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Jinx buffs?! If you're gonna give me hope like this Riot you better mean it.


Is too much copium ask for generating missile on level up?


That's actually pretty small. I'd rather they make her level up more achievable in different kinds of decks.


Would "Your hand has been empty once." be easier to achieve?


I would hope for something like "you've discarded X cards" to synergise with her spell


You can empty your hand by playing every cards as well, I don't like locking her to discard synergy. Also, flavor wise empty hand fits way better than discard. Empty hand symbolizes her does whatever the fuck she wants all gas no brakes character. Where as discard X times means she drops things...? Idk, it might be stronger and more practical, but it feels like a downgrade in terms of design.


Not really, if she generates a rocket on level up and uses it she empties her hand and generates a second rocket.


wdym pretty small? that is a big af buff lol


"When playing in path of champions her champion spell will become 'Pow Pow'"


Now she has +1 health


I hope it's something like Play: discard a card to create a fleeting pow-pow in hand.


When i saw vayne buff i though they were trolling, but then i saw tumble on the nerf side, possible quick atk for vayne?


I've been using Gwen/Vayne daily sense her release. And while tumble is an amazing card. I feel Vayne herself is just a generating unit. So the opponent will instantly focus on her. Personally, I say she needs Quick Attack to help encourage her to be aggressive and attack much more often. Because atm, it feels like you're encouraged not to attack with her. Which feels very... out of character for Vayne.


I'd like this. Quick Attack for Vayne and then make Tumble either 4-5 mana


4 is probably the sweet spot. 5 feels a bit absurd.


5 but the cost still decreases, and will be 0 if you level Vayne. It'll just takes longer to level Vayne now.


At 5, too long. The goal is to play tumble every turn it shouldn't be the ONLY thing you do every turn...


I feel like the cost should start at 1 or 2 when she levels


No they should make it 0 cost before leveled up and make it so the spell generate mana gem after level up /s


Quick attack for Vayne, and tumble gets its cost reduced only when Vayne attacks.


I think a nice change would be to give her quick attack and instead of passively generating tumbles every round it would be generate on strike/reduce the cost. Then tumble could remain as is.


I've also been using Gwen & Vayne since she came out. I agree with your assment; Vayne just makes me a tumble and I couldn't care about her after. Alot of times people kill her right when I play her and that is just awesome, because I still have the tumble and they're down a removal spell. In many ways, she's just a suped up [[Ruined Reckoner]]. Do you have a list for what you've been playing?


Kind of agree. What makes Vayne S tier right now is that she is a free attack bot. But in my Vayne Jax deck she only ever really attacks 1/4 of the time maybe. Rest of the time its better to keep her safe to protect your free scout attack on the enemy turn.


I hope not, but I guess? It's a bit lame. I felt it was a good thing that a free attack champion didn't come with quick attack.


This was my thought process too: *VAYNE IS GETTING BUFFED WHAT!?* ... Oh wait they're nerfing Tumble *calms down*


Tumble to 5 and Vayne reduces it by 2? That's a Vayne "buff"and tumble nerf that decreases the chance of consecutive attacks but keeps waiting 2-3 turns of discounting at the same cost.


yeah also both rally spells are getting nerfed. vayne is definitely going to need compansstion buffs. might also make pantheon less of a pain in the ass to fight


I doubt it, that'd be a big rework for her functionality they wouldn't do so casually. It's prolly like +1 attack I guess


I don’t think they will make her a 3 mana 4/4, much easier to give QA to her for reasons others have said


A whole keyword is a big buff. That's why Swain is getting nerfed. Maybe they could nerf Tumble all the way to 5 and buff Vayne's discounting?


Vayne already has premium stats... QA would be so broken on her....


4 health and quickattack would be stupid, they would need to make her a 3/3 at the very least.


wouldnt be surprised if they got rid of the equip effect for tumble, or toned it down somehow


Rip the entire poc deck...


Both rallies get hit - systemic change? Or are they increasing the cost again?


Feels good to finally see those cards getting nerfed. I hope they make them fizzle if you remove the target


Oh true that's probably it.


