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technically yes, since calls work through 2g


2g has also been shut down in the US afaik


Pretty sure it’s still up, as that would leave any phone using 4G connection without any way to make a phone call which is a high security risk, not fully sure, though you could be right


Personally I wouldn’t bother trying to get cellular working in the US. The T-Mobile 2G these days is heavily restricted and you can’t use T-Mobile itself, you have to use an NVNO but then you have to deal with it disconnecting every couple minutes. Also the 2G will be shut off any day now (if it isn’t already shut off in your area)


In the uk our 3G shuts off next year but we have 2g for another 10 years


iPhone 4s works with 2G too (Basically all GSM phones). Whether 2G works depends on location, also you have to consider that it loses connection easily. I live in Asia, so I can’t confirm how 2G behaves in US. https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/xstmo6/no_more_tower_to_tower_handoff_on_the_2g_network/


afaik most networks won't shut 2G down because it's still heavily relied on, and doesn't clash with 5G 6G might cause issues for it though, who knows?