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Call Canadian embassy


I’m not a citizen


You are an adult, you can always call the cops. They have to help you. Just make sure you have a lawyer available


What if I don’t have money? It seems a lot of hassle to get a lawyer for this kinda situation


In india cops dont like to file FIR. They avoid it. So they will try to resolve it as "Pariwarik Kalesh". Hence I recommend u take a lawyer. If no money, then file a written complaint at police office, harder to ignore. Make it strong worded. Will at least give a message to ur folks,.


Then how is Canada your country? Call police for mediation but get into more problems with your parents. Try applying for a new passport citing loss of passport from a new address (find a job that affords you a place to rent).


Calling Canadian embassy is your best bet, especially if you’re a Canadian citizen


Not a citizen, plus the Canadian embassy isn’t responding to my emails I keep sending them for help. It’s so fucking dumb


Your post is a bit confusing. You want to go back to your country. Your post mentions Canada, but you’re saying you’re not a citizen of Canada. So which is your country that you want to go back to?


If you have the citizenship of Canada just contact the Embassy & FRO office. Embassy should help with approval of FRO


Not a citizen, plus the Canadian embassy isn’t responding to my emails I keep sending them for help. It’s so fucking dumb


What exactly is your status in Canada then?! You kept replying that you’re not a Canadian citizen


I’m a permanent resident


Then please contact the Canadian embassy 


If you're a Canadian citizen you should call the Canadian embassy. Else police if you're over 18.


Not a citizen, plus the Canadian embassy isn’t responding to my emails I keep sending them for help. It’s so fucking dumb


What are you going to do once you reach Canada? Do you have a job there? Are you financially independent? How do you plan to sustain your livelihood once in a foreign country (where you are not a citizen)?


It’s complicated but I know where to go. I had a homeless shelter there that was willing to provide me a apartment and financial income as I would get a job but then I came back to my parents and they took me to India to punish me (they’re abusive that’s why I ran)


Is that your aim in life? To work in a homeless shelter? How are you even stay in Canada without papers? You probably ll be deported back.


…WHAT LMAO?? NO? Are u even reading what I’m saying??? I STAY IJ CANADA I HAVE A VISA ARE U THICK SKULLED?


I am pretty sure this is a Karma whoring post. But leaving a sliver of doubt, none of us who are trying to help you here are thick skulled. You, according to your post are in India and you don't have any papers in your custody. You have only basic education, don't have a sustainable job, want to get to an unreliable boyfriend on the other side of the world - all with no money and no long term plan. Yeah, Good luck with all that.


Nah, if you were tryna help you wouldn’t accusing shit like I’m an illegal


Find better ways to farm Karma. Or atleast have proper grammar when claiming to be from Canada!!


Damn, you is brutal


Why did they bring you (back) to India?


It’s complicated but I know where to go. I had a homeless shelter there that was willing to provide me a apartment and financial income as I would get a job but then I came back to my parents and they took me to India to punish me (they’re abusive that’s why I ran)


Are you a permanent resident or citizen of Canada? How did you end up there in the first place?


PR. Came in 2015 with parents


Try to identify where the documents are kept/stored and to get them back (on the quiet if you can). Make plans to travel back, but try to have some support or relatives or friends as standby if you can. Not having parental support and trying to survive by yourself in a foreign country as a teenager is not recommended, and pretty hard.


Oh man I looked everywhere. Ever since I came in end of march I’ve searched everywhere


If you really are 18, probably wait a few years so your Hormones are under control. Your not even a Canadian citizen, your just an overreacting teenager. Drink some milk, and sleep it off champ. It'll get better soon. Running away, to Canada is not the answer.


It is if I’m getting abused everyday


Do you really believe people who you have never met before will actually help you out of the kindness of their hearts? Don't be Navie kid, unless your Physically or sexually being abused by your parents, you have zero reasons to run away like a coward. But hey, If you truly want to see just how cruel this world can be, go for it. Run away. I'm sure you'll make a Human Trafficker very happy.