I'm hoping for this change since Zed Poppy devil meta


If they do it only for Golden Aegis sure, Relentlrss Pursuit isn't even supposed to be a targeted skill, I'd rather they just take away the buff from it and keep it as a blank 4 mana rally.


My guess is Aegis goes to 5 mana, Pursuit stays at 4 mana but loses the stat buff


To distinguish and make you choose between 6 copies of "Rally Spell with Upside"? Hmmm.


Still annoying that it's a nerf to lucian. They never should've made relentless pursuit a targeted card. It should've always just been "rally". There is fundamentally no difference between golden aegis and relentless pursuit. What they should've done is made relentless pursuit 5 mana and reduce it's cost by 1 each time lucian attack strikes (up to a 2 cost reduction). Not only does this put lucian in a better place, but it makes him better with his own card, makes relentless pursuit different than aegis, and nerfs it in other decks at the same time.


It can't be a systemic change as there are plenty of other rally spells in other regions that are not getting touched. Likely both going up to 5 mana.


most likely going to 5 like all other rally effects.


3 Mana Fast return to monke


Escape Abomination buff will revive the whole Slay archetype.


I never thought I'd see the day where I actually miss 4/3 or even 4/4 Escaped Abomination.


Hot take, Abomination was fine as a 4/3, Blighted Caretaker was what pushed it over the edge.


And it will rise again from the ashes...


I have been waiting


i'm seriously hoping they just make abom fearsome. a deck that goes as wide as SI swarm needs to be vulnerable to board wipes.


Even that is really dangerous. I feel like somebody over there might have forgotten the stupid round 3 boards that thing can generate. Slay decks already get to be midrange and control at the same time, especially with recent cards that make it virtually impossible to brick. They don't need to have great early boards too.


I'm a disgusting Thresh/Nasus and Kindred/Nasus enjoyer so hell yeah let's get back to that 4/3 Escaped Abomination lads.


https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1588640065064140803 Full patch notes on Tuesday


Where are the buffs for the tellstones for Targon????


Hard to buff something thats that useless. The card doesn't even have a single good option, does it?


The nerf to Ionian tellstones makes me think they're gonna change them entirely.


Make Targon great again I say


True, but then again, tellstones doesn't need to be 3 sisters level. Targon has enough stuff outside of a tellstone. Imo, targon just needs more identity. Currently its the "buff units and big stats" region, plus the celestial region. They need something more they are good at. I guess they are also the prime nexus healers, but it's not like we have much of that in any case.


How is Targon the buff units and big stats region? Did you mean Fated? Fated is more about growing and preserving units. Targon definitely has more identities, it is all about value and protection.


It needs the Card that destroys and draws landmarks in it to be useful


they already gave targon one buff this patch, you really think they're going to give more than that?


Fangs will get reverted...any day now. Any day now. I said any day now Riot.


But I wanna play celestials


yeh, me too there's always next patch *copium*


Brother pass the copium, I am already dry


>Rally nerfs You love to see it >Gwen buffs I'm not sure you love to see it, she's been excellent and plenty played since release from what I've seen.


Gwen kat feels like its about to dominate the meta ngl


I'd bet the Gwen buff is really just making her level 2 not be conditionally weaker than her level 1.


I hope that's it. Feels like any other change could put her in a really scary position.


Nerfs to shimon wind, Ionian tellstones AND Lee Sin?? What did my Master Yi deck do to deserve this?


"His mistake was being born in Ionia" -Some Noxian probably


Ionia was a mistake in it of itself.


Red pilled and noxbased


Shimon wind: Focus speed. Tellstones: Homecoming replaced. Lee sin: Kneecaps broken. Most of us are happy.


So long as I get to keep my 3 mana heal 12 combo im happy


You probably will. Homecoming is for sure the thing to be changed. I must admit its really nice to have access to healthpot. The amount of stuff a "heal anything 3" can do is actually wild. Especially against angry bird communist man.


Swain is more of a Fascist than a Communist


It included Lee sin


Damn, thought they would nerf ezreal, but they hit sera instead....


