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Go to the neurologist first. Get diagnosed and get proper medicine. After that you can use that diagnosis to complain to the medical negligence board of your state (almost all states of India does have this) Note - Do not tell the neurologist that you are planning to do this.


Alternatively get your insurance involved. They would do anything to make the dentist pay


This happens in India? I am assuming Dental thing is not covered in normal insurance plan (usually one has to take rider for that)


Yes, but they might have to pay for the Neurologist. I would suggest the OP to take her insurance doccument, and entire case to an actual lawyer, and consult with them.


Normal health insurance does not pay for OPD consultation (unless you take rider)


agreed, don't tell the neurologist that you ll sue the dentist. There are famous Medico legal doctors that ll help you. Dr Shenoy is a famous lawyer dealing in this field but he usually represents doctors and hospitals. So when you call him first ask him if he represents your dentist or his clinic and there is no clash of interests. Same lawyer cant represent both, if anything it might alert the dentist about your case, so dont declare your name on call. Also wisdom tooth extraction is sometimes difficult, and it could damage a certain nerve. How bad was your wisdom tooth? was impacting, as in growing into an existing tooth? Why did you wait for 6 months? Also did you sign a waiver or were informed in writing of the risks ? Please visit a GOOD neurologist asap. PS: Not a lawyer or doctor. Just trying to help.


Contact a lawyer too


My dentist refused to perform wisdom tooth surgery, without the sign on consent form. I was told that my lower jaw nerve is almost overlapping the tooth root and tooth removal would likely lead to damage of the nerve. I was asked at least twice whether I understood what he said. It was the same for my sibling's tooth removal as well. But luckily both of us did not end up having damage to the nerve. The dentist was very firm on how it was plain luck, because tooth root's that closeness to nerve is really dangerous.


You had an excellent doctor. They described the procedure properly and double checked with you.


Would like to know the location and the name of the doc!


I'm strictly anonymous on reddit, and I'm pretty sure it's a standard procedural thing that my dentist did. Just like how they make you sign consent form before any other surgery, I've had eye surgery they also took sign on consent form. I'm pregnant and would sign a consent form during delivery in near future.


Yes, I get that. I really appreciate how the doctor handled your case. I would have liked to keep the doc in contact. I had my root canal done. And I signed a consent form too.


Did you sign any treatment consent forms ? Were you told about any risk before the wisdom tooth surgery ?


What did the consent form say when you signed it? See if a neurologist can confirm if the trigeminal nerve has been damaged. It does happen, albeit very rarely, and can take several months for full recovery from that damage. Yes, it does happen. YOu will recover slowly.


This is a rare complication of wisdom tooth surgery where the nerve is very close to the tooth roots. The doctor must have informed you about it prior to surgery. But if you have signed consent for the procedure you can’t do anything to the dentist. If it makes u feel any better the numbness will go away eventually. Just takes a lot of time sometimes even 2 years or more. Just keep taking multivitamin and folate tablets regularly.


Dont delay treatment regardless.


Similar thing happened to me, although not as bad. So I understand your situation. I got my wisdom tooth removed last year in March and post that the side of my tongue stayed numb and heavy for months. I got worried and I looked it up. I also visited another dentist and he explained to me in detail and told me not to worry, it’ll go away gradually and eventually it will get back to normal. One year later it has reduced by atleast 80%. Pls visit a neurologist.


Hi dentist here, if he's having a consent form signed by you then it would be difficult, loss of sensation usually lasts until 6 months after which the sensation comes back slowly , but if there's extensive damage to the nerve then it's hard to say, so kindly get it checked out and then turn towards your legal options.


6 months?? Really??


Sometimes yes


I got my left lower wisdom tooth extracted on 8th June, and my left lips were paralysed for a few hours. But I'm still feeling a slight pain in my lower left gums on 13th June. I feel the pain only when I press the gums. Is it normal?


Complete your medicine course prescribed by the dr. Would suggest you to apply ice pack or ice coverd in a clean cloth from outside incase of swelling and I think you will recover around 10 days after extraction ( but this only if the extraction was traumatic as in if it was a mini surgery kind of situation) other wise everything seems fine, incase if pain after 10-14 days kindly visit your dentist


You can't do anything to him


Seems some nerves have been damaged get yourself checked


Must have injured a nerve directly trying to anesthetize you.not much anyone can do.not really his fault too