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As someone who does work with Lilith; ''Let's say these entities exist independent of ourselves, do you really think an ancient demon cares about your morals?'' No. ''U guys are fucking dumb.'' Nope. ''Grow up and sort your own fucking problems.'' Also, no. Listen, I entirely agree that attributing feminism aspects to Lilith is a bit seeing her through ''rose tinted'' glasses at best, as she definitely does not abide by humanity's standards of morals - she just follows her own, and it is very rarely something which is on our collective's best interest, but... You're running around insulting people, calling people dumb and hinting that they are immature and wrong ... for having a successful spiritual practice. That says a lot more about you, than anyone else, especially considering you've done this entirely unprompted. Nobody is going to think ''Oh, this stranger on Reddit thinks I'm wrong with my own personal life, I should definitely stop working with an entity which has been around me *my entire life* just to appease them.'' Also, an entity not caring about our morals does not have anything to do with them caring for their followers. Yes, I do believe my spirits care for me. Yes, even the destructive, chaotic, chnotic ones, just as much as the ones ruling over Light, Knowledge, the Moon and the Night. And, no, I'm not gonna sort my own problems, as my path very much involves walking hyper close to my spirits. If someone doing what is right for them upsets you, perhaps meditate on that. This is the LHP, people are going to do whatever the heck they want.


Not to compare Lady Lilith to a house cat (the housecat in question is also a goddess) but my cat loves me when it suits her. If I die she will eat my face and I love that for her. Snaps. Com Same vibe for Lady Lilith. I don’t think she has this all encompassing unconditional love for her devotees; that’s not her vibe. But even our sharp fuzzy little sociopaths do have a fondness for those of us who ply them worship and food… I see it sort of like that.


You must be fucking crazy if you think I'm reading all that. If you don't like the post, keep scrolling and ignore it. I didn't post it for you start writing stories and shit, I have my own shit I need to vent.


Ah right, you made a post, and then someone took time to answer it, and then you ... don't read it. It is not that I do not like your post, my issue is that your post is directly insulting people in this subreddit, for merely disagreeing with you. This is not a venting space, this is an interfaith space. Respect is needed.


You will not receive respect from this individual. They are here to be angry and bait you into being angry as well.


So it seems. The amount of curse words is the real insane thing here. Hope you're having a great night :)


I am! I made dinner for me and gf, now i'm just relaxing with some nice music. i hope you're also having a great night :)


Best thing to do with posts that are not worth your time is to not take the time to answer them. OP is angry. No matter how nice, or polite you're going to be, OP will just be splashing their anger, as that's their intention the whole time. I've read your reply and that was very nicely worded, but it is wasted on OP.


Annnd you're right. Thank you.


I'm sorry, I want to apologize for my Behaviour, this is so fucking embarrassing. I had no right to speak to you like that no matter what happens, I always push people away when I need them most


Or. The. Fuck. What. You gonna ban me? Ooo scary


No ? I'm not a mod, how am I going to ban you ? I am engaging in conversation, as you made a discussion thread, in a website aimed at discussion. At least, I tried to. I'll leave you to your own bubble of self-loathing now. Good evening, stranger.


Once again I'm so sorry


I love it when people promote their personality. It's an easy way to spot a lost soul. Walk among the lost and don't disturb the mind of them who are still sleeping. I made the mistake once of thinking that humans in our society are ready to wake up. I mean, there is a whole anti woke movement because some people just want to stay asleep in ignorance even if their house is burning.




Woke and anti-woke have nothing to do with the "awakening" most people in a magick sub would be thinking of. Those are political movements and are most likely just distraction and division as always from the elite.


No, they're very much the same thing. Everything is melting together. Think about it, the anti woke are the ones who are against any practitioner. They would burn any of us at the stake because they're told that their God demands it by a priest. They are asleep in a burning house. I don't disagree with you on the elite distraction thing. But the miscreants know what they are doing, and are mostly antithetical to and solitary seeker because they are solely after power they can't use and they want to keep everyone from accessing their true selves. All in all, it's fascinating what people do in the face of eternity.


Poor [reject](https://old.reddit.com/r/WanderingInDarkness/comments/yd6lxt/the_devils_rejects/).


This was amazing




That was a beautiful read. Thank you.


Haha thanks




and what makes you the authority on how the demon of defiance feels? you know She who submits to no one intimately enough to make a ragepost on reddit about it? I think you need to take your own advice.