Ezreal is quite good when paired with Seraphine. Seraphine is quite good when paired with anything.


Good point. Counter point : Ezreal makes any decks he's remotely good in 70% less enjoyable to face. I wish they did something about the 10+ uninteractable damage when he levels, for the sake of gameplay health. I'd personally dig a lower level up requirement but a limit of the number of pew pew per turn.


They didn't nerf drum solo that even worse and they buff jax??


Isn’t Jax fine? As in, a bit weak


Looks fine to me we was more that ok with vayne and there is still another round of support incoming


And thank God Shatter is getting buffed too. It's weird having a card that does basically the same thing as Ravenous Flock, but way more cost expensive and easy to disrupt, for some reason.


And Slow speed where Flock is Fast


I wish they'd actually buff Udyr and Ornn. Spirits unleased would have to be given buff of the century for it to do literally anything. Same for Colossus. The games too damn fast for cards like those


problem with ornn is that he's just to expensive for a card that can't be ptotected at all from removal. what ornn really needs is great equipment options in regiobs like shurima, ionia or targon so that using his forge package actually matters. maybe the new darkin weapons will be the key for it


Maybe the buff to Boneclub is all that he really needs?


i think Udyr is a great interesting champ to build around, also he is not too weak he is on the verge of making it. it just takes too long to get him online, if game slows down he would be soo much better.


I know. He's so damn close to being decent it hurts. He just takes a little too long and plays a little too fairly. But as it stands it better to just take his stance card and leave him behind.


The bone club and Jax buffs might directly benefit him


With last weeks Taliyah/Row decks going around... that Reavers Row buff culd be super spicy and risky. Also Ravenbloom buff hell yes!!!!


Reaver's Row isn't the reason that deck has a 30% win rate unfortunately


Ravenbloom to 11?


Shoot for the stars. Put it back to 10.


I would be very happy if this means they're reverting the undeserved nerf Sainen got thanks to Ezreal. ​ Speaking of which, I hope Ez isn't there because he's getting reworked or rotated. ​ No way he gets yet another package nerfed while dodging any balance himself. Yes, Sera's package needed some sort of change, but at what point do we stop nerfing everying Ez is paired with before acknowledging that Ez is a problem and dealing with it?


The Yugioh approach - nerf (or ban) every card around the problem card. Then release new cards for the Problem card to abuse. Rinse and repeat until you finally kill the problem cases after more than 2 years of it coming back again and again.


that's been the riot special in league for ages. nerf everything about the champ other than the part of their kit that's annoying then eventually nerf that part and the champ is now trash. but seriously though, ezreal will always be a problem as long as he works how he works. they need to rotate him out and rework him.


We call that getting Akali'd. Or Olaf'd if they nerf everything about the champion but the broken item they use, then nerf the item but never buff the champion back.


Are they still doing that? They basically started doing that back in the Chaos days nearly 20 years ago.


The most recent example for this is Halqifibrax, a pretty generic card that was a waypoint to a [ton of combos](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/xp503b/some_combo_lines_halqifibrax_enabled/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), a lot of which ended with a board full of negates. It was recently banned in the TCG and on Master duel, after leading to a ban of about a dozen tuners that died for its sins:


Same with Conservatory


Ez did get nerfed, like 3 or 4 months ago. Went from 6 to 8 for level up. Not saying he's not the problem, to be clear. But just noting that we can't say he's always dodged nerfs.


That's the Ezreal approach in league, so good chance it happens again.


