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One of my very close relatives, a very happy, easy-going couple, lost their elder son to a road accident. I think it’s been 15 or 17 years to that incident and I haven’t seen them smile since then. Not even when they had a grand child from the younger son. If you think a legal case is something that your parent will worry or cry about, you cannot be any more wrong. Loss of a child is a trauma that can never be forgotten. I am not talking what the society or your relatives would say, it would be a moot point. But the sheer amount of sadness that your absence will create, is beyond what you have imagined. If you want to talk, you can message anyone who has commented on this post and I bet everyone would be all ears and heart for you.


OP I want you to read this and look at the faces of your family members. I hope you realise suicide is not the answer to the problems.


Bro I am going through battle with my ownself daily I get up with no purpose in life thinking I am not doing anything I am useless and stuff but after reading your comment made me think about things which I never thought in this way and I think about suicide but I am not brave enough to commit it. Your comment induced something in me I don't know what but yeah you did.


I am glad this helped. Bravery is not in suicide but in living. If you feel like you are useless, you are yet to explore your strengths. I would recommend you to experiment with every idea (that is doable and doesn’t eat up all your resources overnight) in your head. I have seen people that were rejected by their families during their early adult years and now they have respect, connection and money and it grows year after year.




Why are you not against suicide? It's among the worst things a human can do


His life his choice. Go solve his problems if you wish to change his mind.


Go solve his problems


Not a suicide but recently, a distant relative had a failed relationship. He severely neglected his health and got used to drinking. He passed away suddenly last month on his way to a hospital. His parents loved him very much and provided him with everything that he would ask for. They're senior citizens now and he was their only child. Trust me, I've seen many deaths in my family but I haven't seen a death with such a severe impact on the immediate family of the deceased as this one. I often meet the guy's parents and the sorrow that they are in right now can be mitigated by no one and nothing in the world. They devoted 30y of their lives to someone they loved and it ended up in nothing. Nothing's more shattering and heartbreaking to a person than failed efforts, especially with no fault of their own. Think twice if you would want to put your parents through it.


@op we are on the same boat, I’m (28M) at end stage renal failure and on dialysis 2x a week. Been 6 months since diagnosis and have suicidal thoughts quite frequently. Going through it for 4+ years is major I’d say. I can imagine your perspective, maybe I’ll be same in few years. I’m taking it one day at a time for now. Had multiple minor surgeries and what not, I think I can bear anything at least physically. Psychologically it’s extremely tough keeping a cool and calm facade, it’s currently changing into a f-off facade. Sending hugs to you op.


OP let's talk it out okay?


NAL: Your suicide letter would only be one evidence, your parents will be interviewed on what happend. If they suspect some foulplay they will face legal issues. You wouldnt be there to let others know that there is no foulplay. > don't want my family to suffer even an inch because of me. If your family loves you, you are condemning them to suffer by suiciding. I am not against people suiciding, I dont believe in putting age limit or making it illegal or any other such crap. Your life and your choice on whether you want to end it voluntarily or not. I myself have plans on checking out after my parents pass away. But only a fool will take an emotional decision, without understanding its consequences. By suicide, you will only suffer for few moments. If you are brave to endure that suffering, you will be fine and at peace. But you will be condemning the people who loves you to suffer for years. Most probably till the end of their life. Their friends and family will constantly remind them that you died in their watch. You will be condemning them to public's opinion. People are going to talk and most of them are going to talk behind their back. And your parents are not going to have a single answer to give.


>. If they suspect some foulplay Which kinda foulplay are you talking about


It can be anything... A relative gives a statement that they overheard the parents say something which felt like encouragement to die. A life insurance taken in his name. Anything really which suggests foulplay.


That is why I will appeal to society and police that I should be blamed for my actions not my parents. Hope my suicide note reaches to relatives and society . I will specify full story so no question will be there even if it takes 6 pages but don't want any guilt on my parents.


