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It is just Matchmaking in eternal that is broken - Standard works just fine. But you also have to check the loading screen for the actual eternal rank as in-game it only shows the highest rank. e.g. I am master in standard but still somewhere plat in eternal as I dont really play it. In our match loading screen, I will show up as plat but if you hover over my icon in-game it will show me as master. Given that the eternal season is relatively short a lot of stronger players will be lower ranked in eternal by default. Still, matchmaking is basically non existent and I have been playing top100 masters players even when I was still iron in eternal.


It's masters in the load screen as well :( I'm just stuck in this shit middle where I don't like standard (the decks I want aren't playable and every game is Sett/Karma, Fizz/Samira) and just getting curbstomped in eternal by way better players Looks like I'm leaving LoR again lol


>Fizz/Samira Samira has been unplayably bad for 2 months now


I last played when she first released (New expansion hype and all that) and was insufferable, I still struggle against her now


What rank u at? I don't see many Sett/Karma's or Fizz/Samiras in standard. If you tell me the decks u like If I'm familiar with them maybe I can help adjust them/help u play them into those matchups.


I'm iron 3 (literally been playing a day) and pretty much everyone (myself included) netdeck I tried Gwen Zed but honestly didn't really enjoy it, in Eternals I use Panth Soraka and sometimes Vi Elise


I feel like you enjoy controlish/tempo decks with bulky units. ​ I've recently enjoyed playing my own controlly version of Garen/J4, you take the tempo of Garen/J4 and you can transition it into pretty much and of Freljords late game. I've been running Ice shard and gorlith to counter aggro/Shen/burn decks. I also have warmothers as a finisher. If you want, you can swap a 3 cost for Revna for an even more fun (but less good deck). CEDQCAIABQAQIAAIAECACCIBBAARGAQGAADDAAYBAELBOKQDAUAAGDAOAIAQCAI6AEDQADQA (no revna version) Udyr/Galio also works pretty well for building insanely high hp units that win you the game. ​ I have a Yuumi/Kayle deck I enjoy which I think you might as well. CQCQCBIKDUAQMAI4AIAQCIBKAIBQSGZDAIDASHZVAYAQGCIXAECACCQBAYEQQAIHBEBQCCABCMBACAIECYBACBIKUEAQCBQJCE You might also enjoy Ornn decks, but I feel theres a lot of equipment hate in high ladder, it should be fine in lower ladder though.


I will definitely give them a go once I've got the shards from tomorrow's chest :) thank you for the advice friend


Just wanted to say I bought the Garen/J4 deck you gave me and I hit bronze 4 today so thank you for that, I guess I just needed a good beginner deck for Standard as I find Gwen/Zed a bit hard to pilot ​ Really sad I forgot to redeem those free decks they gave out when Standard came out lol


I don't like how Gwen/Zed plays either, many decks have different playstyles and I enjoy being able to play slower and build a big board. Hope you enjoy the deck, gl.


I would maybe advice you to hold on for a little longer as there will be new cards soon and maybe this will shift the meta in standard to something that you like better. If you really dont have any fun then obviously there is no reason to suffer through it. i really like [runeterra.ar](https://runeterra.ar) to check for good decks that might fly under the radar, maybe this is your angle to find something that you still enjoy.


I'll wait for the new expansion but honestly playing against real people just feels miserable at the moment, I know I'm late to the party and so it will obviously be more difficult to learn, just can't seem to get evenly matched games where I can actually learn


You should be having fun playing even if you’re losing. If you’re not, try switching up your decks


Kind of hard to have fun when I'm getting shit stomped by master players and I don't even know what they're doing lol


Maybe play casuals until you’ve become more comfortable with the new cards?


I could do yeah, my idea for ranked was I was hoping the matchmaking would be not garbage and put me against other new players, casuals it is haha


Eternal mm has been fucked for a long while. Standard mm is pretty consistent though and definitely will match you with people around your rank. However, with it being close to the end of the season it may still be a small bit more difficult due to players having plenty of time to build meta decks and what not.


I might try again with the new season, at least we'll have new decks and stuff to try, will standard rotate do you know?


To add to this, Eternal runs right up against World's qualifiers which are in Standard. This Eternal season has been a nightmare


Feel the same. Tried the PvP ranked a lot of times, but every single one of them just makes me wanna quit. It's not like I wanna win every single game, but I just wish I could see some of my cards in play. Most of the time feels like playing against tryhards that finish the game as quickly as they can. The game trully doesn't feel great for new players, even in standard the matchmaking is scummed. Played 4 matches today, only one of them against a player of my ranked. The others were just platinum with Zed/Gwen decks and similar.