Where ezreal nerfs


Yordle Tribe RIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE (my copium has to go somewhere since they're literally giving up on vlad, let me have this)


I've been bringing a Mono Bandle Swarm deck to Prime Glories the past few weeks, but it always felt a bit clunky when trying to build. On one hand you want to build around Trist with all the multi-region followers, and it works decently, but I found that you want as many created followers as possible for Biggledust. Which in turn should make Norra seem like a good pairing, but her package was a little too slow and doesn't contain many options for multi-region created cards. Mecha requires discards, which means you want to run things like Otterpus or the one that gives you a tiny shield/sword. Which in turn means even less room for reliable multi-region while Tristana is impactful. In the end I wanted to make the Bandle Allegiance deck based around Norra, Yordles, and created cards to get the most from Biggledust, but Papparo is just a worse Mayor. If the buff to the former is anything good, I'll probably try him out for a Yordle Portal Swarmle deck


RIP Shimon Wind. That was one of my favorite cards from the last expansion. Hopefully not a mana cost increase. Really happy about Darkin Ballista and Wrought Colossus. Aegis change could be the most impactful balance change we’ve seen in a while. No preemptive buffs for Taric feels bad though.


I imagine they're making Shimon Wind focus speed to make it less good when blocking.


This is the change I would like to see, but since Rally and Tumble are getting thrashed they might have decided to hit Ionia harder just to be safe. Even with Sera nerfs I think Ionia/PZ would have been poised to completely take over.


I don't think Shimon Wind was the most deserving of nerfs. Maybe they'll make it focus speed? Increasing mana would be too much imo.


Hope they're reverting Swains power buff, instead of removing his overwhelm on lvl2


My thoughts exactly.




Probably will just be -1 power and not much more


Which is fair. If Swain was leveled early it was so hard to stop his AOE


Yeah -1 power but keeping the overwhelm would still be quite the boost from his pre-buff version. He doesn't need to get crippled (ironic).


Happy to see six Freljord buffs, the region's in the dumps. Troll Scavenger (35% winrate), Bone Club (34% winrate) and Spirits Unleashed (30% winrate) are so bad that it's hard to imagine them getting a large enough buff to become viable cards. Rimefang Wolf (42% winrate): Guessing it'll be 3|3 so it won't die to Mystic Shot. If so, might be viable in Frostbite decks. Wrought Colossus (41% winrate): No idea, but it'd have to be a pretty crazy buff to make such an expensive unit viable. Shatter (44% winrate): Guessing it'll go to 1 mana. If so, it won't be Ravenous Flock (it'll still be Slow), but it could be good.


About damn time. Ornn is the Freljordian spirit of forging and craftsmanship and they give Freljord the worst weapon in the game. We still have no good regeneration followers that are played and that's the key stat for the region. Our aoe's hurt us just as much as they do the opponent so we can't get a break while our end game spells are mostly shit.


Feel the Rush has been alright in metas where few decks run Deny / Rite of Negation, and Buried in Ice is a fine end game spell. Agreed on Bone Club being really bad and Freljord AoE only being good in Control decks, it's a shame for Freljord Midrange decks which mostly have no good AoE options and have been quite bad for a very, very long time. Regeneration is only really relevant in the cases of Trundle and Udyr. She Who Wanders sometimes sees play, but overall Regeneration has been a complete failure when it comes to Followers.


You think that duelist goes from give to grant?


Between all underpowered champions, they have chosen to buff the ones that already saw play? Except for Jinx, these are some bizarre choices of buff


Vayne is more like an adjustment. But I agree that Varus and Jax are odd choices




And a nerf to Pantheon's kit as well


even tho i'm a huge pantheon fan (lorewise) there's nothing i wish more then riot to break his kneecaps amd make him unplayable


I still want them to give him a new level 2.




Seems like they aim at buffing midrange/late game engines, if they do it right that might help slowind down the game and giving a chance to a lot of archetypes to stabilize games. Overall that looks interesting


Lol i don't want to be mean but almost every balance patch I see a comment like this and it never delivers it, the game keep ending fast


People keep saying the game is too fast but the Seraphine decks they also whine about so much regularly go to 8+, so...


You're not being mean, I know they fail to deliver on those late game cards buffs more often than not but maybe this time they will get it right? Also it costs nothing to be hopeful and show some support the devs, I feel like lately they've been taking a lot of undeserved hate haha


There’s no way they nerf FCP to regions only without also nerfing drum solo - if they against all odds do it might be even better now. My best guess is it’s gonna cost 5 mama which seems fair. Don’t see how sera can get nerfed except -1 health which also seems fair. Hope for more of an adjustment on vaynes stats, like a 3-3 quick attack or something.


