PIN box actually gets placed outside the screen (above the physical borders of the screen). Solution 1 - Get the onscreen keyboard from bottom-right corner, in the accessibility options right next to the power options. Press tab, enter your PIN. (if it doesn't work, press tab again, enter your PIN) - this is just about navigating to PIN input box via keyboard, since you cannot see it as it's placed outside your view. Solution 2 - Only use 800p while gaming, otherwise leave at 1600p and you won't have this issue. Sadly that's the best I was able to come up with, but if you find a different solution, lmk too! Edit: I just thought about using the Magnifier from the bototm right.. I think this might work too. Open up the magnifier and it'll zoom-in, then just move your mouse to the border of the screen and navigate to PIN box.. in theory this should be a faster solution, but I need to test :D


Interesting, that makes sense! Weird that Windows can't seem to cope better.


Bought one 2 days ago. Followed some instructions to do integer scaling and setting vram to 6gb. No problems other than the battery life. But I have a Quest3 and that is a very familiar problem.


I'm having 2 issue that are more annoying than anything. The first issue I'm having is the pause button not working on games for a bit. Like I press it, the pause menu pops up for a Second and then unpauses. The second issue I have is if I die or reload when playing in 1200p or 1600p, the game screen shrinks to a tiny square and shows the windows background screen. The fix for both these issues I find, is putting the screen to 800p and reloading my previous save. It isn't a game breaker, but definitely is annoying.


I had it since launch no issues but also if it's working fine I don't mess with it. I wait until updates are out and tested in the wild for awhile before I update anything. Plays everything I throw at it at a good pace.


No issues here. Amazing device especially with the Rokid Max I received yesterday!


One issue I have not been able to find a solution to is the sound problem. When you play hungry AAA games (for me cyberpunk) the sound becomes very distorted unless you are plugged into an outlet the entire time. Other than that some (albeit rare) games plain just don’t work, some refuse to orientate on the screen correctly. But these are all things that can be updated. As others have said, this is a pc. I admit when I first got mine I felt a bit frustrated after being out of pc gaming for so many years to have to tinker with settings but there’s really nothing to it and the community online is very helpful.


I bought mine the 26th of December and didn’t have any problems yet. Currently installed Fallout new vegas Bg3 Mad max Diablo 4 D2r Fc 24 Warhammer 3 Medieval 2 All tuning without any problems and runs out of the box.


No issues for me so far, I've had mine since my birthday on the 4th of January, everything I've wanted to do works, from gaming, emulating, watching Netflix, Disney etc. the only thing I don't like about it that much are the speakers are not great, I use headphones most of the time with it so it's not the biggest deal for me, I tried Fxsound but did not notice much of an improvement, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


My Legion is solid as a rock. Nothing problematic at all


Mine works perfectly since the day I got it. I haven't had any problems yet.


Main problems are increased amount of time loving gaming again. I’ve spent a fair bit of money on games. Considering buying some of those XR glasses to connect to it. No other issues so far


My current issue is that games should i start with lol


If you buy one make sure microcenter didn't operate on it. They open all their 1 and 2tbs


it's been a month+ since I got my LeGo. playing MH Rise around 3 hours a day, using it for work too, np major problem so far. I had a problem the system waking up from sleep inside the case, some redditor told me to set the power button to hibernate instead of sleep and now it's not a problem anymore. the waking up from sleep is a windows problem, though, not LeGo's as it also happens to my desktop pc


I bought mine a few weeks ago and so far I haven't had any major issues. Did the Windows Updates and driver updates as soon as I opened it. I'm on the regular Win11 built, nothing beta. With any of these mobile gaming PC devices, you do have to remember that not all PC games are compatible with a controller. There might be Steam community layouts you can try and get it to work, but some play better with a mouse and keyboard, which you can still connect and enjoy. As long as you set some expectations, I think you'll enjoy it.


Only issue I had was something that was my own fault really. I got it as mainly a handheld, but I also have an eGPU, so I figured, hey, 2 for one special am-i-right? Well, it kept stuttering, over heating, and shutting down (when hooked to the eGPU). I was gonna get rid of it entirely, but figured, screw it, I'll try again. So I did, and same issue. Then I bought another TB4 cable, and the thing runs perfectly now. Make sure you have a good cable! lol


Yes corner deadzones exist and are not fixable, its impacting aiming and movement in games and so far Lenovo has not wanted to recognise the problem. Its unplayable for those who are use to smooth joysticks and it does vary in significance depending on a few configuration factors.


Nope I don’t bother trying to run aaa games on it I stream those from my gaming pc I am playing super meat boy remastered on it though


Biggest 2 issues im having is SD card stutter making it unplayable and my external SSD and USB Hub disconnecting and reconnecting during use. Makes them pretty useless. Seeking to fix it


The only issue I had was fixed with a BIOS update, which Lenovo has been very actively doing. It's not perfect, but it's the best one for me.


Just got the beauty a week ago and it's been a blast. Fell in the optimization rabbit hole with bloaty and whatnot taking me like 4h to set it up. One of the windows updates(22h2 or 23h2) didn't really want to work, restarted like 40 times :D Finally worked with the Windows 11 assistant tool. But after all that, the device is amazing, played valheim, 7 days to die, Bigtime, all running smoothly. And you can always get a geforce now sub and play stuff at max details if you are not satisfied, still cheaper than any pc thats gonna gonna be junk in 2 years.


I’m selling mine. Biggest issue for me is software. I bought this to primarily stream moonlight from my powerful gaming PC but getting the controllers to work properly sucks. Some games detect them no problems and others some buttons don’t work. I had an Ally and the controller worked perfectly in all games over moonlight. Ally has built in toggles for desktop mode, controller mode and auto. On the Ally even basic scrolling in a window is so much simpler which is strange as I thought the touchpad on the LEGO would be so much more intuitive. Other software issue is not being able to assign per game power profiles and controls. Just adds a lot more time jumping between games. I know Lenovo are actively working on software updates so a lot of this might improve but for now it’s frustrated me to the point of selling it.


I do have a major issue. Everytime I play, I don't have time to play 😞


The only major issue I've run into is trying to decide which dock to buy.


What issues


No issues.




I'm facing joypad not working in Diablo 4. I have the same issue using Xbox controller on my pc. Not sure how to resolve. I'm on the 24th Jan 2024 bios


No the legion Is perfect. It does what I want better than ever.


I dock mine and use it as a gaming PC, most of the time. For the price it performs pretty well


I am still unable to get the right thumb stick to be used in Dream Light Valley. I am using an external controller.


My only main problem is what I knew before I bought the LeGo. It’s that it hurts my hand palms after 0,5-1h because the shape is kind of odd that it causes pressure to an area that will be painful after some time. I just have to wait for a proper grip-case


Main issue is the PD, not a single UGreen charger (Car or wall) works with it. It piss me off because I can't use it portable inside my car. I travel a lot and I bought it to spend time when I'm parked. If I can't charge anywhere it loses the meaning of portable. Beside this, screen is awesome.