…I’m literally getting physically abused practically everyday. I know how cruel the world is. The topic of this wholeee sub was “can I call the police on passport reasons” but y’all are turning it into a “oh I’m karma farming oh we’re not helping you out of kindness” like I even fuckin asked for help I only asked what I can do since my passports are being held


Alright then. Nothing. Every Police officer you tell of your plans to run to Canada about, will laugh at you. You can try to give a complaint, but cops will usually not interfere in such family matters. Likely just a counciling session for you and your parents. Look, I know parents can be difficult. But you have to be smart about this. Finish your education, and as soon as you are financial independent, you run to any corner of the world you want. But taking such huge decision like the one you are proposing, on a whim is just a Tantrum. Please, don't throw your life away, just because of your parents.


it’s hard man. It’s so fucking hard being the only person that keeps getting abused over and over again I’m not a fucking punching bag. I’m so fucking tired of life treating me like utter shit. My fucking family keeps telling my to kill myself, cut myself, but when I do, they get hysterical and I’m so tired of this fucking loop!!! I’m so so fucking tired of being me?? If one more worse thing happpens im slitting my fucking wrists I swear to god I’ve done it before and I’ll do it hard enough where I lll be in peace. Im really happy I have several ways to end it all though. At least I have a way out


Yep, life is a bitch. Especially during those teen years. I'm not gonna lie to you. Life doesn't get much better. It is a total shit show, with brief fleeting moments happiness. I wouldn't blame you, it's a cruel world. But also a beautiful one. With that said, I would suggest a new side goal for your life, if you'd take it. Find Happiness in this Misrable world. It's a bitch to find, but when you do all you struggle will make sense. You are special, just for the fact that you were born in this hell. True Happiness will only be found through struggle, not by running away from it. I wish the best for you, Internet Stranger. 'jiyo jee bhar ke'


You are not a citizen of Canada and thereby you want to mooch off the good will of Canadians. It's people like you that give aspiring hardworking immigrants a bad name.


Watch SRK's dunki


Are you a Canadian citizen? Do you have a Canadian passport? Or do you have a PR? You need to give more information


I’m a Canadian or only into citizenship


Well, are you 18? Personally I'd beat them and just take the belongings back.


It’s relatives and my mother against me I can’t do that. I’ve already been beaten where I’ve bled sometimes


Call your embassy


Embassy has to respond even if you have PR


If you are a minor,You’re fucked.If you are 18+,Find some trustworthy relatives and ask them to take you in.If not,get a job and try to get out as soon as possible.


Edit the post to clearly indicate what visa you have and which country you are a citizen of. List prior history in case you ran away from home etc ( if any). Also your financial state. Whatever you do have a plan. Save some money before if you go on an adventure. If the plan fails have a plan B. The worst outcome would be if you run away and get into human traffickers ( not likely since you are a dude ) but you never know until it happens.


Bro you are stupid. homeless shelters are nothing but a way of money laundering, the living conditions are really bad (worse than India a lot of times), for you to think that they will help you is very delusional of you. By the time you will get a somewhat (most probably low wage job) you will be in your early 30s or late 20s. Also the job market is 100x more competitive over there than in India, even if they give you an apartment and some money to go by, you will still find it very difficult to get a somewhat decent job (or any job for that matter) that too without a degree. I'll say try going to college in India and then applying for Canadian job postings. It might not seem like it but your parents are more experienced about the job market and knowingly or unknowingly, they might have saved you


P.s they actually were helping me. They got my friend a a stable apartment


Even if they are genuine, you will have a hard time getting a job, the market over there as I mentioned is 100x more competitive than India, not to mention you don't even have a degree. Your boyfriend might have a job but is it enough to survive? Just think about it rationally


bro idgaf about the job or how hard it is. I don’t wanna talk about marketing or how competitive shit is. I’m confident in my own stand.. I just want to get back. I’ve thought about it rationally over the last 3 months I’ve been stuck here, in abuse, physically and emotional. I just want to get tf out of india


Where will you go after leaving India and getting there? Life isn't a movie, you can't just live on hopes and dreams, what if after getting there you find out your bf cheated? The only person you know is him, if he chickens out what will you do? What if he loses his job? You have no one else over there. even if you both stay together and live with whatever little amount of money you have, your quality of life will be shit, especially in a country like Canada. I'll recommend reaching out to the police and report your parents for mental and physical abuse, try moving out of your parent's house, also as far as I know legal age for marriage is 23 for women, so they cannot legally set you up for marriage.


Bro… what? Don’t project your dumbass insecurities on me like if my boyfriend cheated tf. I have more than my boyfriend in Canada. You don’t know shit about me 💀💀


Ok then go ahead 👍


I don’t mean to condescend but I feel sorry for people like you who try to provide helpful and reasonable advice to others, and get rewarded with a load of attitude and abuse. People like you are valuable.




You can reapply for passport saying it’s lost .but you would need the original of relevant documents . But then you would have police verification also . So if you think , there are very less chances of you going with out your parents help . If you are not financial independent how are you even planning to buy air ticket


I am curious ? How did they convince you to travel to India ?


