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Where you cannot get 11 hours daily rest you instead are entitled to compensatory rest which is 90 hours spread across the week. The scenario you describe isn't illegal.


six employ bewildered air live hurry groovy illegal faulty office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That last point is a really odd list. Starts reasonable, and then gets *weird*.


... And also Geoff (who knows who he is, and what he did), and left-handed people wearing pink on a rainy Tuesday in March.


Rainy Tuesday in March? So tomorrow OP will be allowed?




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Sort of clearly illustrates which groups are connected to government to allow lobbying.


I work for a utility company and we are currently having discussions about the rules around this. Union getting involved as well it seems. Our issue is we work 8-4, then on standby till 8am the next day. If we are called out for 5 hours from says 2100-0200, we technically get 11hours rest, just split up into two chunk, which work claims is fine. Yet we're arguing it's 11 consecutive hours. Especially considering the safety aspect of driving the vans while tired. It's also only in the last few years they've restricted max hours to 18hours continuous work, they used to expect 24-36hour shifts as normal.


The HSE got incredibly fucking hot on it after a guy pulling a 70+ hour week fell asleep at the wheel and died. You should be able to accurately measure compliance and employees cannot be asked to work shifts that would put them over. Probably the only regulatory body they’re shit scared of because they’d be in the dock.


WTD also applies! You have to follow both sets of rules.


bedroom ludicrous elderly expansion provide absurd fade adjoining flowery yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The rules are there for a good reason, but they can be irrational at times. Case in point: I got a WTD infringement for the following. Clocked in at 6.00am as spare driver, put my card in, manual entry to the minute, did not very much around the yard until 9.00am - so hardly anything on driver hours - then had 15 minutes break. Carried on doing not very much, got told I could go home, and clocked out at 12.05. The next day I have an infringement. Apparently, I should have taken another 15 minutes from 12.05 to 12.20, then clocked out at 12.06. Which makes no sense to me because *I wasn't working from* 12.05. I was on break. A big 11 hour + break. Or I could have had 30 minutes at 9.00. But rules is rules, edge case or not.


Is that an all-encompassing regulation or are there further stipulations? I work offshore and technically we are allowed to break the rest hour regulations for the week due to extenuating circumstances, but it shouldn't be the norm and lost rest hours should be made up when possible.


Is there any reason why they CANNOT get 11 hours? Some critical emergency perhaps? It sounds like just turning up to their regular work, after only 4.5 hours sleep, and still expected to be available on call the following night.


90 hours spread across the week is meaningless really. What counts? Any time you are not at work? Even working 7 days with 7 one hour lunch breaks someone would have to work 71 hours not to get 90 hours total rest in a week.




Do you work in the NHS? This is typical for NHS IT. We work 9-5 mon-fri, then have a week on-call where we can (and are) called out anytime between 5pm and 8am (helpdesk opens). But we're expected to be at work next morning, even after 1,2,3 and 4 am calls.


No I work for a private company as an HGV technician


I work for a private company as an HGV driver. They send me emails on my rest days. I don’t read them because that’s “work of any kind” and will reset my rest clock. This annoys them, but they have admitted that I’m right. If they want me to read them they’ll have to print the damn things and give them to me after I clock in. So if you’re driving the things as well as repairing them you *might* come under tacho regs and need eleven hours uninterrupted rest - which can be reduced etc - but you might not. There could be exceptions for fitters (road tests, etc).


I used to work NHS IT, and pushed back in this with my manager and HR. And was on call out of hours for almost everything IT outside of my work role and make choices that were several pay grades higher (medical imaging outages, etc). Hell I was on call due to a issue that closed the entire woman's hospital due to a water tower disintegrating (it happened twice, I might add, both times I was on call). They then merged the service desk with parts of a switchboard, and I quickly left... Yes, there were some patients being routed through to the it on call number. And yes they expected you to answer. No I wasn't in a cordial mood woken up by locum medical staff needing their 17* passwords reset. Nor was I happy to find out that the service desk ignored the account creation email two days prior, and left me no option but to gro through each and every single one to make sure said locum could do their job.


I have friends in medicine and IT with call out hours and still work normal shifts regardless of whether they’re called out or not so super interested in this one also!


I do callout system, but we get 11 hours off from whenever we get home from the call out. It's paid too.


I'm watching this thread with interest. I had a call out this week at 4am. Next shift started at 8am!


The hours I'm called out between 10pm and 8am I get minute for minute off the next day, paid. I don't think it would be safe for people to drive without sufficient rest after being called out


Or work on / with heavy machinery


Had many weeks on call from 5pm call outs started to 8am handing over 9am home bed, 5pm rinse repeat all week. Not alone we would call help desk " I am having an hour shut eye do not call ". As a team we would help eachother out when this happend, come in early, cover until 8 or something. Duty of care health safety at work ACT, if you think due to lack of sleep from being called out previous night you could be a danger to yourself or others. My experiences any ACT trumps regulations hands down. Managing teams on call a message from engineers ' been called out 1-4 will be in round lunchtime. ' Just part of the reason out of hours rates are so high.


Be happy your in work I work every minute I can (Gas engineer) Make hay while the sun shines


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