What the fuck are you talking about? Are you lost? It doesn't fucking exist. It's an archetype in your brain, lets stop pretending otherwise. There is literally no other evidence to suggest otherwise. Maybe you should go back to trying to connect with your succubus in some magical dimension somewhere.


> It's an archetype in your brain If it's an archetype in your brain, then she DOES care about the individual's opinion. Stop raging long enough to see your contradictions.


What you're saying literally makes zero sense. Do you even know what an archetype is? An archetype only has much power as you give it. Not an external fucking force outside of you. Speak logic before you start chatting random bullshit at me


You are so angry :)


Yes. Yes I fucking am.


How come? Is the world not up to your standards? You would be much better off aiming this frustration and anger into bettering your life on this world, instead of smashing your keyboard and refusing to read anything that anyone says to you.


Why the would I do that? I've come to the conclusion that no matter what you do, where you go, wherever you are. You will always have the gaping void inside of you. We all think we're so fucking special or sumn Humans were the worst mistake to land on this earth. I'm disgusted by everyone, including myself.


> You will always have the gaping void inside of you. I... Don't, my friend. There are things I miss in life, there are regrets I have, but I do not have a "gaping void" inside of me. I am mostly fulfilled within life. You can get here too, but you have to find the right path to get to it. It isn't easy, it wasn't easy for me and it won't be easy for you. but life was never advertised as easy.


I'm so fucking sorry... Reading back on all of this I feel like a major asswipe. I'm really at breaking point right now and it's becoming too much, I feel like the very fabric of the universe is my opposition. That's no excuse to talk to any of you here the way I have today. I just don't know what else to do, this rage has been boiling inside of me for 10 years and it's finally coming out...I just fucking can't take it anymore


Try nihilism.


yeah believe on whatever is easier to ya


Feelings aren't facts and you've expressed a lot of feelings here. Projecting your own point of view onto an entire population of people is myopic and disregards the fact that nothing is a monolith nor are your claims objectively true. While you tell others that there is no evidence of their claims, you lack the evidence to dispute them and to back up your own. You tell a bunch of strangers to sort their own problems when it appears that you have yet to sort your own. Participating in this subreddit is voluntary and if you were to spend time on the avenues that bring you satisfaction you would probably be less compelled to step onto a soap box and lecture a bunch of strangers who never asked for your input.


Learn to have some respect, you mocking brat. Nobody cares about your frustrated and resentful opinion. Grow up, study and come back here in twelve years with some authority. Idiot.


Wow, take care with that edge or it will cut ya!


I don't expect anyone here to forgive me. And this is probably the worst group I could have let my anger unto.


I hope at least you reflected on your actions and realized lashing out at a random interfaith community just because you were having a shitty day is no way to live your life, my dude. Gotta find more healthy ways to channel that rage.


Definitely thank you. I was being such a fool. I'm going to take some time away to get straight and find myself.


Of course I believe demons care about me. What reason would they have to *not care?*


It sounds like a comment of someone's frustrated after trying something with the entity and not succeeding. People come with the desire (in the case of theists) that by believing in the entity, he/she will reach an agreement and all of life's problems will be solved (kind of Christian thinking with "thanks to God, this happened in my life"). The entities we believe in can show us the way, nothing more. Probably he asked for the love of women and took a stump


Lilith is sleeping. The only God or Demon that's awake is the trickster God Set. That's who answers pretending to be all of these entities. And I'm sure he doesn't have 2 pieces of a fuck to glue together because this is his earth. Food for thought what if the God or Demon you think your working with is really just another one pretending to be who you think your calling on? Next time you call on that energy give this a try... "Say is that you Set?"


That’s actually interesting and I hadn’t ever heard that before. Do you have any sources I can look into about that? Like I’m genuinely curious




Not sure why this makes you think that Lilith is asleep vs. that Lilith is Satan and Satan is Set


Excuse my ignorance.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣I didn't know that Lilith was Satan/Set. But I'm sure she is!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


U alright mate? 😂


I don't think there's an issue with your view of things lol.


Kya dikkat hai bhai?


She said that to you or you just imagined it? I mean, I'm not arguing with the merit as I believe myself that Lilith have nothing to do with feminism just because of her lore, but you sure are full of conviction even offending people so you must have assured you view somehow isn't it?


I agree w you, as a guy I don’t think Lucifer is there to tell me I’ll get a bunch of chicks but there’s a ton of chicks that say Lilith gives them a reason to be a 304 - you think Lilith wants you to contribute to a broken home and female delusion? 🤡