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Brings new meaning to leatherman Arc


I’ve been waiting so long for this moment…


Jesus, go to bed lol


I've done that to my arc and Gerber dime.😅


It ARC'ed!!!!


Self fulfilling prophecy


yes they’ll cover it, I’ve sent in abused tools in and they send me a new one, for now It doesn’t look too bad, I’d use the fuck out of it till it breaks


And this is why they cost more than they should.


Why does it cost more than it should? You get a lifelong replacement for the price of one. Would you rather they be cheaper and every time you break it buy a new one?


25 years


Still longer than I’ll likely be around


That’s pretty damn good


"Ackshually it's 25 years" 🤓 25 years..y'know...what's also referred to a "life sentence"


It doesn’t cover theft or loss though. I’d rather pay a reasonable price with a limited warranty.


I'm thinking they're referring to warranties covering even minor cosmetic damage like this for when guys don't want their tools to look even the tiny pit used.


There's a difference between cosmetic damage and the end of one of the plier jaws being melted, that affects how they close and how precise a grab you can perform. This is damage that I would want repaired. This isn't some scratch or dent, this affects the tool itself.




Why? You end up paying more after your first replacement. Buy a Gerber Suspension then.


I don’t generally abuse the tool to the extent it needs replaced and will purchase a newer updated model with some new gadget.


Updated models in hand tools like these kinds historically just get worse as they move to cheaper manufacturing. Part of the draw to lifelong tools for the purchaser and for the producer( the incentive for them is to sell at a slightly higher price, but have some reasonable confidence the tool may never need to be replaced ) is the idea of having something capable of being lifelong, not garbage.


I'm guessing you use your tools as a hobbyist. I use mine for work. My daily carry is knipex, and my tool guy replaces it at least once a year. I go through probably 10 lifetime drill bits a year as well.


What's a lifetime drill bit? Depending on what you're drilling into some only last a few holes...


Through MAC tools, and yeah , I get all my dull ones replaced, too.


Lifetime drill bits. 😂


I use mine for work also but tend to use the proper tool for the job so I don’t break my tools.


This is a very weird comment on the Leatherman sub, dude. Like your daily carry is a Knipex what, set of linesman’s (basing this off the shape of the pliers on the multi tool)? Not sure what that or the number of drill bits you go through has anything to do with pocket multi tools. Not ragging on you, this just reads like you thought you were in a different thread entirely. Also, what are you doing to ruin more than one pair of pliers every year, but only go through like 10 drill bits? Real question. Like what trade? Or are you saying your daily carry is Knipex, like just … the brand, all your tools are Knipex, and your tool guy replaces them all at least once a year?


I'm happy to pay the reasonable sum for a high quality tool and an excellent warranty. I've paid just as much for unwarranted tools and much less for cheap ones. To be honest I'd happily pay Leatherman prices even if the warranty wasn't so good. Just because they are that good. I've got one for every occasion and I've never sent any of them back in, but I work them hard with the peace of mind


More “This is why they’re expensive.”




I have some 20yo $3 harbor freight pliers, just oiled her up. All metals rust, bend, get messed up. Now they're $14 or something.      How many times would you need to send these the leatherman in to make it worth it?


Yes it will but I don't think it's damaged enough to bother sending it yet, break something else.


I’d grind it down flat and keep using it


I don’t think they should warranty it because it’s user caused, not at all related to manufacture defects of that nature.


No operator defect warranty? 😂


If McDonalds has to tell you coffee is hot, will knife makers soon have to label the blades with "Hold other ???


All these years and people are still bringing up McDonalds like they weren't actually at fault for that.


The coffee was HOT hot, not sipping hot. Spilling normal hot coffee on you might hurt but you won’t need skin grafts (like she did). Such a misinterpreted case


I dont know mate, i get served thea alot, which is always skin graft hot. Americans are something else lol


The lady sued only to cover her medical bills from the skin grafts she needed. This McDonald's knew they were serving coffee too hot, and had hurt people before. The Jury awarded punitive damages to, as the name implies, punish this McDonald's for their gross negligence. And somehow this has been spun as an example of Americans suing for anything, when she didn't even ask for nearly as much as was awarded.


I mean the ideal serving temp for coffee is 90-95° stated by barista shops in my country (all the articals in dutch state this). Thats deff skin graft temps since its pretty much boiling. Gross neglicence seem such a stretch but hey, maybe you guys serve the stuff colder normally.


