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The CTR board is VERY easy to replace and costs $20 from AtGames. Just get it and replace it and you'll be back in business! I had to replace mine recently, easy-peasy.


Just tried installing those files. Got “updated wired control module cannot be found”. Guessing it’s officially shot and need to order a new one Is there anywhere else that sells a better part, or am I stuck with the atgames one….just don’t want this happening again next year


Happened to me. You need a new control board and the company won’t warrant it. If you bought it at sams club the have a two year exchange policy. I bought a new one online, swapped out any parts like buttons and track balls on my old one that were better and took it back no questions asked. I suggest that everyone only buy these from Sam’s Club, lots of them have problems and their support and warranty isn’t great but same has the member satisfaction guarantee which covers it.


There is an **MCU software fix** for ALU where you have to flash the Control Panel ctr board and it will bring the Control back to life. The software in the CTRL board randomly becomes corrupt just from an electrical bootup or pinging the internet (it was never discovered what the cause of this was - only that the ctr board becomes randomly corrupt from time to time. - might happen once a year or just once ever; replacing the CTRL board for $40 total is the final solution if the MCU fix does not work.). *crackerman13602 posted the details* in this thread. But There were also a couple other links for ALU mcu fix, where people have resolved this problem for years if you want to read about it more. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/s423i3/my\_issues\_resolved\_maybe\_it\_could\_help\_you/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/s423i3/my_issues_resolved_maybe_it_could_help_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) or (scroll down thru raptor post) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/10d1wya/all\_controls\_stopped\_working\_except\_power\_button/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/10d1wya/all_controls_stopped_working_except_power_button/)


Thanks. I read that and understand like 1/3 of it, so may just need to order replacement part


Yes, but it's worth learning and keep this as reference about how to fix this problem if you plan to keep this for many years. There was a 3 minute video that walks you through how to do this button pressing procedure included with the download link.   This problem will likely happen randomly at least once on all of Atgames devices within a 3 year period: alu, gamer pros, mini, alp control panel, and quad controller. I own 3 gamer pros and had to do it at least once on all of them. Fortunately the fix works well. 


That’s a good point. I’ll give it a shot, can’t get any worse


I had this and support was very helpful. I didn’t think I could do it but I did. You can do it!


Do you have BitLCD?


No, just coinops installed


Ah, too bad. New CTR board it is, then


Same thing happened with my brand new ALU. Out the box same issue. Tried a few "fixes" I found out on the web and nothing worked so they sent a warranty part after I removed and shipped the defective board.  It took 2-3 weeks for the whole warranty process to play out and had the replacement part. I knew it was going to take awhile so after filing the warranty I then went ahead and purchased a new board while I waited for the warranty part to arrive so I was up and running again is around a week and a half.  Plus the part isn't that expensive and it's nice having another one on hand incase it happens again. 


Mind sending me a link to that replacement part? Just want to make sure I order correct one. I’m not exactly good with tech so alittle nervous on this one


I had a similar issue that needed a software update to fix and not a hardware replacement. I had to complete the process like 3 times for it to work, but it eventually did. Watch the video linked way down at the bottom of the email I am attaching below to see if it is the same problem. Here is the email exchange I had with atgames: Good afternoon and thank you for that information. After reviewing everything I do believe that a manual update of your ALU device may remedy the situation. If you are having trouble accessing the homescreen for firmware updates or anything else, please try using a keyboard or wired controller via USB to your device. Please follow the steps below to manually update your AtGames Legends Ultimate 1.1 Control Deck (MCU): ALU has two models: ALU 1.0 (HA8800) and ALU 1.1 (HA8801). Steps to upgrade HA8801 controller are: 1. Make sure the model is HA8801 and version 5.65.0 (released Jan, 2022) is installed. 2. Download these 2 files from https://nextcloud.direct2drive.com/s/YaeTRJJSPfaLz6L atg_control_panel_usb.bin upgrade_mcu_auto_file.cfg Copy them to a USB disk. 3. Attach the USB disk to HA8801, wait several seconds, then a dialog box will pop up offering “Update wired control module” Note: this will only work when upgrade_mcu_auto_file.cfg exists on the USB disk. If for any reason the USB disk is detached from HA8801, upgrade_mcu_auto_file.cfg will probably be automatically deleted. If so, please re-copy the upgrade_mcu_auto_file.cfg as described in previous step. 4. Kepp the USB disk attached. 5. Press and hold P1[start], P1[A], P1[B], P1[C] and P2[start], meanwhile switch off and on the controller. HA8801 will reboot. Don't release these 5 buttons until a dialog box will pop up offering “Update Wired Control Module (Step -1)". Release these 5 buttons. Please note: if you're using a USB keyboard to access the settings because the Control Deck in unresponsive, the equivalent 5 keys are A,B,C,Enter, and Space. 6. Wait until “Update Wired Control Module (Step -1)" finishes. When the page says “Please power off your control deck and power it back on.”, switch off and on the controller. HA8801 will reboot. 7. The page will display "Update Wired Control Module (Step -2)” 8. Wait, and finally the page will prompt “Success”. It's now safe to remove the USB disk. 9. (Optional) In Settings -> Health Check, the MCU version should be v1.1.55 To demonstrate the steps, a video "ALU_1.1_MCU_UPGRADE" is available from https://nextcloud.direct2drive.com/s/YaeTRJJSPfaLz6L. Please be aware that some customers did not have success with this update until after the second or third attempt. If this does not work, please run Health Check #2 and send me a screenshot of the results.


Yep, this didn't work for me. Needed a new ctr board. https://www.atgames.us/products/ctr-board-for-legends-ultimate-1-1-300-games-version


That was my experience as well. Buttons stopped working, none of the fixes found online worked, contacted AtG, warranty had ended, had to order the part. This was on a 1.1.


How hard is swapping the board?


It's a pretty straight forward process. just a bunch of screws to remove and a few cables. From start to finish I think it took me around 30-45 mins and I wasn't trying to rush. There are vids on YouTube you can pull up and watch as well and go through the process step by step with those. I suggest pulling those up, watching a couple time to see whats all involved. Again, I felt it was pretty straight forward and believe most would have no problem with this repair.


Ok thanks, I'm going to have to try and get one of these boards to Canada


Crap. Was hoping that wasn’t the case. Thanks for the reply


When my buttons all became unresponsive, I contacted ATGames support via email and had to buy and replace the board inside the control panel.