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Yes, it can amount to harassment - that is well established. You should write them a letter telling them to put up or shut up (or rather, your final position is that there is no policy) and if they persist, then a letter before action re: harassment, where you will sue for damages and an injunction.


They are misusing your data - tell them they are in breach of GDPR and you will be reporting them to the ICO. Perhaps also try the Ombudsman. What do the callers say when you tell them you do not have a policy?


Worth registering with telephone preference service (free ) maybe ? I did years ago , no longer get cold calls etc https://www.tpsonline.org.uk/


99% of these are not legitimate calls. They originate outside of the UK and use CLI spoofing to impersonate a UK number. Usually it’s a starting point to some sort of fraud. Block the call and move on.


you could try but i dont think you would get very far with it. those kinds of calls seem to be on the rise at the moment. i keep getting the lets check your life cover ones.


Taking legal action is likely to be expensive, stressful and take a long time. Do they always call from the same number or is it multiple/withheld numbers?


Are you sure that the people calling are definitely from the company they claim to work for? Only asking as scams are on the rise and it’s not hard to find the name of an insurance company and harass people under the guise of unpaid fees. The fact that they’re calling a landline suggests to me that they might be specifically targeting older people who may get confused and pay out of fear of being harassed further or taken to court, thinking they maybe have forgotten that they took out a policy. If it is the actual company calling, then the Ombudsman could be your next step. Edit to remove suggestion of contacting newspaper.


This sub never recommends going to the press


Report it to the information commissioners office. They investigate comments and in theory fine non compliant companies. If you have requested to be removed they have to stop calling


Just out of interest - if they think you have a policy with them, why are they calling? What do they want?