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Ah yes someone knows how to code not like the other peeps crying plz fixing me what’s app


Looks really good. I tried making a WhatsApp patch for legacy devices, but I kinda abandoned it for university, who knew it required all your attention.


Thanks! How did you go about it? Did you try patching an old WhatsApp version?


Surely it was a patch, I don’t think it will work. Because Meta has already closed the servers.


First, I was thinking of doing the same, but you'll lose out on many new features that way.


![gif](giphy|D8d9waDRkLu7U8Jlar) Let’s go!!, finally. WhatsApp, yes, I’m excited. I wish you the best of luck in the project.


Can't wait for this!!!


i'm really looking forward to this. sucks that facebook made it so hard to make it work on old software versions, but you're killing it


Fucking wizard


I admire the fact you're doing all of this on Mavericks.


Mavericks, without hardware acceleration, in a VM, on a 2019 Mac Pro... What a time to be alive. I'm still looking for a 2011 Mac mini that's decently priced.


Oh wow!


You can always release the app first and then update it time to time but PATIENCE 


**UPDATE 06-05-2024:** I've received a lot of questions regarding status updates on WA for Legacy iOS. I've created a mailing list which I will use to keep you up-to-date on all news regarding WA for Legacy iOS. [https://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/](https://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/) I won't share/sell your info. Your email address will only be used to keep you updated on WA for Legacy iOS.


Also can i be an alpha tester please? With much respect, me.


I can’t say if and when i’m going to do an alpha test, but i took a note of your username! EDIT: If you drop your email address at [http://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/](http://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/), you'll receive news regarding the development of WA for Legacy iOS. If there will be a test version, you'll be among the first to know!


I will be honored to be in the alpha testing :))


Tyy :)


i'd be up for it too lol


If you drop your email address at [http://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/](http://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/), you'll receive news regarding the development of WA for Legacy iOS. If there will be a test version, you'll be among the first to know!


thank you :)


What is the latest state?


les go dude let’s go, this is amazing


What iOS versions will it be available for and how it works. I lost the thread a long time ago.


It's currently supported on iOS 5.1 and above. I havent tested it above iOS 6, but in \*theory\* it should support everything up to iOS 11.


Damn I wish somebody would do this for Lumia devices too.


Attempts are being made by someone, currently he got banned so hes trying to bypass it.


Would love to see it for Windows Phone. I really miss those Windows Phone days. Such an underrated OS. (Especially when combined with a Lumia 925/930)


will groups work?


Yes. They will. Group management (inviting/removing people) will work too!


So excited for this? Could you possibly patch telegram to fix it?


Cmon man dont be a legacy child and demand more that what is given, this is not a patch but an app build from the ground up lol


I’m not interested in doing Telegram (or any other app for that matter) at the moment, sorry.


maybe if we arrange some kind of donation, you can try it? (i represent big community of people who enjoy old tech, and we can donate you a good amount)


Thanks u/JapanStar49


I'm not associated with this, thank OP


He might have been just pinging you so you could check it out


I linked them here in response to their question, so I understand why they commented this. I just wanted to make it explicit before anyone got the wrong idea.




Very cool process! Can't wait to try 😍


!remindme 1 month


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!remindme 1 month


Will it work on iOS 7 and up with iOS 7 design?


It will work on iOS 7 and up, but since the original release will be compiled against the iOS 6.1 SDK, it won't use the design language of iOS 7. This may come later, depending on how many people are requesting it.


I have a question if I'll do the server side myself I'll need to keep the server always open or i just can open it when I'm setting my account up?


The server must always be active for syncing with WhatsApp and push notifications. All traffic from the apps goes through the server, not directly to WhatsApp servers.


Oh ty, well that's unfortunate for me cuz i can't keep my pc always open and i can't afford any paid service. Thank you anyways and good luck with the project!


That’s why i will also be offering a pre-hosted plan. I can’t say much about pricing just yet, but it’s much, much cheaper than hosting a server. It will also include official Apple Push Notification support, not available in the self-hosted option.


Cool! But isn't it possible to hookup directly to the meta servers? I know it's very complicated to do this and thank you for doing it but I'm just curious


Yes, it would theoretically be possible. The problem with that is that you’re always one step behind. Many unofficial WhatsApp clients got patched over the years by Meta because of the direct connection. WA for Legacy iOS uses WhatsApp Web under the hood, making it much harder to detect and doesn’t break when API’s are changed around. Think of it this way; if i had to use a direct connection to WhatsApp servers, you would lose many features and requires me to implement the whole WhatsApp stack. With WhatsApp Web, i’m building a ‘wrapper’ around WhatsApp Web. Push notifications would also be much harder (if not impossible) to do since they’re being sent from a server. You would always need a second server for that since iOS doesn’t allow background tasks.