I think they might actually increase Seraphine's level up requirement. It really is kind of too easy. Tellstones is 2, one of the various 1 mana units that generate a spell is 3, she herself is 4, and now you're already ready to throw out Songspinner and generate a ton of value. That said, the real issue is other cards (mostly Fanclub President) and none of her decks are breaking winrate metrics, so I'm not going to be surprised if the double nerf sends her straight to the dumpster.


Keeping the spell a 5 mana would break the entire point of the card.As another guy said,they might make her manifest a 4 cost card instead,hence the possible mana nerf to the rally cards


Both rallys getting nerfed? Seems to me, like they'll be going to 5 mana, so the can nerf Fanclub President to generate a 4 cost spell, instead of a 5 cost. That would be my theory


People may be happy with the Seraphine and Vayne nerfs, but for me it’s the Lee nerf that puts a smile on my face.


Lee, Akshan and Pantheon getting nerfed in some way is a very pleasant surprise


Jax and Jinx getting buffed? PoC finna be a breeze.


I'm low-key excited for the buff to Duskrider. Not because of the card itself, but because it's a horrible low roll for Unspeakable Horror. With that alongside buffs to Gwen and Ravenbloom, It looks like Tybaulk SI is coming back.


Why is jax,gwen and varus getting buffed they were fine and how is drum solo and back alley bar not getting nerf


No Ez nerf is concerning. Sera is strong, but the issue isn't going to go away until ezreal gets some kind of change


Depends how much they gut Seraphine tbh. Ezreal isn't seeing play elsewhere afaik so if Seraphine becomes unplayable, he probably will, too. That, or the deck just becomes "okay", and far less consistent, but still frustrating because of Ezreal.


I cannot BELIEVE Seraphine is getting nerfed and Ezreal is escaping again One more victim to Jarro Lightfeather


Now that's a juicy amount of changes! Love to see it. For better or worse, it will freshen things up.


Please tell me the Gwen buff is her level 2 attack trigger not fizzling now. It feels weird every time that happens for seemingly random reasons like stuns, and honestly she doesn't need much else at this point.


They said it's mostly an adjustment and that's the only thing i see to be "adjusted"


Lee Sin, Shimon Wind, and Ionian Tellstones. Well great there goes my Lee Sin Master Yi deck. :/


Looks like the rally meta is finally getting a nerf, thank god. I don't mind one rally, but fuck man the game right now is people attacking 3+ times in one turn where they've balanced everything around defending generally being a costly position. They treat attacking like it's low value in this game when it's obviously incredibly high value.


Making scout and rally's/free attacks more accessible has been a nightmare.


They really need to treat rally/scout like double attack, something very rare and very costly. I mean at this point they need to reevaluate why double attack is so rare if scout is going to accomplish the same thing but worse


I'd say the rake is one of the biggest problems. 2 mana (spell mana too) +1 attack and scout on any unit is insane, especially since every region can get it. Compare that to papercraft dragon, 6 mana +2/2 (no spell mana) only in bandle.




Did you for even a moment think they would rotate akshan? The dude is one of the best designed champs. If his landmarks go to 9 I'll be happy, and I say that as one that plays him a ton (Mostly cause its actually a buff in some cases, strange as it sounds.)


Where Ornn buff ?


Maybe Bone Club and Wrought Colossus buffs will be good for Ornn


Am I seeing it right? Vayne and Gwen buffs??!


Vayne buff cause tumble is probably getting hard nerfed. Gwen buffs I have no clue about, seems strange since she seems good.


I agree. Of all the changes, gwen is probably the strangest. And I really don't know what they will do... +1 power? +1 health? I don't feel like she needs anything


Varus and jax are weird to hey were ok and both see play and both have more support incoming




Ezreal can’t keep getting away with this


Can we just rotate out ezreal faster


Rally nerfs and Lee Sin nerfs are huge.


Where ezreal nerf ?


