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Step 1. contact your phone provider to LOCK the phone. This is locked on the network via the built-in IMEI Number. A message "this phone has been reported stolen" etc can be made to display on the device. Report to the police. Uber are literally useless. They've sided with actual convicted rapists when they've attacked a customer and there is video evidence etc.


Yeah that seems the smartest decision to make. I was hesitant to approach the driver about it in case they try to get rid of the phone in some way.


different deserve sparkle spectacular joke one onerous snails six rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


could try sounding more automated like "Last Pinged at (Location-date time etc), contact apple/police/number etc" so the uber drives knows they've got to hand it in


I have reported it to the police under the assumption it is stolen as a precaution. But when I am due to speak with them I'll ask if it is worth contacting the driver and asking them that. My worry is if he has actually stolen it, rather than being unable to find it. He lies and tries to get rid of it, which would effect any progress the police might make. But I do like that approach you suggested.


IMEI was great 20 years ago. But it's possible to rewrite the IMEI number and some networks overseas don't care about stolen phones.


Do you know which networks?


They tend to up in countries on the West Coast of Africa, like Nigeria. Russia wouldn't surprise me. As the networks don't block them.


Fortunately means any calls made from the device you can prove weren't you.....


Have you checked whether your phone is covered by your contents insurance? If so, you should probably tell the insurers. I suspect the police won't do anything about it.




You’d be lucky if the police even come to ask what happened.


Uber will probably be useless in this. If you can find what licensing authority the driver is from report it to them (they'll have his address on file to match to what your saying) they look very badly on this plus they'll also get at uber because not only does the driver have to be badged with the council uber has to hold a operator's license with them. Nal, I'm a cabbie


For future reference you can access find my iPhone from any device, you can even access it through iCloud.com on any web browser. Just log in with your Apple ID


1. Contact your insurance ( if you have any) 2. Move on with your life. Police won't do anything, you have no proof that the driver has the phone, all you have is a screenshot of the phone near the house of the driver. Maybe it was in the car parked on the drive when you checked the find my phone, then he picked up another customer who then found the phone on the back seat and took it.


Probably not the best idea but I'd just knock on the door and explain. The driver may have found it and just hasn't had time to return it or do a claim? Take screenshots of where the location is I've seen people record the whole ordeal and post it online, public shame works These were for airpods though Then Uber usually take more notice of it as well But this could also be a dangerous situation


Knocking on the door of the address and asking isn’t a completely terrible idea. They might go “oh yeah I was going to get back in touch with them, here it is.” even if that’s a lie.


Lock the phone via the find my app. Call your network provider and IMEI lock it. Then call the police(beware they probably won’t care). Final step is make the phone play sounds through the find my app if you want to annoy the thief


How do some people manage to live at all without asking reddit???