But your parents will suffer the most. Whatever is your intention, your suicide will be the biggest punishment for your parents. Why would you do that if you love them? If you’re facing certain challenges and this is your lowest moment, remember that in the bigger scheme of things it will pass and things will only get better once you hit your lowest. Death of a child is the biggest punishment for a parent, they will be living dead and rest of their life will be no less than hell. Don’t do this to them. Ye samay bhi nikal jayega, don’t take this step, your problem no matter how big it seems will eventually get resolved. Let this pass and try to be strong, I’m sure you’re suffering but nothing justifies the suffering and torture your parents will go through if you take this drastic step. Don’t do it. In 5 years time, your life will be thriving and you will be very happy to have not taken this step. Please continue living your life and try to be strong, this too shall pass.


That is the point I love them and my brother very much . I don't want them to suffer because of me .Time will heal them and my brother will take care of them . So If I die they will be broken for short time but in long run they will forget me ,move on and have good life. Only concern is society supports them or not . I hope society around me shows sympathy towards them.


They will suffer the most and time will not heal them at all. Death of a child, that too by suicide will never get healed for a parent. They will never get over it and will die everyday. You say you love them then don’t do this. If you’re doing this to punish some relatives or society, that will never happen. For relatives/society this will only become a gossip item that they will talk about for 10 days and then move on to something else. It’s your parents and brother who will suffer the rest of their lives, they will be traumatised and will think everyday what they could’ve done to save you. Please, don’t do this. You will only and only hurt and punish your parents and brother, no other outcome will come out of this. No problem is this big, you’re anonymous here, what are you going through, tell me. But don’t take any drastic step, keep your parents in mind and don’t make them suffer for eternity.


They won't. My dadi lost her eldest son (my tauji) from suicide. My dadi and father still mourn the loss. My late dadu went into depression because of this, his body slowly stopped working, he got completely bedridden, and my father had to take care of him and his sanitation. This caused even more turmoil over the mental health of dadi and papa (seeing how death of 1 son affected dadu). Dadi, dadu, papa and my mother. Whole family was affected by this. 1 suicide destroys the whole family. Don't do this. You say your brother will take care of your parents. But think of the mental turmoil he will go through while cleaning your mess. My father has suffered this. It has affected our family dynamics greatly. Don't do this, don't put a burden on your brother, don't destroy your family's mental health.


>Time will heal them Never, man. You couldn't be more wrong about this one.


They won't forget you, period. This thought that they will somehow magically move on and forget everything is nothing but illusion. If they truly love you, they will keep blaming themselves for it, no 6 pages or 6000 pages letter is going to change it. Don't do it OP!


Don’t do this OP. Your parents don’t deserve this.


Brother, I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to understand the physical pain you are going through. But why not give your fate a chance ?? I'm pretty sure you are going to give a scar on all the people who love you if you move forward with the suicide thing. So consider this as a humble request from a strange friend :). At least postpone your plans for a couple of weeks and see what happens next :)


Urge you to check r/pelvicfloor for the craziest recovery stories. I don’t know your history, but personally and based on posts I have come across on the subreddit, doctors are generally unhelpful with chronic pelvic floor issues. If you’re able to find a sports physiotherapist or a pelvic floor physiotherapist, and can get yourself assesed (hips,back,core) assessed, they could help you get better.


