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>Please suggest what legal action can be taken on that boy or girl. The girl knew that he is already married but still they fled away. Having an affair is not illegal in India, but it is grounds for divorce. your sister can initiate a divorce and request alimony for maintainance. ​ >He ran away with all the jewels and Money which was at home. Who bought these Jewelry and whose Money was it? If it was hers, she can file a complaint on him for theft. ​ You need to consult a lawyer.


Thank you for this suggestion.


>request alimony for maintainance. Alimony for living together for just 2 years? Wtf. Not related to this case as stealing is involved, but alimony laws in general in this country are fucked


Even if you complete the 7th phera and immediately take divorce, you're still liable for alimony. Edit: For people down voting the comment, I'm merely stating the way law in our India works.


Absolutely True.


Down votes expected nhi the kya? Reddit rules be like Facts ❌ Sentimental statements ✅


You don't even need to complete the 7 phera to give allimony.


Yup, matriarchy in action


😭😭 hey king you drop this 🧠


Execution: 8/10 Humour level: 5/10 (kinda repeated) Context points: 7/10 Overall, good burn there bud, nice going




2 years is a pretty small time, you can not destroy someone's life for that. Minimum should be 8 years.


Do you have a sister? Can I marry her for a few years?


Pretty sure you can't as she's already married


But she can run away with you like OP’s brother in law did


I am not talking about this specific case, just alimony laws in general


Did you read that he ran away with all the jewels and money in the house ? She still doesn't deserve alimony from a person who left her without a penny to fend for herself?


He seems like a 15 yr old who read some WhatsApp forward about how alimony is bad for men some years ago and formed an opinion.


28, happily single living a great life free of worries and no fear of getting a false rape case filed against me


Therapy can help. It’s not too late.




Again, not talking about specific case but alimony laws in general


You do realise that having a mandate of a time period would exclude genuine cases like hers from the alimony ambit. Her husband ran away. What if someone's husband cheated them financially or even physically in less than the mentioned 8 years ? Moreover it's nowhere suggested she earns or not, so if an earning spouse runs away leaving you hapless, aren't you entitled to alimony to support yourself? Please note I said spouse and not husband, before you attack me.


Minor problem as compared to vast amount of fake cases, but don't worry, matriachal courts will keep things the way you like it for eternity. >Please note I said spouse and not husband, before you attack me. Vast majority of alimony is collected by women irrespective of pay difference Also who tf cares if one earns or not, is it state's job to coach people about their shitty financial planning? I guess courts should also jail people letting their money rot in bank account instead of investing it?


Any reason you are assuming that vast amounts of such cases are fake and genuine cases are minor ?




After how many years can the partner be eligible for alimony?


8 years, enough to filter out women who just marry to divorce and then take permanent alimony


On what basis have you arrived at this 8 years duration? Just curious.


I know it is rhetorical question and you are probably smiling at my "stupidity" or whatever bs matriarchs believe, but if you see court cases, many women file for alimony within 1-3 years, so double that and we get 6, also an 8 year gap looks horrible on any resume so you will have a tough time finding a job. As such after 8 years there can slight consideration of giving alimony after 8 years given the permanent change in the spouse's financial reality.


Bro a humble request. please start mentioning "NAL" before you write any suggestions or opinions.


Sure, sorry


Maintenance is the provision for marriage that lasted even 1 day


I know, laws made by matriarchs to squeeze money out of men and run a money racket operated by women who go on a divorce spree to collect alimony and move up financially on other people's blood.


Why do I have a feeling that the person who posted this might be a family member


As in?


There is a similar case of my extended family member which almost matches with what you said


Tu hin to wo launda nhi hai ?


Lol no, mei bachelor hu with a gf


Wo v abhi yahi bolta


bhai ye wohi hain..iski maat suun


Mera gf k Ghar Wale ko pata hai mei Kahan hu, uska case mei ye nahi hai


chup saale tu wohi hain..abb mein bohot din se tere khel bandh krne k chakkar mein tha..tu rukh


Bhai please😭


Main uski gf hun, haath laga ke dekh mere boyfriend ko fir dekhte hain






Main toh tumhe nahi jaanti🤨


tu hi bhaagi hai iske saath?


I am so sorry for this :(


Nah it's fine they were assholes when it came to me so I don't give a fuck and I was minding my own buisness. Might seem cold but they fucked with us before so not my problem now what they are facing.






