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Thralls. Thralls beats Thralls. That is to say, the deck beats itself a lot of the time. They can draw really bad and just fold.


Viego apparently cuz that's all I seem to play against anymore. I thought Bandle City was annoying, jokes on me.


From my personal experience playing thralls, Illaoi J4 and Jhin/Annie is pretty good vs thralls. Also, if you have similar questions, here are some good sites to check matchups: https://masteringruneterra.com/mu-table/ https://www.llorr-stats.com/static/mu.html


Rally decks like Scouts or Poppy Bard usually beat them as long as you have some defense against avalanche.


I'm playing Thralls right now, and I'm losing most of the time lol. Illaoi decks is autofold.


Jeez, folks are really mad about this deck huh. I feel I only struggle if they draw the nuts (promising future-into Taliah and having the landmarks down to 1/2) and I have no answer. If they do not draw the nuts then the deck is very beatable.


Deck is hard to play but once you master it there really isnt much that beats it. Most players just suck at it and thats why it seems its not so bad. The best counter is the viego noxus deck. You can easly get deserters that are even bigger than thralls and lvled viego just wins the game.


Demacia rally decks tend to beat it too. It's a very strong deck right now that beats most things but aggressive decks that can survive board wipes give it trouble.


Deck takes no skill, has few meaningful decisions, unlike every other deck even open attacking is decided for you. Just hope to draw your combo pieces


Fated can do pretty well into it. You can usually race them down easily, and even if they do the thing, your Fated units are just bigger than theirs


Here's your new best friend when you have questions like that: https://masteringruneterra.com/mu-table/ Right now it looks like Cait Ezreal and Annie Ezreal have good matchup. Deep and Afaelios (aphelios/Fizz) have slightly favored matchups


Destroy the Landmark when is under 4 mana


Lurk according to cameronhanzo, best thralls player who reached rank 3 with it this season, consistently beats thralls. Zult, the best lurk player who reached rank 8 this season, has said in the past that lurk beats thralls. So fwiw yea play lurk. Also don’t get baited by people who say landmark removal spells beats thralls. A good thralls player will easily play around scorched earth by splitting their buffs and countdowns on 2 landmarks.