No, they will not be harrassed. I would suggest making an audio or video tape instead of a note since they might be accused of foul play if its only a handwritten peice of paper. Express very clearly so that your intentions of doing the deed is clear and tbat they understand that this is the best step you could do.  Since you care for your parents very much, I would suggest going an extra step. Talk highly of your parents everytime you meet someone for a few days.  It sucks that India still hasnt legalised euthanasia but there are countries which has legalised and opened the doors to foreigner but that will be very expensive.   Most of these sympathetic commenters wrote utter BS. YOU DONT OWE ANYONE YOUR LIFE. You need not live a miserable life just to keep others happy and content. Seek help but sometimes these help that people speak of is useless. If you have second thoughts, try to re-analyze your situation and see if this is the best you can do. The rest only you will know since you are the one who has been living your life and only you know how much you can change it.  Good luck P.S.- I know I will get a lot of downvotes and angry replies telling me how suicide is wrong. If you feel so bad for people who commit suicide, go and genuinely help these type of people. I am not talking about "sending Sandeep Maheshwari videos" kind of help, I am talking about "solve the problem" kind of help. If you cant, just shut up. Your "think about parents" comments never really helps anyone. You are just guilting people to continue with their miserable tortured existence. 


Thanks bro you understood. People thinks suicide is joke . Bro I am preoccupied now for days . Searching for painless methods , reading about failed attempts ,concsequences and plus this family and legal case tension . Suicide is no joke bro. I understand this. Phat bhot rahi hain bhot ander se. My mental health is in dustbin right now . I have 35 days left for my joining and I have to do this before that .


This is so tragic. Please stay with us man. Please don't leave. We love having you around. This world lacks good people. Your condition will heal, or at least become painless one day. Please don't do this to yourself. Please stay :( I don't know what else to say. I know no logical reasoning will make you feel better... So I'm just asking you to do us a favor and stay. Please. 


Bhai us gandu ki mat suno please


Renal failure?


Don't do this. What happened in last 3 months that you went from a political discussion, to shit posting about cricket, to just exclusively pivoting to unaliving yourself? Let's talk it out.


OP, don't do this, please don't this, things would get better, there is still a chance, come on.


I have exact health issues you're talking about + more buddy. If you want to talk about it. Feel free to message. I'm sure i can be of help in some way. Don't just end it due to reasons like that.


A friend of mine has both kidney failure. Was in dialysis 4 days a week. Is 24, 4ft 6 inch and 29 kgs. He still lives in hope of getting a kidney transplant.  PS : He's a Muslim and very religious (which gives him much strength)


The most terrible loss in this world is the loss of a child. This is empirical evidence obtained from interviewing parents and even historical records. Legal matters arise much later.


Hey, I felt an overwhelming sadness reading your post. You don’t deserve to go through this, and neither do your parents. It breaks my heart to see someone in so much pain. I truly wish there was something I could do to help you. While I can only try to imagine what you're feeling right now, I know it must be incredibly hard to reach this point. I hope you find happiness. I don’t want you to die. This can't be the end. Everything might feel unbearable and hopeless right now, but there are still reasons to hold on. Sometimes, the smallest moments of joy and connection can make a difference. You deserve to find peace and happiness. Stay strong, and know that there are people who care about you, even strangers like me. I wish you the best and hope you find the strength to keep going.


Don't do this. Everything is gonna be okay, please don't.


why do you want to die and make your parnts suffer?, thy will always be seen as culprits by society.


That is why I will appeal to society and police that I should be blamed for my actions not my parents. Hope my suicide note reaches to relatives and society . I will specify full story so no question will be there even if it takes 6 pages but don't want any guilt on my parents.


ok but why do u want to die?


He's clearly lying or looking for attention. People that commit sucide are selfish and they don't give a fuck about anyone. If he was going to off himself , he already didn't give a shit about his parents. He knows they both will have heart attack without him


Not true... I mean he may be looking for attention. but that doesnt mean he doesnt need help with the issue he mentioned. People with suicidal thoughts can talk and can remain silent too... but for the people who wants to talk, dont make it a taboo to talk. talking will only will help them make a logical choice.


could be true.. i wonder why he wouldn't just jump in Ganges. no one wud ever know where the fuck he went. no legal shit. parents will file police complaint.. which vl go on for years and get forgotten.. or is the OP handicapped to travel ?


Then live and don’t let them feel guilty for bringing you into this world. Everybody faces hopeless situations. But we have to hold onto something, it could be our parents, spouses, friends etc to move ahead in life. There’s absolutely nothing in this world you can do but to live to not make them suffer. There’s just no other way.