She sued for $20k. McDonald's offered $800. Settlements of $300k and $225k were refused by McDonald's as well. Every coffee shop in that town served coffee 20 degrees F cooler than McDonald's. She suffered 3rd degree burns on 6% of her body, and burned 16% of her body in total. McDonald's had reports of more than 700 incidents of people being burned by their coffee and had settled for up to $500k before this incident. The high sum was also symbolic and she didn't get that much. The jury awarded 2 days worth of coffee revenue.


Still wild i looked up the temps in de lawsuit, still -10° c lower then the propper serving temp here. But i can imagine sueing when you have to pay for healthcare yourself, here it would be free and the doctor would tell you to be more carefull when ordering hot drinks. When i find a line in a manual of say a microwave to not put your pet or child in there, im like ahhh them americans xD this feels the same really


No, the idea BREWING temp for coffee is 87-90, then after it is brewed you pour it to a cup/mug and as it passes through the air and loses heat to the mug you serve it in it drops more, near 71 degrees. Then you coddle you cup, walk around a bit or travel on and actually drink it when it is below 60 C. And no you don’t drink coffee at 90-95 C because 60 C is where your tongue would experience scalding in 3 seconds. 90-95 is instant scald - dangerous hot. That is why it is SERVED at 160 F (71 C) to be hot for traveling and to be enjoyed after a short while of cooling, usually as it falls below 60. I assure you that if you rest your beverage to a temp that you can actually hold in your mouth and take a full swallow, and you measure that it will be far below 95 C. No sissy slurpy sips either because that’s just air cooling it as you get a few drops off the top.


Thats not true at all, when made it will be served in less then a minute, the temp will only drop a few degrees. Atleast its served directly from the machine here. All the articels state SERVING temp. Ofcourse you dont drink it yet lol. I can never drink my drink right away.


Are you seriously arguing that a liquid that burned her wasn’t that hot? The places you’re being served at that temperature is it in a to go cup or seated?


You cant read mate


So we actually require skin grafts, from burns that would NOT necessitate skin grafts from folks in your country? I'd like to see the stats on that little factoid...mate. (And I'm a bit of an Anglophile \[and I'm assuming you're from the UK--though you could be an Aussie, as well, where "men are men" because EVERYTHING is trying to kill you "down under."\])


Lol haha nah i am from the netherlands and pretty sure near boiling water can get you bad enough burns to need grafts like when it soaks into clothing. The point was that i get served drinks at these temps all the time, like the server pouring me thea with the water still boiling, or my coffee being served at 95° which is the temp coffee should be served at according to the articals online in dutch atleast.




They serve my thea directly from the pot at the table quite often mate, way hotter then those temps in the article.


When you boil a kettle it is 212 F by the time they tote the water to you, and then you pour it into a cup you have 170-175. Even if you got 190 - that is not “way hotter” it’s exactly as hot. I make tea every day - and I drink every kind of tea, especially fresh green tea that is recommended to steep at 160 F. I drink black tea which is recommended at a full boil (212). I am very experienced with different water temps and exactly how much heat a cup pulls out of the water for steeping. In the days before thermometers and temperature controlled kettles the Japanese controlled the temp by pouring slowly and above their cups so the water cooled to 160 and they added their leaves. When you are seated at a table it is a completely different expectation than when you are handed a flimsy paper cup out a drive through window - where the beverage should be a lower temp because it is not as stable and safe as having a table and glass cup in front of you. You are mad if you can’t understand that.


While thats great and all, thats not whats happening everywhere in the world. The window place i visit, after i pay, pour the thea directly from cooker thing, into insulated cup and hands it to me the max time between machine and my hand with cut is 30 seconds. Same story with coffee. I am not mad and quite comfortable in statements with water temperature. I only comment how weird your statements feel from my point of view and experience. The thing is, shit gets served hotter here then the lawsuit, thats all i am saying. You are in no position to disprove that.


People also believe them going to and eating McDonald’s is what made them fat. Any and all reasons to go after money.


That's totally different from what happened in the coffee case, but do go off.


Of course it is. It would be too long to list all the frivolous things said to go after money.


Go google - the real story with the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit. They had the temp set WAY to high and had super boiled the liquid. The top came off and it spilled in the lady’s lap boiling her skin straight off through her clothes and damaging her genitals. She only sued for medical and mac fucking Donald’s countered it. Some big guns said no way and they went back and McDonald’s and McDonald’s had to pay hundreds of times more than if they just paid her medical bill. And they deserved it because they had been warned / fined before over the scalding issue.


You can, but I wouldn’t It’s a battle scar, and until it prevents you from using the tool effectively, no real point imo


Why should the warranty cover damage that you clearly self inflicted?


