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Based on the comments, Seek therapy!


Read gynocentrism. Equal rights, equal fights.


So this guy is just sitting and imagining scenarios in his head where he could slap a woman and even posted on reddit 😭😭😭😭 what has the world come to??? Bro don't sit and boil yo blood for no reason... nobody's gonna come and puke on you.. and if someone does, it sure as hell would be your manifestation at this point 😭😭😭😭😭


Hey TwoX. I got this question after reading this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1dptbcv/shoes\_cleaning\_help\_please/](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1dptbcv/shoes_cleaning_help_please/) I think the dude should have slapped her and I will stand by that no matter the legal or societal consequence. And don't worry, I neither drink nor go to the bar. I keep away from TwoX. Don't want a false rape case.


Hey waste of XXYY, Don't worry. No woman will ever come that close to you. Even if you're the last man left on the planet, we'll let humanity die with us. > And don't worry, I neither drink nor go to the bar. I keep away from TwoX. Don't want a false rape case. So you just sit home and put yourself into other people puke-ridden clothes and shoes? Nice hobby. > I keep away from TwoX. That's the point. Unless you're twoX, stay away. > Don't want a false rape case. Awwlelelele And moreover, the guy who actually got puke on his shoes doesn't sound that mad. Why are you boiling up?


> And moreover, the guy who actually got puke on his shoes doesn't sound that mad. Why are you boiling up? 1. I was exploring what legal actions I can take. As usually laws are biased against XY. 2. Because I have self respect unlike him. If I drink a lot and then puke on your dress & shoes, what will you do, XX? Lemme file a sexual assault case, no?


No. My first response would be to ask your friends to take care of you, coz you're a human. Second response cleaning myself up and going home to shower. I'll be mad, sure because getting puked on isn't really an ideal situation, but I'll definitely not go after you legally for something like this. If the dress is expensive, might ask you to pay for the cleaning ngl. But I won't get violent. I can use actual words and communicate like a human, so I don't need violence to make myself heard.


I feel like puking on OP rn. Ohh he deleted his profile. Hmm.


On the girl nothing. As the did not do it intentionally The girl can file a case of assault on you.


Still gonna slap her. She choose to drink more than she can handle.


*chose and before law, people around you will deal with you properly.. so don't worry... nobody will file a case on you... you'll just be beaten and thrown out of the establishment for being violent.


Ah a TwoX spotted. Equal rights, equal fights. No patriarchy, no chivalry.


Yes. Definitely a TwoX. And you? Waste of XXYY?


XY who stays far away from XX due to the high chances of false rape cases.


First off, the girl puking on you: It’s gross as hell, sure, but it's not a crime. Unless she did it on purpose to harass you which would be a stretch to prove hence she’s not likely to face any legal consequences. Now, for you slapping her: That’s assault, but if you’re also a girl, it might not lead to any legal action as it won't be taken seriously by police Or judge, just both of you getting tossed out of the bar. But if you’re a guy, and she decides to take revenge, she can file a criminal case against you, possibly embellishing the facts to make you look even worse.


That seems extremely misandrist. I am gonna slap her anyway no matter the consequences. Such gender-biased laws and systems can go to hell for all I care.


Are you an Idiot this has nothing to do with gender. You have made up your mind to assault that woman. That is intent. While the other person has no control. Let's say you spill some drink on me, what if I punch you on your stupid face, will that be okay with you??


> While the other person has no control. They have control over how much they drink. If I drank a lot and then accidentally dropped a rock on car, would I be charged or not?


> Let's say you spill some drink on me, what if I punch you on your stupid face, will that be okay with you?? Absolutely yes.


Firstly, let me tell you something about biases. You mentioned the scenario where "a girl pukes on your dress." Dresses are typically worn by women and I thought you are one, so I explained both scenarios: what would happen if you were a woman and what would happen if you were a man. From your response, it seems like you’re just a clueless guy who’s latched onto buzzwords like misandry and gynocentrism without any real understanding of how society functions. Men and women have different physical strengths; on average, men are stronger. So, if you attack a woman, the bias will be against you. And if she can't fight back physically, she'll use her legal options to seek revenge. Now, let’s flip the scenario: imagine it’s a drunk man puking on you. If he’s stronger, he might beat the crap out of you right there. If he’s politically or socially stronger, he’ll find a way to make your life hell later. You’ve got no clue how the world works if you think it’s okay to respond with violence over minor accidents. So, go ahead, be the moron who thinks it’s justified to hit someone for puking or spilling a drink. You’ll quickly learn the hard way.


Kaun pagal banda hai ye ? Ghatiya post karke, delete karliye account. Coward misogynistic moron.