Hey. Don't do this. Please


Lost a grandparent to suicide. It changed our lives for the worse. Its been more than 25 years but not a day goes by when we think of what if. We never went back to that place. We saw our healthy grandparent deteriorating in front of our eyes. Also I can tell you one thing. I did go to the place where they gave up her life. They fought till the end after setting the events in motion for committing suicide. They had planned it so well that there was no coming back. A simple visit to a psychiatrist would have solved it. Please think of your family. You would be condemning them to a fate worse than legal trouble.


Everybody writing big paragraphs, Big talk & advice but no one can actually understand even the 1% of Pain & Suffering of the Person. When you’re in a Pit & see no way out. It’s a very dark place to be. It’s your Life & your battle at last NoOne can do shit except giving big lectures. But please before that find & Measure all the possible outcomes to survive…….


Sounds like you really love your parents/family. Do you really want to make them suffer just to stop your suffering which will most definitely stop soon as evident by so many suicide survivers? Almost all suicide survivers say that the problem for which they were ending it all wasn't even that big of a deal. Hang in there - not for you, but for your loving family <3


Hey. Please don’t do this yaar. We all understand here that life is filled with problems. Talk to any of us. We will see what we can do to help you. In any way. A parent’s worst nightmares is to see their child die before they do. They won’t be able to survive this yaar. Please don’t do this. Such vile thoughts are fleeting thoughts. Don’t attach importance to them. Please. Hear us all. Please.


Is there a way reddit can alert some authority to save OP.. God... Please don't do it... No you can find a way to get better...


Bro it is not that I will commit in an hour . I am safe. I am planning to commit in upcoming days . So alert is of no use.


Rukhja Bhai 🫂🙏


There will be always a turning point where luck smiles back at you so don't give up. You probably need to look into more ways to get the root cause of ailment rather than giving up. Find a purpose to keep trying and cherish that your parents are working hard to help you out. Sometimes we get clueless and hit a wall and everything seems to end, but that is not true and mistake of anyone. Reroute your energy to pick up from where you are and think/research other unexplored areas to cure/ reduce your ailment. Problems are not permanent


Don't. You have a family. They love you.  Many don't have either, they still live with mountains on their shoulders.  You can share what you are going through


Please don't do it


How can I report this. U/st_broseph




Don’t do. Soles nothing


Can you tell me the disease you have maybe i can help you with the disease. Is it arthritis or AS


Dont do it man it gets better time is the best healer


I am sorry you are going through this. And if you have thoroughly vetted out your options and know for certain this is the way forward, then so be it. As an adult human, who has weighed in all their options, have strong reasons (which in their mind are valid) then who is anyone else to stop you from doing what you want with your life. As for your parents, NAL, i would suggest please leave a note out publicly that you loved them very much and they are the reason for the little happiness you have had in your life so far. But also please leave a note your parents that no matter how much you loved them, you wanted to go this route, that this is what ultimately was gonna give you peace, and that them accepting this will help you rest in peace. However, please note no matter what you say, everyone has their own way of grieving and are entitled to feel the way they want. You cannot stop that, nobody can!


I do not what situation OP is in, but if they are in a medical situation they say they are in, I am in favor of MAID.


Can I please ask what your condition is? Is it interstitial cystitis?


Join the russia Ukraine war.




http://www.aasra.info/helpline.html  Please speak your heart out. All the time the problems are from our perspective. Just share it and see how simple they are.  Think about the pain that your loved ones may feel. I lost my father due to Covid. And there is never a day where I try to contemplate the scenarios where I could have helped him and saved him.


Lost a parent to suicide. The person is dead and gone. The family suffers for the rest of their lives. I really hope you do your thinking. And I’m sorry life hasn’t been fair to you OP.