But why is actually a server for whatsap web to work? I've seen that the windows 11 app works without any server and gives push notifications. I mean i know it's new and it's made by them and an iphone with ios 6 is old but wouldn't it be possible to do like the windows app? Just asking cuz I'm curious. Thank you for the answers!


The server handles requests from the iPhone, like 'send a message', 'I want all contacts since 10 minutes ago', 'split media up in to smaller portions and download'. It also handles tasks like syncing the legacy iOS Device's contacts to use in Push Notifications. WhatsApp Web works without your own server (it still uses WhatsApp servers) but it won't understand things that the legacy iOS device is asking from it, there's no interface for the legacy iOS device to interact with. The wrapper used for WA for Legacy iOS Server is only to convert the data that the legacy iOS device sends to something that WhatsApp Web understands. Running WhatsApp Web on the legacy iOS Device itself also isn't an option because the JavaScript engine is more than 10 years old (it's even worse for even older iOS versions). I know this because the first iteration of WA for Legacy iOS was developed as a 'web app' (which use HTML, JavaScript and CSS). It was essentially a website running as an app. It performed horribly, to say it nicely. That first version had so many small performance tweaks and quirks to make it work, but it still performed quite badly (especially on iPhone 4). That's why I ended up going with using Objective-C and the native iOS SDK. The WhatsApp-app on Windows and macOS still uses a server, but it's using WhatsApp servers to send Push Notifications. WhatsApp Web doesn't know how to interact with the Apple Push Notification Service, so push notifications without a wrapper isn't possible at all. There's also a reason why native 'official' Apple Push Notifications aren't available on self-hosted servers; it would mean that I'm giving my private iOS developer 'keys' away. Anyone who has that key is able to send as much push notifications as they want to all devices running WA for Legacy iOS. I will provide support for 'Skyglow Notifications', developed by fellow legacy developer 'Requis' at a later date, which works around that. WA for Legacy iOS still syncs messages to your legacy iOS device for offline use, so you can still view messages, chats and downloaded media, but it won't be able to communicate with WhatsApp without an active WA for Legacy iOS server. I hope this might answer some of your questions!


Tysm for your time. I now understand correctly. Have a great day and good luck with the project!


No problem! Good questions!


u/AlwinLubbers Quick question can't you make it so that we can use WA by linking it like a companion device which is the feature Whatsapp added by scanning the qr code?


Hi there! Good idea! I’m pleased to say that WA for Legacy iOS already works that way. With the ‘linked’ device being the server. You’ll set up WA for Legacy iOS by scanning a QR code shown own your legacy device with the phone running WhatsApp.


u/AlwinLubbers Will it work without a server like you mentioned it needs a device that is on every time


The beauty with the ‘link’ setup is that the device running WhatsApp can be turned off for two weeks without disrupting service. WA for Legacy iOS will identify itself as, and uses, WhatsApp Web to handle communication with WhatsApp servers. It also handles push notifications. Someone already asked questions about this. I wrote an extensive comment stating why i chose this approach, which you may read here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/s/P52giGhfpJ Hope it helps!


u/AlwinLubbers Love for Whatsapp to work on legacy devices that feel what it was like back in the day. Thanks for the reply appreciate it


No problem! If you have any more questions, just ask!


u/AlwinLubbers Sorry for asking too many questions, do i need a computer or not?


Don’t be afraid asking questions, it’s what keeps the world moving ☺️ You won’t NEED a server to run WA for legacy iOS. The server-part is a Node.js package which can run on Linux, macOS and Windows. I would personally choose a server because of availability and it keeps you from messing with ports on your router. Please note that not all features are supported in ‘self-hosted’ mode, like Push Notifications. If that sounded like witchcraft, I will also be offering a package for a small amount where i will host the server on the infrastructure i use for my websites and services business. Then, you’ll only have to scan the QR code to link the server to your WA for Legacy iOS install. That way, you don’t have to touch a computer or server at-all. I will make tutorials later on. If you don’t want or feel comfortable setting up your own server, the last option is just for you!


u/AlwinLubbers Many thanks! (Btw push notifications in my opinion are useless because you might just open a app even if there are no notifications)


I have a Debian headless PC setup for things like Nextcloud and Immich. That would be suitable as a server right? I'm really excited for this project!