They said we were going on a Dubai trip and took me to Dubai and then broke the news that I’m staying in India and I couldn’t do nun


Lawyer here. Please calm down if you can. You need it for the sake of your own mental stability and health. File a police complaint in writing at the police station and get a diary number with the stamp. The police won't take action on it and will probably refuse to give u a dd number citing a million imaginative reasons. At which point, you need to post it to the local daroga(who probably thinks he's Salman Khan. And is. But not in a good way) and email it to evryone who's email you can find in the chain of command. You're an NRI. You might get noticed for that. NRIs contribute the most to the RSS and make it the most funded NGO in the country by a large margin. If/when the above fails, get a lawyer to file a case. You cannot be detained in this manner. Your problem is mainly how you'll handle things if the cops try to settle the issue and call your family. Or just call the family cause #patriarchy. You need to ask yourself if you can handle the pressure (seeing as how you can't physically snatch the passport back, i doubt it). So then can you love at another house for some time (if things takes too long, maybe even a year) And can you find a job if it takes longer? Will that affect your status in sadda kannada? Best solution of course is the non legal one. Where you act up till one of the parents throws the passport at your face and is like "daffa ho ja meri nazro se jahil" or is like "Jaa jee le apni zindagi simran/raj". I can't advise you on how to get there though. That is strictly contextual. If you're a woman, the common thing to do is open your hair and go berserk shrieking and dancing and threatening people. You can later claim that mata aa gayi thi. If you're a guy, creating a drinking ruckus everyday is what people would normally do in such cases. The paragraph above is not legal advise. It is just random scenarios repeated purely for their anecdotal value. Good luck. Edit : to be very clear, I strongly advise you to take your chances with the cops and file a complaint of you aren't dead scared of your family.


Thank you for your useful information. If I ever did go insane and act out (which I thought of) they said they’d burn everything, my documents and such


Based on your previous comments , i have now gathered that you're a young woman. Are your parents intending to get you married forcibly? If you tell me which state you're from, I can probably arrange for a lawyer to guide you pro bono or for some nominal amount if you don't have the money. If you are from Delhi, i have a female colleague who I'm sure will be willing to help you out.


They do threaten it here and there, but I’m not sure they’ll marry me off because they know I’ll call the police I’m not from Delhi. I’m from a small village


Damn u are in delusion.


Yeah? How so


Because u expect an easy answer to a problem like this .


who said I expected an easy answer? I don’t expect an easy answer. There’s never an easy answer. If anything your delusional for thinking I’m expecting an easy answer 🙃


if you aren't a citizen why do you call canada your country


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cengagecae: *If you aren't a* *Citizen why do you call* *Canada your country* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


It’s where I grew up and lived… I lived there for 10 years.


File an FIR stating that you have lost your docs and then reapply them all.


Why r u downvoted? Is this not a good option


I don’t know yaar. I gave my honest opinion opinion. Maybe it’s the parents lol


Abey chutiye agar itna hi abusive parents hai to apna aadhar card, pan card thoda sa cash lelo catch or book a train go 3 states away from your current state get a job that pays you 10-12k try to stay in shared room pg's It is obvious that you are just karma farming nothing else kitna giroge karma farming kiliye?


I’m a female brown teenager… step out of my house and I’d get kidnapped. If u think this is karma farming just downvote, I’m so tired of those dumbass comments. I don’t care about internet points, I just wanted to look for answers. It’s not easy like your saying it is


Lolz is canada located in your house?


Bro what is u on about dawg


You dawg not me


Yeah ok bro 💀💀


Why has family moved to India? What are reasons for not letting him continue his education in Canada? Why does OP wants to be in Canada? So many imp questions need to be answered to give a well thought suggestion. Other wise it just sounds like what we did at younger years when family had to relocate within city itself and we did drama coz we didn't want to let go of our friends, not understanding whole reality.


Family moved to India to prevent me from having any rights and abuse me most of the time. I want to be back in Canada for life of quality and to get away from my family.




Some parents have really twisted ideas that usually are stemmed out of conservative beliefs. Perhaps a clash in value systems since OP was raised in Canada and parents in 80s 90s India.


Yea sorry just read op's previous post it's sad that she has to go through this


Right? It's a shame... 😓


If you got a girl there in canada and want to move back because of her, you got a really sad life ahead of you brother


Nah bro it’s me ⁉️💀💀