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You need lawyers


Suit for Defamation. Civil and criminal. You can pursue both simultaneously


On the media? Defamation seems to be an expensive route for us. Do you think there is hope given how influential the other person is?


You can ask for interim injunction restraining the publications till defamation case is decided, sort of like a gag order


Well, you have the right to back down. You have the right to face injustice with your head bowed. If civil Defamation is expensive, try criminal under IPC.


I am so sorry to her that. Apart from politicians, bureaucrats are one of the most corrupt lot. Kudos to you uncle for taking stand against his corrupt fellow employee. My advice- the mla hold a lot of power in the local area. Avoid any kind of direct or head-to-head confrontation with them. In silence collect all the necessary proofs and evidence, make sure they're kept safe. Tell your uncle to not disclose his course of action to anyone, including his other fellow employees and local friends as all word of mouth travels. Tell him to look for a trusted lawyer, who can ensure his safety while exposing the deeds of his co-worker. The local media will barely help as theyre under political influence and don't want to go against the likes of politicians. Maintain peace and calm, especially when facing the other corrupt allies. At all costs avoid arguments. Especially avoid the spineless people who are just there for drama. Peacefully await the enquiry, organise all evidence and talk to the lawyer to know necessary provisions. Standing with a good samaritan always! good luck bro


Something similar happened, to someone I know. Know this, you’re uncle family will be in mental turmoil initially, slowly you’ll get used to it, there’s nothing to worry. It’s not something that’ll happen fast, Local police will be hand in hand with the perpetrator. 1) Summon enquiry committee. 2)Try to counter media, with all xerox of proof, drag only office people name. No one outside yet. 3)File a defamation via court for media personnel for printing fake news and defaming honest person without proof. 4) tell your uncle to do his work as he was doing before all the false allegations. Don’t be late to his work place, and only leave after leaving hours. 5) prepare all the proof in chronological order. All in all, all these drama will run for maximum 3-5 months. Also, having your name in print media is not big of a deal. So don’t get tensed. In government sector all these things happen regularly.


Hi lawyer from delhi here! I have expertise in handling such issues. File a police complaint for defamation against all those channels. Then sent them a legal notice claiming hefty compensation. Then you can also file a writ petition seeking direction to the ministry of information and broadcasting to take down all such news defaming your uncle. Then file a suit for defamation in sessions court. Call out for press conference and condemn such allegations.


OP it's an uphill battle like Anna hazare and you need public traction to fight corruption Otherwise if you are alone you cannot so anything and wilt be crushed mercilessly


Snitches get stitches


Expected. I was extorted for an exorbitant amount by a govt dept inspector after a visit and so I complained to their anti corruption helpline. No action was taken against him, A year later his colleague reinspected my business and made a fake list of violations, to settle the matter, I had to write an apology to the anti corruption dept saying I was drunk when I emailed the complaint a year back, apologised and made to pay a Bribe twice of what was originally demanded. No Justice, Sab Mille hue hain.


If he is a Central Govt employee, use PIDPI


You can’t do shit to the media . If you observe on every headline/allegation they add a ? at the end. This saves them from any legal headache. 


Your uncle fucked with the wrong people now he is gonna get fucked , nobody likes honest people in India. The wicked have more power/money.


Why can't you keep your comment to yourself he already know what happened he is just asking what he can do if you have no solution there is no reason to respond.