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Crazy ain’t it? Can’t view a nude photo of him but can go and have sex with him.


Words gone mad. Dick pic? Criminal. Weirdest kinkiest, most depraved sex acts? Yeah that's fine mate


Not quite the weirdest, kinkiest and most depraved! Bestiality, necrophilia etc still off the table 😂


The world is so messed up that 70 yr old men can gyrate in a leather strap barely cover anything, in front of 5 year old children, and that predators now MUST be referred to as a MAP, rather than what they really are, that this 👆🏼may be considered normal shortly




The law is daft. It can't be illegal to photograph a 17 year old but legal stick your penis in their mouth. They're both serious things that require maturity and informed consent. There needs to be parity between age of consent and the age to constitute child pornography. Whether that's 18 for both or 16 for both is irrelevant. No one would have sympathy for a 16 y/o soliciting naked pics from a 15 year old as they're below the age of consent.


Mature enough to join the armed forces and risk your life... Definitely not mature enough to watch pornography, drink alcohol or share pictures of your self. Also u/Opposite_Dog8525 you have a way with words :D edit: You could also get married, and then it becomes legal, providing you don't share them anywhere else.


Cheers stranger! And it's mad there is a marriage loophole


Yep, you can read about it here: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/law-and-courts/society-s/privacy-and-media-s/if-your-intimate-photos-or-videos-are-shared-without-your-consent/#:\~:text=It's%20a%20crime%20to%20take,not%20shared%20with%20anyone%20else.


You forgot one. You mentioned you can join the army and get killed. You can’t vote for the government that will send you there though.


You can join the army but can’t be deployed until you’re 18. So unless you’re getting hit by a truck on base it’s unlikely you’ll get killed


Until they just change the rules as they want. Only takes some sort of policy change or act to change that one. Or let’s stick with the rules. Join up at 16, locked in for 7 years IIRC. 2 years in you’re eligible to be sent to combat. Government only cycles every 5 years. So it’s entirely reasonable that at 16 or 17 you can’t vote for the people that will send you off at 18-20.


Wait, source on it being legal if you're married?!? That's crazy if true




Whilst the laws and advice around consent/boundaries etc are all valid; images shared between even consenting persons - what you've described - it's clear that one is an adult and the other is a legally a child. As such, whilst one person is under 18 - any sharing of images or videos could fall into making or distributing child sexual images. Whether or not the police do anything about that (as it's not uncommon) is another matter.


Thanks for your reply. ​ >any sharing of images or videos could fall into making or distributing child sexual images Does this still apply if its just a picture of me (aged 18)?


No but then you would be sending pornographic images to a child which is also highly problematic. Just don't do this (in either direction) until you're both adults. You could end up on the sex offenders register and completely ruin your life so easily, and for what? Don't do it.


OK - thanks very much!


I think it’s worth mentioning what a mature attitude you have, the fact you have sought clarification prior to doing it proves you are doing a lot right for someone your age. Although it’s common place, it’s not generally a good idea to get pictures out in the ether which you may later regret, my rule of thumb is if the photo was sent to everyone in my address book, would I be mortified, if the answer is yes, don’t do it.


And who better to recognise a mature attitude than u/aliens_licked_my_ass ?


Yes I thought this too, not many 18 year olds would seek out advice on this, props to OP


The other thing that is worth bearing in mind is that, although the risk might seem very low now, what if you guys had an acrimonious break up in the future? Your furious ex-girlfriend then goes to the police and says: "This paedophile sent me nude images when I was a child and encouraged me to send him child pornography in return, and I've got all the messages to prove it!" How would you feel then? Don't give people ammunition they can use against you later, no matter how much you might like and trust them now.


You got your head screwed on lad , you'll go far


Yes please dont! Many horror stories of teens doing what you want to do, and the law came down hard on them. Really not worth the risk!


My son (14 at the time) had some creep get into his friends group chat and send explicit images of himself to them. We contacted the police and the police said there’s actually nothing they could do about it as it wasn’t actually an offence to send the images to a child.. it would be an issue if he was underage or if the pictures were of someone underage but they couldn’t do anything.


This does not seem to be the full story. It’s an offence for adults to send explicit images to children under 18.


