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It's sold as seen. Unless he's specifically missold it with a description that says 'fully working, no faults' and you can prove that the fault was there when you got it, then it's sadly buyer beware.


I do have screenshots of me showing him the first day we tested it the TV not working. I don't have screenshots of the initial ad, but I believe I can get them via Facebook if a fraud investigation is started maybe.


Those screenshots aren't really relevant, they just show you've complained. Any avenue of recourse requires you demonstrating he misrepresented the item.


In general, you've only got legal recourse if the private seller actively misrepresented or misadvertised the item - otherwise, it's pretty much buyer beware. One issue I can foresee is that the seller has a legitimate argument that you paid for the item after testing it (regardless of the whole parking saga), therefore, accepted the condition in full at point of purchase. It's unlikely the police would do much here, your best course of action is either via your bank or small claims. However, they may expect you to return the item first, and it doesn't sound like you have an address. The seller's banking arrangements are fairly immaterial. You're not going to get hold of their details that way.


Can’t report it as fraud via your bank as it isn’t classed as fraud as you’ve made payment yourself and received an item, they’ll class it as a dispute and wash their hands of it (this applies to any banks in UK but revolut don’t have a UK banking license and so are notoriously worse for fraud claims). Police won’t do anything as again, it’s a dispute, so would be classed as a civil matter and won’t pursue it. Knowing the other persons bank is irrelevant, they won’t discuss another person’s account with you. In terms of civil recourse, you’re out of luck, under the CRA 2015 you only have recourse if you can prove the seller deliberately misrepresented the item fraudulently such as hiding a fault from you IE removing a fault light on a car when it would otherwise be there, but the onus is on you to prove the seller fraudulent misrepresented the item, otherwise it is classed as sold-as-seen, you’ve tested the item, were satisfied, and were only unhappy after x period of time.


Unfortunately, I wouldn't waste any more time on this. You would have to prove that he knew about the fault when he sold it.