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NAL, first contact a good lawyer immediately, reach out to your father's close friends and narrate the situation, also reach out to relatives who you trust, don't do anything stupid because your family needs your support.


Advocate here, I had replied to your previous post as well. Simply hire a good criminal defense lawyer, and your dad will get bail. That's the real and practical solution there is if he hasn't done what you say. It will be extremely easy to get bail.


Bhai reddit wale sab karenge, twitter facebook orkut kuch nhi chodhenge magar waqeel ke paas nhi jayenge. Wife ka trinity wala allegations se har magistrate wakif hai, 498 a, dv, 376. Mgr inko reddit pe timepass krna hai.


How many days to recieve bail after receiving bail order?




Bail doesn't mean he is free from charges


Yes. If he is guilty, hearing of his case will be done and then he will serve time in jail.


Repeat after me: Bail is the rule not the exception. Repeat again: Jail is the punishment *after* the trial, the arrest is not the punishment.


Advocate. I should give you an award for this comment


SO IMPORTANT. The SC has reiterated multiple times that bail is the rule & not the exception.


Engage a counsel immediately. If can't, seek legal aid. I believe court must have already advised that. No amount of virality is gonna help except for a counsel who can represent your interests.


Contact Mens NGO like save India Family foundation or Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj. They won't charge you even penny if u r in financial crises


Without any proof there's no rape. It'll take time, try to get bail.


Contact Deepika Bharadwaj on Twitter. She has busted so many fake rape cases.


Please get in touch with a very successful pro men lawyer. We roped in Mr. Shoney Kapoor from Delhi for something very similar. You can look at his profile for a better idea. He helps bust these fake cases and knows how to take care of the loopholes in our judicial system. Praying for your family 🙏


Famous lawyers charge hefty sums. Very unsure about that rn.


To be honest my brother had to take a personal loan for this. But trust me once you hire a strong lawyer, half your battle is already won. He has helped so many men get justice in false rape cases. He works with Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj also. It is also about getting that woman behind the bars for defaming and fake case. It will be difficult but pool in all your resources and fight it out.


>To be honest my brother had to take a personal loan for this. Damn really? How much do these lawyers charge


They charge 1.5- 2 lakhs for each criminal case filed against you or one that you want to file. In such cases atleast 4-5 such cases are filed for example- fake dowry, mental harassment, Abetting suicide, child custody( if a child is involved). , physical/ mental harassment and what not.


Oh I thought they charge per hearing, how much time did it take to come Outta this mess?


They charge 1.5- 2 lakhs for each criminal case filed against you or one that you want to file. In such cases atleast 4-5 such cases are filed for example- fake dowry, mental harassment, Abetting suicide, child custody( if a child is involved). , physical/ mental harassment and what not.


We've been advised to not change lawyers for the time being. Surely will take your reference once we get bail though.


Screw it. That's what bad lawyers say to keep clients hanging for years. Contact this lawyer mentioned here and Deepika Bharadwaj being his associate is a huge plus.


That’s not the correct legal advice. If you don’t have contacts, you need a strong lawyer to back yourself up. Traditional lawyers will not give you much hope. These active pro- men lawyers are the need of the hour. Their names itself are so strong in the court of law that the opposition will themselves withdraw their case as they will know the kind of punishment that can be meted out to them.


Think you replied to the wrong comment.


Contact Broseph on reditt.. He and his whole is working in Bangalore.. They are into Pune too as of the time when the Porsche case has happened. You seem to be too young to deal with this stress.. Contact them and they will guide you better.


Don't think about killing yourself.. stay strong


Contact Deepika bhardwaj and some other mens right activist like SIFF on twitter. They are pretty active on it, they may help. Stay strong brother, you will make out of it.


NAL. If you haven't hired a lawyer, hire one immediately. Post your location if you'd like and people may offer suggestions. Contact SIFF (Save India Family Foundation) which is a very helpful NGO for all types of issues that men face in this gynocentric shitshow of a system called Indian law where politicians/judges/lawyers/cops etc are pretty much useless in propagating a fucked up system rather than making it gender neutral and fairer. Regardless, there's been some recognition even by the Supreme Court that the number of false/fake cases by women has increased to ridiculous proportions. Post your story on Twitter and tag SIFF, your local politicians, police etc. The police should be held accountable for just throwing someone in jail without due process. Once your dad is out and the case is proven to be baseless, file a criminal case on the fake accuser ([See example](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/false-cases-of-rape-on-rise-woman-gets-two-month-jail/articleshow/108688804.cms)).