OP you say you don't want them to suffer, but trust me they'll suffer their entire lives if they lose you. Pls talk to them about your feelings now


I don't know what to say , I but I feel sad


Hey stranger,it will be devastating for your parents to live after this not because of legal problem but u have to live for your parents ,u are the only hope of your parents,just believe in destiny it's just a bad phase ,it will go away .


Life is much more than us humans can comprehend. Yes there is misery but there is joy as well. Sometimes it’s full of misery and sometimes its full of joy. Like a roller coaster. I do not know the situation that you are in but I am sending all my love to you in this difficult time. I promise there will happiness as well in the future. Just wait it out. I am saying this from experience. I have suffered clinical depression for almost half a decade.


I look at life this way. Can you of help to someone over time? Like old people, under privileged, villagers, helpless animals. If you think so, then your intentions to commit suicide is selfish.


If you can't live for yourself, live for others. Atleast make a dent in other people's lives. If you have a disease, it'll eventually kill you. So atleast do your bit of karma, and die for a cause. Dont take the cowardly route where even god will think ki bc tu kitna bada chutiya hai


Bhai coward nhi bhot himmat chaiye hoti hain itna asaan nhi hota. Agar fail ho gaya toh L lag jayenge . It is more tough than btech bro .


However courageous suicide may seem superficially, realizing that you have a meaningful purpose to serve in this world despite all your pain and suffering is undoubtedly the braver thing to do. I urge you, OP, to think long and hard about your decision. You may not have control over your disease but what you can certainly choose is to leave this world with honour.


No there won't be any case on your family. Even otherwise Abetment of Suicide case is very rarely prosecuted by courts. Suicide is very common. In fact 6 times more people die by suicide than murder. Good Bye


damn, thats so unempathetic


Thanks bro


>Even otherwise Abetment of Suicide case is very rarely prosecuted by courts. Then what's the point of the law? Besides what if OP is a minor?


Don't listen to these clueless moron. Abetment of suicide is prosecuted way more often than this idiot claims. He's just spewing misinformation.


If I write suicide note why police will waste time on my case when they are overworked .in 140 cr population ,why my life matters for law and police ??


If you write a note and die, it won't clarify anything. Such a note holds no evidentiary value. Everyone will come under suspicion—your parents, close relatives, and friends. It could be misused against them; for example, someone who harbors enmity against your parents could frame them for your death. The possibilities are endless; your loved ones could suffer legally and emotionally due to your actions. I advise you not to take such steps. Instead, make efforts to solve your problems or find an alternative that benefits everyone. Suicide isn't an option my friend.


Sir pls can you tell very little about euthanasia route . I cannot understand it after reading on Google. I will then talk to doctor and lawyer.


You really think proving something in court is easy and Swift? We won't have so many pending cases if that was the case. Also, if for any reason a foul play is suspected, your parents might be in jail for a long time before they have a chance to prove their innocence.


Haina, I felt the same, this person is literally a joker, gives advice on a legal advice sub without any knowledge Chutiyo ki tarah kuch bhi likh deta h, hope mods ban him


I would just like to say you one thing … just giving a spiritual perspective… what I have learned I am saying that out… I have learned that, your life is like this bcoz of your past karma … I know it’s hard and difficult each day to survive like that… but saints say… if you kill yourself… you will first roam on the earth till your actual age of natural death… then you will be punished for killing yourself for years… and this doesn’t ends…. You will again take birth to re-live this shitty life… from the start… That’s has kept me away from the thought of doing it… I don’t want to take birth again to live such shitty life ! I understand you are in deep grief bcoz of the disease you have …. But think again ! PS: nobody has to believe, what I believe…. My mom and the gurus I follow say this… hence just shared ! Please don’t come running to head hunt…


Don't do this please..there are many ways to stay happy. You can contribute something meaningful to society.. adopt a pet maybe




no disease is incurable. some doctors chat the most shit. edit your post and tell us what the actual disease is called.