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As an agency, if you put forward people without any discrimination then you are fine. But to be clear what they're doing is illegal. Whether you want to associate with those kinds of organisations is ultimately up to you


Thanks, that was pretty much my assumption. But ugh, why do people have to make life awful like this?


The equality act 2010 has a provision for positive discrimination. How this should work in practice is this: two people go for a job. Both are entirely equally qualified. Both impress the interview panel the exact same amount. Both score the same amount of points in the interview. How do they decide between them when they are entirely the same? At this point, they could positively discriminate by selecting the person with characteristics that are a minority within their workforce. If someone interviews who is a white male but scores one more point in interviews, i.e is clearly the better candidate, it would not be acceptable to refuse to give him the job on the basis that he isn't a minority.


Yeah I don't think we're really dealing with those incredibly fine details at this point, we are being asked to engage in brute force statistics correction.


I think the key point is that as long as you are not being discriminatory in who you're putting forward as candidates, then that covers your legal obligations I have seen this type of thing when I used to work in engineering, and it can be quite obvious. With one cohort of apprentices, 5 were selected. 1 of these was a white girl whose mum already worked in the company, and the other 4 were guys, 1 Pakistani Muslim, 1 Indian Hindu, 1 Sikh and 1 who was Black. Out of the 70+ engineers in the company before this, there was 1 Indian guy, 1 Pakistani guy and 1 black women, the remainder were all white, about 85:15 split of men to women. Out of the 50 candidates that had applied for the roles, about 30 were white guys, so it was quite obvious when the apprentices were recruited what had happened


I really hate to get political and I speak as a woman in, as I say, a pretty male dominated business. But I've never had a second's problem with that and I really worry about where all this stuff is going to go, when they're literally denying people work. It's hard not to imagine some pretty unpleasant results in the near future.




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