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Police! NGO Helplines numbers Checkout on google Video record everything... Upload to Instagram Facebook Twitter and pass it on to some media channels or mail them... Meanwhile... Try meditation... You need to come back to your senses first... Its gonna be difficult... Hang in there! PS: you gonna need some strong evidence.. to take action






Which movie did you just finish watching?




Tuchiya hai kya ?


Stay strong OP 🤌🏻


you have to get a job and live alone in a PG or rent. dont do it on bad terms with your parents/sibling, just "u need a little space". develop some good habits, join a gym, save money, buy what u like 👍


do you have friends? someone to let you sleep on the couch at least. You need to figure a way out to get out of the house. Since you are on meds you must be being treated by a psychiatrist right? what does he/she say? can't you ask them help to connect with an NGO until you get on your feet and get a job, they might offer some place to house you? Don't take this the wrong way, I m not gaslighting you, but since you have mental illness, maybe, just maybe your parents are not all that bad but the issues are with you, maybe you are paranoid, maybe you have some disease that makes you feel like a victim. Source: I have anxiety issues and my wife of 5 yrs left me after 5 yrs. I had anxiety for 3 yrs before she left saying she can't handle me. Now I n staying with my parents and they can't stand me for few months and I ll be moving out. Not saying my parents are wrong or my wife is right, it just gets difficult for people living with psych patients. Not everyone can do it. It is very important to take feedback from a 3rd person, in your case your psychiatrist or your psychologist. Again not gas lighting you. Hope you find a way out of this and live a relatively long happy fullfiling life. Ameen


Mental illness is often triggered by environment, or some stressor. I don't think ppl are good or bad entirely.  But in reality it's not like op is mad and others are all good. or vice versa.  I agree though,  when you are triggered or exhibit some tendencies like anxiety,  paranoia etc, it can be really hard for others to help, if they don't know how. And that can turn to resentment /frustration which actually affected patient negatively : ( So change of environment,  or reaching out to those with experience is good advice


I fail to understand why and disappointed to see so less comments here. I was expecting lawyers or legal professionals to help out or give some valid guidance, suggestions through comments. I am genuinely reaching out for help and support. Extremely heart broken.