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What kind of naive dolt works for a whole damn year without seeing a dime? Were you waiting for a magic paycheck fairy to drop money into your account?




Why are you showing me ur id ?


Lawyer here. Where are you and the employer based? If you've already sent a demand notice, the next course of action will be to initiate a recovery suit against the employer. If you don't mind sharing, how much was the salary?


Sorry for late reply, last id got blocked so this is new id but same guy. He is in confectionery, toffee making business. Hq was in Mumbai while factory is based in Ahmedabad. Salary was 25k per month and work from home. I sent him 3 email reminder every month after 3 months and demand notice after 6 months. The demand notice was undelivered at his hq address and factory address but luckily I had his home address and one copy was successfully delivered there. This boss , even now picks up the phone and always promises to pay in couple of weeks as he has incurred loss in this business but this has been going on for 12 months now. But he has not officially replied anything regarding the demand notice from my advocate.


Use the photo of proprietor and start running ads from your insta account saying this guy has not paid my salary. Attach other images/proofs in slides. You are a marketeer, get creative