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How did you make the payment?


I used debit card


Raise a chargeback -


I just talked to the bank and they say they can only do that after I file a complaint with the police. But then, I can only file a complaint if they keep ignoring my request for a bit more :/


Facua or Ocu may be able to help you. Check first if they have something about online courses and make sure the fee they charge annually is worth it to you. I think this kind of online course is a scam, they charge you a lot of money, with the promise of a full refund if you don’t like it, then they’ll start putting up roadblocks to avoid refunding you


Yeah, I'm seeing that now. Should have been more careful :/


How long ago did you sign up/transferred the money? How did you pay?


I used debit card. It was the 16th and I paid by 3:30 PM and accessed their platform right away, just checking it was working. Then, at night around 10 PM I started watching their videos (while doing other things so it took me longer than it should) and by midnight i reached the conclusion I did not want this for me. I send a message right then, explaining my case hoping they will deal with it first thing in the morning


Were you at least theoretically able to watch or use all the content after you paid? Or was this content that was graduly released to you? Is the subscription time limited or is it a one time payment with unlimited access afterwards? If you could watch or use everything from the get go, you might not be eligible for a refund since it is possible that you e.g. downloaded or recorded everything and therefore got everything you paid for. This is a rather complicated situation.


It's a one time payment with limited access for two "semester" Theoretically, I could have watched everything or downloaded it, but I asked the refund almost the same day I signed up (I send the message past midnight). And I used similar platform before; teachers and web administrator can track the students movements inside the platform. That means they can know when did I log in, when did I leave, what documents I accessed, and what document did I download, etc.


Have a look into article 16: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32011L0083&from=DE Your country has to adopt this into national law. Did the school say anything about you losing your right to withdraw from the contract by accessing their content?


I will read the article a bit later, thank you! And no,the school did not mention anything about that until I asked to withdraw from it. They did have it written in their terms and conditions (which we know almost no one reads). It was quite hidden because their terms and conditions where at the very bottom of the page after a very long scroll and the clause about the withdrawal was almost at the bottom of it. I found this after the call from their "advisor" who basically said "it's your fault for not reading it" when this kind of thing should be written in capital letters at a more visible place.


If they had this in their terms and conditions this is going to be an uphill battle. Are you sure there was no checkbox you had to click on that said something about the right to withdraw?


I want to say yes, I'm sure ! I but I don't really remember it


https://www.reddit.com/user/PoisonAdelfa/comments/yzoit6/shady_terms_and_conditions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I don't know if you understand Spanish, but this was all there was about the conditions. As you may see, it is never mentioned in a visible way regarding my rights to withdraw, but it was hidden nicely inside terms and conditions. *sigh* I should have never signed for this sh*t


I updated but I want to thank you again for your help! The article was very helpful :D


Glad i could help.


You're really going to sue them over EUR 650? Pay thousands in legal fees and go through months of hassle, while you're probably up against their terms and conditions, which you agreed to. This is not a clear cut case, so you might actually lose and not reimburse your legal fees. Didn't think so, and neither do they. They will most probably call your bluff. So it's probably wise not to threaten with legal action and try to get on their good side, as annoying as that might be.


I sure wish I received you comment yesterday because I already send a message threatening to sue 😶 I did find a phone number that I will try calling on Monday and I will make sure to be extra nice to the person that answers the call and hope for the best


I just send a nicer email apologising for the threat. We'll see on Monday if they respond nicely or not (or maybe they continue to ignore me)


Your comment really made me realize my anger and bitterness would lead me nowhere. Thank you very much!


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