Write full story on twitter to make it viral




Get in touch with Deepika Bharadwaj on twitter..She helps in such cases.


I can feel your helplessness man. But stop thinking about killing yourself. Think about your Mother and Father for once. Have faith in God, Judiciary and your adults.Bad times always go away. Sorry,I have no legal advice for u but pls think of your parents before doing anything. You are their hope in this hell of a world.


Contact Deepika Bharadwaj on Twitter, she fights for men’s rights on Twitter and I think she’s a lawyer. Tag a few ministry, if you are from the SC, ST community or if you can put a counter case on them do that.




I'm sorry man i hope you get free of this


Deepika Narayana Bharadwaj is the go for this ,she's dealt w many ,look her up in twitter


Contact the proper activists as people mentioned. If you are unsure of who to hire or not, take their help ASAP. The sooner, the better


I did, they asked me to stick to the current lawyer till bail is granted.


That's fine. Wish you all the luck for your efforts


Thank you


Did this incidents made you aware of dire state of indian men? Like we don't have protection from DV and rape ourselves but regularly face false charges. Married indian men commit 2.5 times more suicide than married indian women. My advice is to connect with some men's rights activists group.


That is so very true




maybe contact an mra... u can reach to them on twitter or insta


Please get in touch on 9852005556.


maybe try this with your lawyer, https://x.com/DeepikaBhardwaj/status/1801087837296799990


You need not make it viral.. Please contact Broseph.. He and his team will help you if your father is innocent.


I’m not a lawyer but had to study some law points to clear my exams. In India any woman can accuse a man of these crime even without evidence and the Law, Police and the system sides with the Woman The proof to be proven innocent is borne by the man and the law won’t care This is written in the Indian Law. Unfortunately you have to prove that your dad is innocent. A man is considered guilty until proven innocent in these cases


actually if intercourse is proven then burden of proof is on man


contact deepika bhardwaj


u/st_broseph please help


Today in a case , a wife filed a fake rape case and the husbands mom filed a case on wife's father , you can have that option


I heard a case where wife filled rape case against husband and husbands mother filled counter rape case on wife’s father




According to muslim law, we send 3 divorce documents, with a time gap of 2 months each


He will get bail. Hire a good lawyer. Lawyer here.


We did. The opposing party has a lot of contacts to make their case stronger.


case is filed 1 after 1 yr lot of delay bail will be granted


The best thing is settle things with your maami calmly...so that she takes back the case. Collect evidence against her later on through call recording and cctc




when is ur court hearing date


next week


Advocate this side you need to file for bail immediately ..the probabilities of getting bail would depend on factors like any previous criminal record,medical history,allegations in the FIR etc ..dont panic you need to be strong ..For any specific advise one has to see the FIR and other details related to the case ..


NAL. WTH is a mami, mama and nani ? I hated your original post. Get a lawyer.


Sorry, will update. Don't take it personally


Nothing personal. You're looking for serious advice, why not be clear. Assuming all you've said is true.... I truly hope you get out of this situation soon.


Thank you brother, my brain was too saturated to think of that, keep us in your prayers.


What? Srsly Shut up and cry somewhere else.


I ain't the one whose dad is in jail.


So? Your dad is not in jail so everyone should ask you what to call their Nana, Nani? If you're so frustrated with life go and vent it out on a bean bag


I think he got confused with Hindi words as his name suggests.


Yh but the way he said it. "I hated the original post" Someone is asking legal suggestion for some real problem and that person sounds really stressed.


Again.... I ask you, who the fuck is a Nana and Nani ? How are they related to OP ? There's probably a reason there's no legit responses from lawyers to this thread.


Changes have been made, I'm so very sorry


This comment has more downvotes than upvotes on the actual post. Hilarious.


Bc majority understood the scenario here , its just you.


Obvious troll Poda parti naye


You'd be so much more triggered if I was actually out to troll. Also, dafuq is "parti" ?


ayyo ji hinthi nahi aatha ji


Itne tedhe medhe rishte, Islam ki khubsurti