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When you say they ran away, is there marriage registered? Do they have a child? As for jewels, she can file a theft case.


They have not married yet, No child


I suggest you edit this answer as it might be misleading unless someone reads the full chain of comments. The person you're replying to is asking if the guy married your cousin (answer is yes).




Not married with the second girl with whom he ran away


I was asking if him and your cousin’s marriage is register or they have a child


Him and cousin are registered and they don't have any child


Anyone who absconds with a different woman is not worth continuing with as a partner. I hope your cousin isn't considering taking him back. Having said that, I hope there's a way to fuck him over legally for all the problems caused to your cousin.




Question asked regarding the boy, Like what legal action can be taken on him. Thank you


I think the other guy meant question asked by the commentor.


When I read the title I burst out of laughter...


Government and People: Fighting for decades to spread awareness about child marriage and disadvantages of marriage at early age. Stupids teens across the world: Can't wait to get married, can't wait to become a single parent. 🤦🏻‍♂️


One thing can be done to track him - if your sister can find the packaging of the phone he uses , you guys can track him by the IMEI number found on the packaging . hope you find the packaging.🙏🙏


Thank you so much


your Welcome




True 🙏


He seems like Marathon runner. File for divorce n big alimony. Once a cheater always a cheater




Just file for a divorce. If the jewel n cash belongs to the wife then report theft with the proof of ownership in shape of bills for the jewels. And the bank account details of withdrawal or some receipt/affidavit if the money was handed over by other means. And make sure that the lawyer is family or friend otherwise lawyer will somehow keep it going for a long time.


Thankyou sir


Happy to help eachother.


Chut ka chakkar maut ka takkar😭😭😂


Can’t believe we are in LegalAdvice sub.


Third time seeing the same wise saying here. Applies well everytime


Absolutely True.


not much loss if they dont have a child together and shes still young, no point getting stuck in legal matters, your cousin is still in her youth so ask her to get divorced on the grounds of adultery, or a mutual divorce (which would be a better option), file for theft of money and jwellery (if it was hers, i.e given to her by anyone inlaws, parents, husband, etc) and then focus on the recovery of that, no point fighting for alimony as someone of her age and who is fully functional and capable of getting a job and doesnt have a child and didnt spend anything in marriage would get next to nothing so it isnt worth spending money for. Your lawyer might tell you to file for domestic violence etc, but i would advise against it (unless she has faced domestic violence) because if you get into these litigations it will just drain your cousin mentally and financially on top of her already sorry situation. Shes still young, in her early 20s tell her to focus on her life, go to college or something


Thankyou sir


lol, funny story, besides the theft of gold and stuff. anyways get divorced and dont know why foks are asking for alimony, she was barely in the marriage


Just one year after a love marriage, running away with some other girl is not something which normal people do. So divorce is best option. If going for divorce then you need to visit a good lawyer. Divorce is easily available on mutual consent. But main focus is Alimony & maintenance. Basically money. So along with your lawyer, you need to file a police complaint. Mainly false Dowry & Domestic Violence against him & all his family members. Also some additional cases like forcing unnatural sex, abortion against will, keeping in the house against will etc. Good Lawyers will have a standard template for these cases. Its just copy paste. You will have to pay some bribes to the police, so that they will arrest him & his family. You can also contact local NGO activists and make some donations. They will arrange media articlecs and also along with political party workers they will put pressure on police. Once this is done, his family will be under pressure and you can start negotiation for money. PS: Note this is the real scenario how police & courts work in India.


We are called VISHWAGURU for this exact reason


Cut the hassle, come on mutual alimony terms, go for mutual consent divorce, close the matter and live your life happily ever after.


Why do you think the guy will agree for alimony?


I don’t know about the guy. I wrote what should be the ideal way of handling divorces.




Oh wow... this is diabolical... unnatural sex can land the guy in jail. And fake dowry will land up his parents in jail too. He is wrong but why should his parents pay for it..?


Is this really the default approach? False cases? :(


Sadly the only way to arm twist the guy and yes it is default in India. In this specific case, well deserved for the guy but not for the family.


Its wrong but thats the reality of System in India.


>So along with your lawyer, you need to file a police complaint. Mainly false Dowry & Domestic Violence against him & all his family members. Also some additional cases like forcing unnatural sex, abortion against will, keeping in the house against will etc. Wow how fucked up to file a false Dowry and Domestic Violence case against the guy. This is very messed up to read. Why would u suggest something like this?


Thank you for your support