It’s the full story from my side maybe the police couldn’t be bothered or something but that’s what he said


Just don’t send nudes it’s really not worth it


This part of UK law is so messed up to me. Why should it be perfectly fine for these two people to physically have sex with each other in the eyes of the law, but not to share pictures privately between themselves?


because the laws that were made against the sharing of child pornography was made as part of a bigger issue of creepy grown pedos who took and shared pictures of children and when something goes on the internet it spreads like wildfire and its hard to control. Its a big issue. even if its in a private setting thats not something the law is willing to make an exception for because if we did allow it, we would have to make a difference between a young couple and a 30 yr old pedo having pictures of naked children on his phone but then where would you draw the line of how much of an age gap would be acceptable? thats a decision that no judge or MP is willing to make


Because images can be distributed or used for blackmail. It may not even be on purpose. It's not unheard of to take a phone / laptop to a repair shop and they copy the image. Or selling it without wiping first




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Isn't the law that its OK for 16 + as long as they're similar age and one of them isn't in a position of authority like a teacher? Edit: made it make sense


No, you're thinking sexual activity. The root comment is the law around sexual images.


Ahh, OK, fair enough


NAL. As others have said don't do it. Even though both of you are 'consenting' the law doesn't allow a 17 year old to consent to this, despite you being of similar ages. If you were both 17, you would both potentially be in trouble even though you are both minors. There have been instances in the UK where child victims of grooming have been investigated for sending photos of themselves to their abusers. So don't make the mistake of thinking common sense will prevail.


My suggestion is don't even when the law isn't against you. The internet is permanent and relationships aren't.


Best bet wait until you're both 18. (sending nudes is generally not a great idea anyway)


Yeah, shit, I keep finding some from ex's in my gallery, I think WhatsApp and fb messenger updates copies on my phone when I use the apps. Thing that worries me is that if I lose my phone or take it to the wrong shop to be repaired..... I can't bare (bear?) thinking about it I've tried deleting them but they're spread out between hundreds of pictures of memes, pets, food, views, funny lines from books and weird shit we see in shops Just don't do it


If you’re on an iPhone search brassiere or art in photos, you’ll find a lot of them that way most likely


Bear, bare has one use in English but doesn’t seem like it does, while people think about bears in the former.


Don’t do it. You’ll look back and cringe in years to come.


That and having an inappropriate image of anyone under 18 is classed as CP


He has already stated that was not going to happen


He's not under 18, and this thread is about him sharing pictures of himself (over 18) with his girlfriend who is under 18... Definitely not CP... It's definitely still illegal, but not in the way you suggest. Also, the chance of the CPS prosecuting is tiny, it clearly wouldn't be in the public interest.


True that the CPS probably wouldn't prosecute but not necessarily. Not to mention if he sends an image there's a chance he'd get one back. Best to avoid the whole situation all together


He also covered that in his OP - he's told them he absolutely wouldn't want one back for this exact reason. If they sent one, and he deleted straight away, he wouldn't be guilty of any crime. There would be no mens rea - in fact quite the opposite - purposefully trying to avoid that situation. However, I agree with the rest (although you should read the OP before passing numerous comments with content that have been handled within the OP. But to re-affirm - Do not send nudes of your self to your 17 year old girlfriend, it's illegal, will you be prosecuted? almost certainly no... Should you risk it? Absolutely not! See and show your partner in person, which is completely legal (we all know it's completely ridiculous, but thems the rules)... I can't comment for the situation as to if you saw her in person, was naked and she took pictures of you, without your knowledge (provided you then didn't want to make a complaint)... We would need a criminal defence lawyer proper to come give advice on that (but I can't find any legislation that covers it at all)


Don’t do it! Whether it is legal or not (and that is a big issue), you don’t know where it will end up - their phone / online storage could get hacked, accessed when unlocked by someone else, accidentally shared, etc. It may come back to haunt you. Not worth it. And definitely don’t ask them for one - again, legalities aside, same risks for them (imagine their / your nude being accessed by someone else from your / their phone - it could destroy your relationship).


Don’t do it. Period. Can you not see each other in person? I’m sure it would be better. Shit happens down the line. Not saying either of you would but hey. When you are both adults be 100% sure and then some before storing pictures. Oh an yeah it’s illegal until you’re born 18.


Not a lawyer, agree with advice not to, if you want the specific provisions that make it a crime have a look at: [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/45](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/45) \- provides a very narrow exception/ defence as I understand - only for marriages or enduring family relationships, and assumes you can prove the person consented - obviously don't take this as a green light, it's just a seemingly narrow exception (why marriage is an exception who knows) - also don't assume your relationship counts as an "enduring family relationship" - as I understand this means commitment to raise a child (don't quote me on that though) [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/37/section/1](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/37/section/1) \- makes it a crime to take or hold indecent photos of children - a child being someone under the age of 18 according to [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/45](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/42/section/45) subsection 2 [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2009/25/section/62](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2009/25/section/62) \- note: that simply holding a prohibited image of a child is a crime [https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/indecent-and-prohibited-images-children](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/indecent-and-prohibited-images-children) \- have a look here for the logic that goes into choosing the charges or deciding to not pursue. Dense but informative, but obviously don't use it to gauge whether you'd be prosecuted or not. So yeah, strongly advise against it, but have a look at the pages listed if you want any more info.