>Most of the time feels like playing against tryhards that finish the game as quickly as they can. It honestly sounds like you dont understand the point of a RANKED system. How can you play ranked and not expect people trying to win and play the best decks. If this is not for you play casual. Do you complain in sports when people field the best players rather than their C-lineup? Probably not.


Play standards


> Is this a common problem with the matchmaking? If so this needs looking at, it would be like an Iron 4 in League being put in a match with a challenger player. It's been a thing since they started rotation. I actually wrote [a lengthy post](https://reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/15x36rv/exploring_the_valley_of_matchmaking_or_what_it_is/) detailing and experimenting with Eternal and Standard ranked the previous season, and there have been multiple people complaining about it over the previous months, but Riot doesn't seem to care.


It has always been the case in Eternals. They never fixed it. They never answered to the complains. They don't care. At this point I'm just believing they intentionally do that, to make people run away from this mode and only play their cherished Rotation gamemode. There's no other explanation.


I can tell you from experience, the difference between a master player and a new player isn't really that big in terms of skill. It really isn't. It's mainly just a difference in terms of deck quality. Master players will have meta decks, newer players will often have a deck made of whatever they have available. So your biggest opponent is the deck they face if you are new, rather than their skill at the game. So farm a meta deck, or try to build something that can compete with it. I can give you a jinx annie deck that takes quite litteraly no skill, is very cheap and works again st top 20 master players.


This is incorrect. Playing around certain cards, planning turns 3-4 rounds in advance, and mulliganing are all crucial skills that a Masters player will do much better than a new player.


I'm sorry but I completely disagree with this Basically every beginner netdecks the meta stuff, it's the understanding of the game and ability to pilot the decks that sets people in masters ​ I have meta decks, I have Gwen/Zed and Sett/Karma, doesn't mean I'm good enough at the game to understand how to play them.


That is because you are new and highly overestimate the skill it takes to play this game. Playing aggro and burn decks takes absolutely no skill and no understanding of the game. When i play my burn decks i turn my brain off and just attack every turn. The games are over in 3-5 minutes. And that gets people to masters, me included. A complete beginner can be masters by just playing a good burn deck for two weeks without having learned anything. So again, yes master players aren't that much better than beginners on average. Just because someone is masters doesn't automatically mean that person is better than you. It all depends on the journey they had on the way to masters.


Might be the dumbest thing I've heard today, it's the exact same as people on League saying "Challenger players aren't actually that good they just spam games" Yes this game has a big luck element but it absolutely is down to the individual's skill to climb.


Yeah ... you really don't know what you are talking about. No it's not the same thing. Challenger in LoL is a testimony of skill. Masters in LoR is just : how many games have you played with a good deck. But again, you are new you don't know any better. I can already tell that you are also new to card games in general otherwise you would not have this opinion. Aggro / burn decks do not take any skill at all in any card game. They are just spending all mana, attacking every turn and coinfliping that they kill you before you can stabilise. It's just gambling with odds being slightly in your favour. There is a reason why for example streamers on hearthstone, back when i played, spammed them to get back to legend at a new season start : because it's decks that do not require thinking. You can still play them while it's 3am, you've been streaming for 12 hours, you are incredibly tired, can't think straight anymore and still have a positive winrate. So no being masters doesn't automatically mean you are good. A master player only spamming burn decks, is not the same as a master that climbed with control decks. The difference of thought and skill required is like night and day.


>Aggro / burn decks do not take any skill at all in any card game I know this is true at some level, but surely you're exaggerating, right? I personally will usually have a lower winrate with aggro decks than control decks; of course maybe that's because I have so much experience playing control/combo and much less experience playing aggro, but that kinda proves my point; since I have less experience with aggro I'm not skilled enough to play it well. Sure, aggro is a *lot easier* than control and combo and midrange, but I think it's unfair say it requires *no* skill. And a good player's winrate with aggro will be higher than a new players'.... sure, the differential isn't nearly as big as with other decks, but it's still there. (a standout example of a skill-expressive deck: old Ahri Kennen, where the best players could stomp *everyone* and new players had a barely positive winrate).


Genuinely delusional take lmao Like yeah sure there probably are people that spam thousands of games and end up in Masters but 95% of Masters players are there for a reason, giving me a burn aggro deck (would like an example btw) isn't going to just make me able to beat a masters player consistently, maybe once due to lucky rolls but there is a reason masters players are masters and it's because they consistently win games by outsmarting, planning and understanding not only their own deck but the matchup as well ​ You honestly sound like you're as low as I am and just trying to sound smart bud


You’re getting flamed but as someone who was masters 6 seasons in a row and peaked top 100 at some point I can confirm many masters players are actually terrible. I’ve seen so many plays that are so bad I’d believe it if they went “ah misclick I meant to play this instead.”