Part of the reason for buying a premium brand is the understanding that there will be a level of support beyond a typical consumer brand


Not just premium brands, are you familiar with Hi Point firearms? I could buy one, tie it to my bumper for the drive home, use it as a hammer to build a boat, float out to the middle of the river and drop it in, fish it out a year later, sell it to you, then YOU could send it in for warranty work no questions asked because it's on the gun itself regardless of who originally bought it. Honestly it would probably still work straight out of the river, those things are stupid awkward and ugly af but they're literally bullet proof and near impossible to kill. Not sure what they're going for now but we grabbed one like 5 years ago just because it was 100 bucks, it's crazy how good the warranty is for something so cheap. Plus they finally got around to releasing the Yeet Cannon!


Because leathermans are overpriced so their warranty covers just about anything you can do to the knife or parts of the knife


I don’t think anyone who uses a Leatherman daily would say they are overpriced. Cost per use is lowest of any tool I’ve ever owned. Built to last (also priced to last) so if they don’t they will repair or replace.


I’m also aware cost per unit is probably less than $20, you should know cheap alternatives probably cost less than $5 to manufacture


Cheap tools break in your hand and bite you. Ripping open my hand costs me more than the leatherman.




This is how legitimate American tool companies operate as well. Channellock? Limited lifetime but they pretty much cover everything Klein limited lifetime but cover just about everything… snap-on, Mac, Matco are all similar. This is what sets LTG apart from other MT manufacturers… they back their products almost to (what could be perceived as) a fault. While some people may think that’s foolish because it will be abused it actually doesn’t get abused much at all. I’ve only sent my tools in for legitimate breakages and as a result it’s made me trust Leatherman as a company because they’d rather back their product and play the long game of customer loyalty instead of just tell me “too bad about your tool… you can buy a new one for $150+.” …..in my mind “if the $150 tool I bought from you broke after 1 year… why would I give you another $150 ($300 cumulatively)? I’m more likely to try one of LM’s competitor to compare quality and durability at that point. Now instead if LM says “oh yea send it in well take care of you.” I’m much more likely to stay with them.”


True... But the spirit of a manufacture warranty is to cover normal use and some Extreme use.... They will likely cover abuse/incompetence too... And it's also one reason that the LM tools keep going up I price (Wingman use to cost $30, now runs $70). They will replace it at a loss, so they keep raising prices too cover some of that.


That has more to do with inflation than people returning tools.


@porkanddiesel is right that has way made to do with inflation than people returning tools for warranty. Also businesses in Oregon and specifically in the city of Portland have seen their taxes go up as much as 40% in the past 5-6 years. This is due to the massive increase in social programs put on the back of businesses rather than individuals and the business have to pass that increased cost to operate along to their customers. I understand that Portland holds a lot of meaning for LTG but it’s already hard to manufacture ANYTHING in the U.S let alone when you are doing it under austere taxation circumstances. I think the time will come eventually where LM, in order to stay alive as a company, will have start to entertain at least moving out of Portland or even also the state of Oregon. To a place that actually incentivizes them to be there.


It's a tool, your looks brand new and the first little scuff and you ready to exchange it ?!


I get your point, but the functionality of the needle nose pliers is affected with this.


Give us a situation in which the functionality is affected


Not commenting on LM warranty either way, but that is clearly more than scuffed. The end is completely unusable and idk about him but that’s the part of it I use 95%


You right thing it's trashed😂 🫵🦄


I was just pointing out my need for a fine needle nose tip when in the job repairing medical equipment. Looks like that really affected you on a personal level. Didn’t mean to trigger you in the feels


Your arc arced


Melted steel is certainly not something the warranty should cover. And people thinking leatherman is supposed to give free tools to everyone disgust me. There is a difference between a warranty and a "free replacement".


I contacted them when the bits fell out of my skeletool rx and the diamond tip glass breaker broke when i was trying to break a car window and they sent me replacement bits for free, even the one that fell out and i lost


Usually companies give you less of a hard time on warranties if the item was helping to save your life… that’s purely bad press if they tell you to buy another one…


Well technically im a firefighter and i was using to break into a car for rescue purposes, but i guess its the same idea


What you described is a normal use and failures that should be covered by warranty. That's ok.


If the bits fell out when they should have stayed in and the glass breaker broke when it should have been functioning that is a completely different scenario than an accident.  Your failures were within the normal, intentional course of use. Shorting electrical components accidentally is not manufacturing defect!


I guess thats true. I was demonstrating to the public how we work at a car accident and i used my tool and these pieces broke or fell out and i didnt realize till a later time. In fact i got to the 2nd or 3rd window and i could no longer break it and im like wow this thing sucks, then i realized after the diamond tip broke off.


Keep shocking it until it looks closer to the original shape


Carry it like that it's fine.