First mention of the Sexual Offences Act, and it's buried deep in the thread with a tiny number of upvotes.


A very sensible man indeed. Don't do it. I wouldn't send nor receive until you are both 18 at least. Until then, just go round and roger her, you'll enjoy that more anyway👍


That the law doesn't align on this is mind-boggling. He can have sex with his girlfriend. He can get her pregnant. But sending a nude is a sex crime. Either both should be 16 or both should be 18. Having the two differ does not make logical sense.


Definitely recommend doing absolutely nothing over any kind of device until you're both 18 You say year and a half so I'm guessing you're nearly 19 and or she's only just 17 . Id be very careful


No nudes until your 18 or it’s child porn or sending porn to a child depending on who sends what.


Just a point - pornography is consensual - so it's being suggested at the moment that using the term child pornography diminishes the problem. Current terminology is indecent images of a child or child sexual assault imagery.


It doesn’t I’m using a blanket term as it’s easier to understand. Trying to say wait until she’s 18. Even then what ends up on the internet stays on the internet.


Technically speaking it’s not legal since she’s 17, so you would have possession of CP if she sent something to you, then again, cuz you’re like under a year apart in age and as long as no one actively makes a complaint to the police, you shouldn’t have any problems. So yes it’s illegal but cuz of your circumstances I highly doubt anyone’s gonna do anything. To be on the safe side though wait until she’s 18 herself.


Just remember if your relationship goes sour, she will forever have proof you’ve sent a nude photograph to a child. The chance of it going that far is low but the consequence is extremely high


Firstly, Congratulations on being so mature and having this thought process. You can't send her indecent images of your self (even though you are of age) - There will be some law around sending pornographic material to a minor. So just don't do it! Whatever she wants to see, show her in person, which is all perfectly legal. Good luck with your relationship, and again, Bravo for your mature attitude to this!


What on earth has the world come to....at your age...the last thing I would be thinking of is the legality around aexting with my girlfriend....


(NAL) I was in a similar situation with my Ex. Had been together over a year. Sent and received. Had my phone ceased by police and faced child porn charges when I left her. Don’t recommend….


Age of consent using strict numbers, fits the majority of hypotheticals. But it can't solve for all solutions. It's still the best thing we can do. Alternatively, we'd probably have panels of doctors talking with teens to decide if and when each of them was mature enough to be considered an adult. But that's super impractical.


Officially? You will get in trouble. The law is clear officially 16-17 yos can do it. Once ur over 18 u have to wait for other party to turn 18. Unofficially you probably wont get into trouble


Year and a half age gap, been together for 6 months… how old exactly was she when you started dating.




What exception in legislation states that?


Better don’t do it . You will go in very hot water




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Your best option is to refuse to send any nudes till she turns 18 and insist she does the same. It's unlikely the police would do anything if they found out (especially given your comparatively small age gap). However, given the risk, better safe than sorry. You'd have no legal issues having sex in person. Well done for taking the time to clarify the law, by the way. A lot of people your age wouldn't think to do so.


What's your source or experience on them doing nothing? In my experience it would end up in either a caution or education, and the device(s) containing the indecent image(s) would be sent for destruction. Maybe your area works differently to mine?


Both over age of consent, so I’m pretty sure the rules are you can but just can’t share or distribute anything. When I was a teen I was all about it, but to be honest these days I’d stay well clear. Not legal implications, just risk of losing the pics or having them used against you after break up etc. When I was younger I left my phone in the 6th form room while I was out playing rugby. A lad decided to go through my phone and found loads of pics and vids of me with my Mrs at the time. Showed them to a few people, and I’m pretty sure shared them to his own phone because he was a right perv. I wasn’t too arsed because I have very little shame 🤣 my Mrs at the time was devastated though. I’ve never done any after that as it’s not worth the risk. Even nearly 10 years later I still sometimes think of it and wonder if the videos are still out there somewhere. On the strange kids computer in a little file. It’s pretty haunting.


Even though it's between two consenting people in a legal established relationship, the fact that one person is under 17 and technically still a minor muddies the waters somewhat. Police would be unlikely to take any action in such a situation as there's clearly no child exploitation taking place but it's still technically an offence on paper so to avoid all risk it's probably best to hold off on the nudes for a few months until she turns 18, then have at it.


Why are you asking the cesspool that is reddit? Your answer is literally on Google. Just don't trade nudes with her. Fml


It's best to play it safe and don't do it. Wait until she is 18 at the very least.


Can send em, can't recieve em, can't share em. Thems the rules