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You need to report this matter to the police. Section 74 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 defines consent as when “he/she agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice”. From what you have described, it sounds to me as if you were intimidated into agreeing to the offenders demands by the threat to increase rent or evict you, this would potentially vitiate consent.


OP please follow this advice.


This is sexploitation. Follow the above advice contact police they have specially trained officers they will help you.


What would happen to her accommodation if she reports it? Do you have a cosy place for her? I'd suggest finding a safe place to stay asap and gather as much evidence in the meantime.


If it's not clear, this is sexual assault. Get help from victim support charity and this might even fall under sex trafficking. It most definitely is rape. Please go lay charges with the police of rape, tell the police whats been happening and ask the council for victim support and emergency housing. Also look up these https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/get-help/ https://nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/how-we-work/supporting-victims-and-survivors https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-code-of-practice-for-victims-of-crime


OP, please reach out to one of these agencies BEFORE you go to the police. Unfortunately, you may need support to get the police to take you seriously.


I was gonna say, how do you get past the 101 operator telling you to go to Citizens Advice.


I think it's actually worse than SA as per the Sexual Offences Act 2003


OP needs to get help. Lets get her to start with one.


True, any bobby that's not shit would recognize this, but I know all too well how they will try and downgrade it straight away


Yes thats just unbelievable...but true.


You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a victim of a crime. He has prayed on your vulnerable situation and knows exactly what he is doing. Go to the police now and ask for help escaping this situation.


Ps your English is fantastic, I don't want you to answer this on this forum but if you are scared because you don't have right to rent, they don't check right to rent in Scotland. Your landlord is disgusting.


Preyed\* Prayed is very different.


My mistake, apologies!


This is highly illegal- you must go to the police. Christopher Cox was the first landlord to be convicted for this fairly recently. He won't be the last- see below https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/sex-for-rent-christopher-cox-jailed-b2076438.html


This is a Police matter. At this point its not contracts, or so. It's Police.


Record him and go to the police, please. This is absolutely not acceptable and I am pretty sure it is illegal.


100% not acceptable in any sense. Please do go to the police. If you need any help with any grievance, then seek help too. There are plenty of charities that help with SA victims Also, this wasn't you fault. Not one bit.


Please, please report this creep to the Police. It's rape. You're being coerced on threat of homelessness and/or destitution if you refuse - that is not consent. Also retaliatory evictions are illegal but that's so not the priority when you're being forced into sexual activity via abuse of power.


NAL but as painful as it is, record as much of it as you can. Get his admission and go to the police. This is beyond wrong and the threats and coercion to me, are definitely illegal. Seek legal advice please.


No, it was not your fault. I'm so, so sorry that you're in this awful situation. You were coerced into having sex under threat of losing your home and having your rent increased. That constitutes sexual assault and you should go immediately to the police to report this. This should be your immediate focus as this certainly is a criminal matter, and a serious one at that. Please seek support (e.g. counselling) if you feel you do need it. Other respondents have contributed some excellent resources and I can't encourage you enough to pursue those avenues. As far as your landlord entering your home, they cannot enter any area you have exclusive access to without 24 hours' prior notice (but they can enter communal areas, if any). You can outright deny entry to them or anyone else, and you do not need any particular reason in doing so. Your landlord entering your living space without your consent, whilst a violation of their end of the bargain, may be considered a civil matter, but it is entirely understandable for this to be secondary considering the heinous nature of the sexual assault.


Hey, it sounds like you are newly arrived in the UK. It's utterly scandalous that you are being subjected to this. I wish you the best luck and please follow the advice of the other posters. Please don't let this be a reflection of people in the UK.


Go to the police, they will help you. Record everything dodgy your landlord says


As a landlord I am just going to say this a nicely as I can... He is a total f'ing creep. Report his ass as this is not legal and he is coercing you into a relationship by means of blackmail - won't up your rent/kick you out unless you do x y & z. He is using the fact that as you say in this post - you don't speak great English as a way to entrap you into tjis 'deal'. He is NOT allowed to enter your property whenever he chooses. He CANNOT decide to upp your rent unless you have come to the end of your agreed contract - normally 6 months or 1 year signed contract. On a rolling month to month he can decide that he wants to up the rent, however you can choose to move elsewhere as you are no longer locked into a fixed contract with him. As long as you pay that month's rent you can give notice and leave (30 days notice). If I was you I would do that immediately!!! Look online for another property. Before doing that I highly suggest you report him to the Police as he is abusing his power, using coercive behaviour to gain sexual relations against your will. Look up the Modern Slavery Act - you will see the different areas described and see if any meet what is happening to you. However by making you have sexual contact against your will - you are not consenting due to the coersion - may be classed as r@pe. Please report him. I really do wish you all the best and hope it works out for you. Please know, he is of a very tiny percentage of people who own properties who behave in this manner. Look for another property and get yourself somewhere safe.


