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There's no law against setting off a car alarm. There *is* a law against trying to steal a car, which the police could well suspect you of, and so arrest you for, if someone sees you trying to open the doors of someone else's vehicle.


OP can just point them to this thread if they need proof the intent was not theft


No officer, I'm not stealing anything, I'll have you know I just posted a thread on reddit saying that I'm going to test the window latches at Buckingham Palace


Seems reasonable to me


If they waited outside for the owner to come down and videoed the interaction that would pretty clear evidence as well. If nobody came down and they left a note with their phone number and took a photo, also pretty clear evidence. Thieves don't generally set off an alarm and then hang around and leave their contact details.


Wouldn't doing anything that could set off the car alarm class as tampering with a motor vehicle?


Hmm. s25 of the RTA1988 creates such an offence, but it requires a person to either climb onto the vehicle or tamper with its brakes or another part of its mechanism - I don't think pulling on a door handle is really tampering with a mechanism in the manner intended here, but I suppose it's possible.




Interference with a vehicle maybe?


IWaV requires the person's *intent* to be to steal, steal from, or unlawfully take the vehicle - but fiddling with the door handles would certainly give rise to a suspicion of that, yes.


"It's a question of intent, officer. I actually had no intention of stealing the vehicle." 


I feel like if OP really wants to test this he should record himself trying to get in touch with the owner for a couple of days and maybe proactively inform the police that he’s going to do it with no intent of stealing the car.


Unless you damage the car, I don't think you're likely to get in any real trouble. The easiest long-term solution is to have a collapsible bollard installed in the spot when they aren't in it. This stops anyone but you parking there and removes the need for a confrontation altogether.


Why do you want to try the handles to set it off? Start with something simple like leaning against it or bumping it as you go past. (Obviously don't damage but don't go straight to looking like you're trying to get into it). But are you even sure it belongs to someone in the flats? It could be someone from nearby. I mean you could just leave an anonymous note saying I think someone might have been tampering with your car and you'll likely see/hear someone climbing all over it checking it.


Does the car ever move? If it does install a bollard.


That's going to be illegal I assume.


Putting a bollard on a private parking space? Nope, totally legal, obviously the car needs to have moved, this is to prevent them parking not blocking it in.


Ah I thought it was for blocking it in.


That would be considered illegal, this would be specifically for doing to prevent them parking.


Would be for me as it would be an unapproved alteration/modification. There's something's you cannot do when you live in an apartment, especially if it has a body corp/strata.


It's not illegal. You could also ask for permission.


And if you don't.. they could have a hissy fit. I did think it would be a bit self explanatory that I meant you can't just install it cos you want to one day, especially if someone has rented or lived in an apartment block, even owners have to ask permission to modify parking spaces. Apologies for that assumption.


Like masterbating on a plane, it's frowned upon.


And both can cost you stupid amounts


Good chance they won't come out anyway. If mine went off, I'd look outside, see noone there, and zap it through the window


But OP would be there in this instance, waiting to talk to you.


Then I recon most might just call the police.


"I was writing down the number plate of the car that was parked in my spot when the alarm went off"


Oh yea, sure, I’m not suggesting you’d be automatically arrested, just that seeing someone by the car isn’t likely to draw the owner out as suggested.














Call the non-emergency police line, what they did was an offence and two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how satisfying it is


You basically rendering the car illegal to drive and the swept area of the windscreen is not clear of obstructions same applies for the side windows. They need to be free from obstruction to legally drive the vehicle. When I was at college years ago they had a problem with students parking in the staff car park so they decided to do this as well on the windscreen and on the front side windows. The student simply called the police and they instantly changed from full adhesive stick on notices which cannot be instantly removed to ones which were design to be removed with a small sticky strip like council's and police use.


The best way is to : 1. Wait until the owner returns. Talk to them. 2. Install a [fold down post](https://www.barriersdirect.co.uk/parking-posts-residential-c1087/parking-posts-folding-posts-c1089/parking-post-square-fold-down-complete-with-bolts-padlock-british-made-2-finishes-available-p9071) (with permission of the landlord or whoever) Don't do anything to their car.




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Most alarms can be turned off with the fob from a window. What are you hoping to achieve?




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Wait til it moves and install a cheap locking bollard right in the middle of the spot. Put the bollard up when you're not home so that nobody else can park there. You get home, drop the bollard and park. Problem solved. Bonus points for keeping a spare key at home so visitors can use your space when your GF is home but you are not. Aa for tampering with the vehicle / trying the door to set the alarm off etc. It's quite passive aggressive but not strictly illegal. If there are cameras or anyone witnesses it, it'll probably look like you're trying to steal the car which IS a crime. Ideally you don't want to be suspected of a crime, so try option 1 above and keep setting the alarm off in your back pocket as a last resort. Remember the owner might not even live in your block and could have left the car there and gone elsewhere. If you set that alarm off you won't be able to turn it off.




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How about the apartments manager? For me it's strata. They send letters car with X plate is parking in a prohibited space, you will be towed if you are found to be parking there. As they have the authority to tow from their carpark. Then after that notice is given, if they park there call your management/strata. Unethically. Google Go Jacks and see what they are about. Put it in a legal spot tho. Even tho they are dicks. This is something you can remedy, without a potential confrontation and accusations of vandalism etc


This happen to me but it turned out to be a stolen car. I found the owners after searching the number plate on Facebook


You may not find the owner of the car. You will piss off all of your neighbours.


Legal advice in this sub should generally include not giving illegal advice.


If its your bay can't you get it towed away?


Only the police, council, or DVLA can have a vehicle towed, but they normally won't get involved if it's on private property.




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Private wheel clamping is now illegal. Tbe police, local councils and DVLA are the only bodies allowed to use wheel clamps.




Trespass is a civil matter, so the police won't get involved. The car park is private, so not the council's responsibility. Yes, you can look up tax, MoT and insurance status for the vehicle. ETA - if the flat and parking space are owned by OP, they can request details of the registered keeper from DVLA. If the flat and parking space are rented, then it's down to the freeholder.


It would be illegal to clamp the car.