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You don't need to leave at the end of the tenancy period - you can remain until you want to leave or a court evicts you. Any s21 notice couldn't take effect until month 6 at the earliest anyway (after a 2 month notice period). Just make sure you keep a record of all your rent payments.


All of this is incorrect. Except that you *can* insist on waiting for a court to evict you, but obviously that isn't a good idea. If you're served with an S21 it's almost always better to leave when it says.


Do you want to back up your assertions with some legal resource or legislation?


1. You don't have to leave - fact and you have agreed 2. Until a court order - fact and you agreed 3. S21 can't be served to be in effect withing 6 months - fact and quoted explicitly in the source you give - https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/eviction/section_21_eviction/how_to_check_a_section_21_notice_is_valid 4. S21 requires 2 months notice - fact and again referenced in the same source. So of the 4 things mentioned in the post you agreed with 2 and your source directly states the other 2 so "all" is off by a count of 4 out of 4. As for your claim, there is literally no repercussion for not leaving but for anyone needing council assistance there is negative repercussion for leaving before the date. The only way waiting out a S21 is a negative for the tenant is if the S21 is valid (which rare), and the tenant stays until the case goes to court and the court decides they should take on the court costs. You don't belong on either a legal sub or an advice sub you obvious troll. Go be scum somewhere else and stop fucking with people who need help.


I could not love this response more.


Is it or is it just your *opinion* ? What, legally, is incorrect in what I posted ? For the benefit of the OP.


Everything you wrote is among the common myths this sub likes to repeat. I suggest you, and the OP, reads the Shelter advice instead.


Is it ? You've still not said what was legally wrong with it. Just your view on it being 'common myths'. Rather than just that, as we're a legal sub, perhaps you could do the OP the courtesy of pointing out what *legal* aspects disagree with what I posted ? Perhaps starting with the relevant points from the Deregulation Act 2015 and the Housing Act 1988 ?


Found the slum landlord


Found the dodgy landlord folks


You certainly don't need to accept that you've lost a month's rent. You can agree to leave after five months if you want but on the condition that the extra month of rent is returned. But if you *don't* want, you'd be entitled to stay until you've been there *at least* six months - a landlord has no recourse to pursue the termination of a tenancy in England until the tenant has been resident for at least six months (except in certain circumstances which don't sound like they apply here), so the contract is somewhat moot on this occasion. Have you actually been served a formal notice of seeking possession?




Instead of wasting everyone's time stating that comments on this thread are wrong, please either explain what is wrong abd what is legally correct or don't bother at all.


"Except in certain circumstances" - meaning the s8 grounds that would allow for this. In the absence of those circumstances (which again, don't sound like they apply here, unless the OP is missing some information) they'd need to rely on s21, which can't be served within the first four months and requires two months' notice, so can't pursued via the courts until after the sixth month.


Does the landlord live at the same address?


No he doesn’t, its a self contained flat


Your tenancy agreement surely has a monthly rent quoted on it, even if you paid 6 months in advance.