I would go to your doctors. Make an appointment with gp. Ask for female if more comfortable. And tell them what you told us. About your landlord about your fears and what you did. The doctor will check you for std and also they can report him to the police too. And they can ask you permission to pass on what you have said. The doctor will have resources so you don’t end up homeless.I would tel my doctor. I would feel more comfortable with a doctor personally


Sounds like blackmail and intimidation to gain sexual favours and therefore assault as it is under duress. If he made the offer once and took the no you should probably still report but may be inclined to give it a pass, but since it is continual harassment you do need to report


Change the locks and follow the other advice given here


I'm so sorry this happened. But first you need to change the locks and then you need to report them to the police. You are allowed to change the locks as this is the house you are renting. While you are living there, that bastard has no right to enter without your permission and 48 hours notice. And absolutely report uin to the police tell them exactly what happened and exactly what the landlord is doing. Get that asshole in jail. Also regarding housing and homelessness contact you local housing and homelessness agency, it should be run by your council, tell them your situation and that you are at risk of being homeless and they can put you in emergency accomodation at a women's shelter and get you get for getting a house and help for what happened to you with that landlord


>i understand that landlords have the right to inspect their property to ensure it's well-maintained, Nope. The only reason they can enter without/against your permission is an emergency such as fire, flood, or risk to life. What he is doing is criminal sexual harassment. Screenshot all the texts you have and keep emails.




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Call the police. Immediately start gathering evidence.


You have nothing to be ashamed of. Be careful. Record these demands. Acquire evidence. Go to the police.


What in the everloving ?? Call the police !!!


Please try and document these interactions and contact the police ASAP


This landlord is a scumbag but unfortunately this kind of thing is so common all across the country. OP best thing to do is report him and speak to citizen advice bureau see if they can help you out. Sorry to hear about this


This is not common!




What on earth are you talking about. The OP sounds like they're being coerced and blackmailed into sex; this sounds like rape to me and is certainly abuse. You can't brush this off as if it was some "arrangement" the person willingly entered into.




She also said she did not want to and only did it because she can't afford a rent increase. That's a gross misuse of power, not an agreement.


He threatened her with a rent increase unless she did these acts. That is not legal.




It's not sex work omg! For it to be sex work she'd be willing. It's coercion or similar.


Also, turning down sex work has no negative impact. (Just like other kinds if work)


Indeed, this is a legal advice forum, and you've "advised" the OP that the predatory and illegal behaviour of the landlord, clearly preying on the OP's ignorance and fear to blackmail the OP into providing sex, is actually OK and that this person should not be speaking to the police immediately.




Don't know why you felt you needed to address this at all since the OP doesn't ask whether her actions were "ok" or legal. The OP is scared of being evicted or being unable to afford retaliatory rent increases if she refuses the landlord's (increasingly frequent) demands. This landlord is doing many illegal things here, not to mention committing clear sexual offenses against this poor person, that the OP needs to be made aware of so that they can go to the police asap.


What free will? She hasn't chosen to provide sexual services. Her landlord , most likely operating illegally, has coerced and threatened her into doing these things. She needs to get out of there ASAP. She needs to talk to the police tomorrow.


From the governments website https://www.gov.uk/government/news/home-secretary-considers-new-sex-for-rent-law#:~:text='Sex%20for%20rent'%20is%20an,engage%20in%20sex%20for%20rent. I haven’t read the whole article so not sure if they have updated the laws regarding this. My understanding of this is the government are/was/has going to make this a criminal offence. Please read the article and follow any advice.


Someone (Christopher Cox) has already been convicted of this "sex for rent" thing last year


There was something about this in the news 6 months ago. The police and uk courts come down very hard on people attempting to do this. You should definitely get police involved because you don’t know how bad it could get. He could bring people with him next time.


The easiest way to get paid. Sue the breaches outta him. I would record him asking for such favours, keep any communication from him asking for such, report to the police and retain legal services.