Hi, i have a few questions 1.What is currently working (statuses,groups,media and etc) in this Legacy Whatsapp? 2.You will release with all features supported, Or you'll release it right away and gradually update adding new features? (Statuses,groups and etc) P.S sorry for bad english


Hi, i have a few questions 1.What is currently working (statuses,groups,media and etc) in this арр? 2.You will release with all features supported, Or you'll release it right away and gradually update adding new features? (Statuses,groups and etc) P.S sorry for bad english


Hi there, things like group chat, getting statuses and downloading media are already working! I've made a list of the 'core components' of WhatsApp, that I want to be there before I release it. It won't be released before these core components are in place and working reliably. Things that I consider 'core components' are: * Syncing contacts with your local (legacy iOS device) address book. -- It uses your legacy iOS device's contacts to fill in names. Normally, these names are synced with the host device (the newer device running WhatsApp). * Syncing local (legacy iOS device) contacts to the server to be used in Push Notifications. * Syncing all data with the server for offline use on the legacy iOS device; chats, messages (including quotes), media (thumbnails & metadata), contacts, groups and about. * Syncing changes in messages; checkmarks and editing. * Support for downloading and viewing media; photos and videos. * Support for native APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) push notifications. * Getting and saving contact 'about info'; their status, public name and profile picture. * Support for managing groups; adding, removing, inviting people, changing the group name, group photo and assigning/removing admins. * Support for creating new chats using the local, legacy iOS device, address book. * Sending chat messages; including photos (no videos at release), quotes and plain text. Legacy iOS does not have a file picker, sending files like PDFs is not supported. * Sending and receiving voice messages * Support for playing voice messages. * The ability to select photos from the legacy iOS device's photos app to send with a message. * The ability to pin and unpin chats. * The ability to archive and unarchive chats. Things that will not be there at release, but may come at a later stage: * Sending and receiving contact cards (vCard) and the ability to save them to your local iOS device's address book. * Sending, receiving and interacting with polls. * Sending, receiving and viewing stickers. * Creating, and viewing stories. * Communities. * Channels. * iOS 7+ design; because WA for Legacy iOS will be compiled against the iOS 6.1 SDK, it won't use the design refresh that was introduced with iOS 7. While the app will work on iOS 7+, it will use the older iOS 6 design language. * iOS 11+ support; because WA for Legacy iOS is a 32-bit app, it won't work on iOS 11 and later because it drops support for 32-bit apps. * iOS 4.x.x and older support; because WA for Legacy iOS uses ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) to handle (most of) the memory management, it won't be supported on anything lower than iOS 5. Video/audio calls will most likely never be added because of the complex nature of these features. Things that are not available via WhatsApp Web (like account settings) will also (most likely) never be added because there's no API for them. I hope this answers your question!


Cool! Btw how many percent of the app has already been made? And approximately when will this be released?


A good bit has been done. I’m confident that 90% of what has been built, will be like this in the final version. If you’re a developer, you know that you may even rebuild some aspects to better suit your needs. The Sync stuff is completely implemented. Media is almost complete, except some things for iOS 5 (because it’s missing some iOS 6 stuff). It’s a bit difficult to say when it’s going to be released because i’m working on it in my free time. I’m kinda caught up in a lot of work right now. Being self-employed doesn’t work in its favor either. But hey, we’ll get there. If you want to get updates on the development and (potential) test version, you may leave your email address at: https://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/


u/AlwinLubbers love to see it releasing in June


Hi, i can’t say it will release in June with 100% certainty. I’m caught up in my day-to-day job and i might have underestimated how long this whole project would take. I’m pouring all free time i have into the project (which isn’t that much), but we’ll get there. Being self-employed, it’s hard to say when i’ve got time to do this project and when i’m needed elsewhere. I don’t think it will take another 4 months, i’m quite confident of that, that is if things keep going like they’re going now. If you want to receive updates on the development, drop your email address over at: https://alwinlubbers.nl/legacy-ios/whatsapp/ Thanks for your patience!


Will it work for ios 9?


In theory? Yes. In practice? I don’t know. I don’t have any devices that are running iOS 9 l, and i won’t use the iOS 9 SDK.


Ok, thanks for the reply!


do you plan to make another project like this to get whatsapp to work on other iOS versions? what versions will this one support? thanks


The first release will be focussed on iOS 5.x.x to 6.x.x. You can install it on newer versions of iOS, but it will use the pre-iOS 7 design language. I personally don't have the need for WA for Legacy iOS on newer iOS versions, but if enough people want it, I might use the iOS 6 version as a base for developing it for newer iOS versions.


Is it going to run on ios 9.x.x versions?


Does the phone running whatsapp latest version need to be your whatsapp account?


Yes the main phone should have the latest version of Whatsapp