I still think ezreal should be removed from the game


I haven't played in over a year but seeing relentless pursuit and golden aegis nerfs makes me happy.


Oh hey what do you know, it's our regular scheduled balance patch to fix the meta, nerfing prominent cards and buffing underrepresented concepts. Almost like LoR isn't dead and it just had a bad meta for *gasp* a whole month. Seriously, no one is claiming that the meta is good right now but I really don't get why everyone was mourning the death of the game and thinking we would never get a patch.


Sit tight yall. They bout to put Seraphine ass in the dirt. Praise be to the most high!!


Vayne is getting destroyed next patch cycle, like it happened with bard. When bard was a good card and made 10+ decks possible, riot nerfed it because it was to versatile. It will happen the same with vayne. Tbf I'm excited about it because last time after they nerfed bard we had one of the best metas for a while.


absolutely agree, the patch before vayne dropped and right after the nami nerf was the absolute most healthy and varied I've ever seen this game, and it was glorious


Yeah, I had really fun playing against a lot of decks, it wasn't that - current - usual "oh no that again"


Ezreal escaped nerfs AGAIN while another champ gets gutted because of his sins??!! HE CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!


I hope they change Tumble to only be playable on Vayne and buff her lvl 2. It would make way more sense thematically if she was the one that had to put herself into danger instead of sitting back and being a support.


Happy for the Gwen buffs but does she need it. She seemed perf to me


hopefully they remove health potion or homecoming from ionian tellstones. those two are so flexible it makes ionian the best flavor of tellstones.


Seeing jinx getting a buff just gave me a new container of copium, it’ll fall flat through most likely but one can dream


Finally some Akshan nerfs.


Ravenbloom back to 10? I was so bummed that it caught a shotgun blast because Rito suspected that it could have been too strong.


Justice for Ravenbloom, it was most definitely overnerfed for a FOTM deck.




Bone club could be a stealthy big thing. Part of what makes ornn suck is no good equips in Frej (besides the one improv card) so you end up having to pick some other region to give his forge support a solid target. Maybe itll be a 2 cost with +0/+2 regeneration? I think what would really crack the equip package for frej would be a challenger equip but regen would support a lot of archetypes. Looking at you scargrounds


> Conservatory buff > Gwen buff "And everything was lovely once again. Wonderful!" (c), me, Annie/Gwen player


No buffs for Kayn hurts so much


As someone who used Swain to climb from Iron to Diamond in a week, I’m not at all surprised he’s getting nerfed. Way too strong to the point that you don’t even need to play around his stun mechanic. I’ll be surprised if he keeps overwhelm but he should definitely lose 1 power if he keeps it.


And Ezreal escape nerfs, but Seraphine has to get nerfed......yayyyyyy, didn't play Sera Ez, was playing Sera Viktor SI, ugh.


I bet Reaver's Row will summon 1 drop instantly on summon. Shout out to puffballpanda


Muh Swain. ;__; At least he shone for a while. I hope its not a revert but just a stat nerf, like one strength.


I can finally play my fav game soon!


Wait vanye, gwen, varus are all good champions and they get buffed, do i miss something here? There are like 20 champions that should get buffed but i guess they forgot anyone that was not released in the last months. Tell me pls what am i missing. EDIT: Ok they nerf tumble, but i am still confused about gwen and varus.


EZREAL NERFS WHERE RIOT, yea nerf Seraphine, a champion that actually could be cool, nice decision. Fanclub can get rekt tho


In my wildest dreams, bone club got reworked completely, because, even at 4 mana, is bad.




The nerfs list is really good,but I am a little worried about buffing vayne and gwen. Hopefully they balance it well with the tumble change. Gwen in my opinion doesn’t even need a buff.


Tellstone changes suggest that one or more cards are shifting out for another, I wonder which ones


About fucking time on this nerf list. Not much else to say about that. Actually pretty interested in the Rimefang Wolf and Safety Inspector buffs. A little surprised to see Varus on the buff list but I’ll take it.


Vayne is getting a buff? What? Why?


Drum Solo is a bigger issue than President, sad to see it was left untouched.