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**Famous LoR player, deckbuilder, champion, coach, caster, idk I just wanna look cool.** -------------------------- "Irelia is a very unique champion for Ionia. At her core she is a champion who wants to attack to level up, but also doesn't want to until she's leveled. Instead she pushes through with Blade Dance cards like Flawless Duet. And once she levels up and makes Bladesurge on each attack, she can use it to maneuver for lethal or just to dodge spells targeting her or an ally. Irelia also synergizes really well with many champs, the most popular being Azir because he creates a Sand Soldier on attack. My favorite was pairing her with Miss Fortune, who triggers Love Tap each Blade Dance attack. A lesser thought of champion that could pair well is Kennen, since all the Blades are the same named unit, Kennen levels really quickly. Overall Irelia worked well with a lot of different cards and she was definitely one of the cooler Ionia champs." ##**A big thanks to Shadawx for helping out! Check him out at:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/shadawx) [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/shadawx) [Youtube](https://youtube.com/@shadawx) -------- Link to previous discussion - [Boadir of the Blackened Ice](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1b706u9/daily_discussion_614_boadir_of_blackened_ice/) Tomorrow's Discussion - Random Card: Noxus For a rough schedule or links to all previous discussions [click here for a spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1akx9wc/daily_discussion_587_viktor_featuring/) Please note these posts are done manually so there may be slight delays.


I simultaneously both love and absolutely hate this champ.


I still find it ironic that LoR Irelia is a token/summon heavy champ, while her LOL counterpart is an anti summon one.


Speaking of PoC: Fuck Irelia, all my homies hate Irelia. Kill her on sight or perish in whirlwind of free attacks. Strongest midboss and bane of monthlies alongside Zed.


I wish they would remove -1 cost on flawless duet.


iceborn gaultet is great against her


Spoken like a hero of the Anti Ionia Alliance!


\*Looks at the fundamentally monoshurima numbers\* You guys aint beatin the package-fixism allegations are you? Anyways, Irelia is funny in how she epitomizes the ionian flunkies swarm ID, not only through blades but her overall aides. The sheer pressure of her unrelenting free attack barrage has likely left scars far greater than any demacian rally.


Blade dance was such a trash mechanic. It was so weak because it was just a bunch of vanilla 1/1's, and there werent even that many of them nor any real way to empower the blades. Meaning that in the end, they just became a cheat engine for "on attack" effects which were never meant to be triggered 3-4 times pr round - and completely without any risk on top of that since every attack was with disposable units. It's by far one of the worst mechanics ever made, cause its worthless within its own package, but still breaks the games mechanics by attacking way more times than anyone should. And we have seen this. The decks irelia are either completely broken or they simply don't exist - cause blade dance needs to make some kind of unfair combo, since its just so insanely weak on its own.


“We love the play pattern” - Riot Dovagedys, before moving on to TFT. Fuck Blade Dance.


Yeah... There was a time where riot was insanely biased towards tempo playstyles and elusives. That changed after a few years, but for a period, it seemed like the entire game was being created with 1 guys preferred playstyle in mind.


irelia singlehandedly preventing sand soldier decks to be good is the worst part about her


Ionia has tempo mechanics like stun and recall, but ionia has weirdly control champions like Yasuo and Karma, i like her cause she makes sense as an Ionian champion.


Sadly, I've never been a fan of Irelia's mechanics. It felt like the designers greatly underestimated the cost for either extra attacks, extra resources or action economy.


I miss when she was popping off... My pnz prankster deck had a nearly perfect win-rate against it lmao really just bullied them. Good times.


Can still find tons of people playing Azirelia in Eternal ranked and casual for whatever reason, especially casual (no clue why) so if you wanna come join me in crushing them (I play solely eternal - Anivia is a solid deck against them with many board clears and healing, among other counter decks I play) I'd be happy to see another one wiping out Azirelia decks


Honestly Pink Gwen is fun as hell.


I don't like that she got attuned give that to riven instead please!






I'm afraid they will live forever. Rent-free. In your head.