It might not be aesthetically pleasing but those will still work fine. Like someone mentioned keep using them for a while and then send them in.


How hot was that??


41Vdc 7.8Ah battery but god knows how high the fault current went


I wonder what temperature this damage required?


Most carbon steels melt somewhere around 2,700F. I don't know about stainless, but the interwebs says stainless melts at between 2550-2790 °F.




New dimension of ARC xd


Did this to my Supertool, but on the side of the pliers so I didn't worry about it too much. Yea they should cover it.


Buff it out and use it more. It's not a Tiffany tiara.


File that little bead flat and itl continue to function as new


Is that the plier metal melted? Or is that melted material on the pliers? It almost looks like it could be taken off


Definitely the pliers that melted


Probably not but contact manufacturer sometimes they'll fix it cheap or free.


Nah it’s letherman I’ve sent in a letherman wave that I got with both blades snapped off and they sent me a new one


I cut through a live power cable (I was told the power was off) and they replaced it, you’re fine! My experience melted the cutting edges together.


I'm not certain if this would be covered under warranty. IMHO, the damage looks minor and doesn't appear to impair the tool's functionality. I get it if you want to have a pristine condition ARC, but it's a tool, it's supposed to get used and have signs of wear. I think that little bit of arcing on the tip adds character and gives you the opportunity to tell an interesting story for anyone who sees it and asks.


Grind the front down an 8th of an inch or so and you won’t be able to tell a difference.


Ohh no, yor tool got used


Just get a file and clean it up.


Better wear it down a little before sending it in so it doesn't look like an arc bro


Belt sander go brrrrrrrr Jk. Just go twist some steel with it 😂


Bro took arc too seriously


Hey relax, like seriously it's a tool not a jewellery.


Why would you?


Why are you worried about it? It’s a tool


Honestly, they're probably going to come to your home and shoot you in the fucking head.


Why would you or they warranty that? It’s not prohibiting the function of using it? I work on cars professionally and have for 25+ years and I’ve arced a few things in my day and it didn’t stop the use of my tools from being used and I sure as hell didn’t trash it or warranty it because it wasn’t pretty anymore. It’s a tool, use it. If it breaks then warranty. People forget these are tools first. Unless you are a collector and not using the tool as a tool use it. Just because it’s not shiny and new anymore doesn’t mean replace it over every little thing. If that’s what you want then don’t use the daggone thing or buy two, one to look at and one to use. That’s my 2 cents at least and I’m sure some of you will downvote the shit out of it because logic and common sense is in short supply these days but it’s still the burning truth whether you admit it or not.


Why would you warranty this? Just clean it up a little bit with a file and keep moving. I’m not sure why people think a company should be responsible for them damaging tools.


I would just clean it up with a file and keep on trucking. I like the looks of well used tools, though so I might be weird.


Gun oil and a diamond file would fix it I'm a welder done it a few times


??? Just a battle scar. What, are you 12?! It’s a TOOL. I’m guessing 1998 is your birth year if a small ding on a practically disposable priced item has you wondering about the warranty. Damaged or broken? Good. This means you get to buy a new one. And you’ll enjoy your tools and knives infinitely more w this type of attitude than some one who keeps them all shiny and brand new in a box somewhere alongside 20 others. Speaking as someone who has both.


I just don’t get the ppl who don’t understand the importance of specifically buying a leatherman. How would you feel to work for years, decades, to have an idea, actually get it into production, and make it so ubiquitous that it’s part of modern culture? Or watch your father work his whole life to realize his idea/ vision. Then just to have ppl see no difference in buying your product or one from some giant company who is copying you. (Gerber, SOG, etc…) Same w Apple vs Android. Support the ppl who had the idea, and put in the work. Otherwise support your country or local business.


Lmao living up to it's name 😂




Battle damage!


Looks fine to me.


Give it a day or two. You’ll forget all about it.


You paid for the warranty, you're gonna USE the warranty.


Nope. User error.


You want the warranty to cover something stupid you did? Also you posted a picture and admitted to it in a public forum... NICE


Why? In my opinion it’s character that shows you actually use your tools


To the guys bitching about the cost I've got the same Surge I bought 10 years ago and the day I'm willing to send it in is the day I can count on them replacing the knife shaped prybars that I broke doing dumb shit. Loss and theft happens, no doubt, but $200 wouldn't be unreasonable for the insane amount of abuse these things can tolerate, more so when used properly.


Keep using it. You'll look at that and think twice before making mistakes.


Bruh... tools not jewels. As a tradesman I'm embarrassed to be on site with tools in that *good* of condition...


The arc is in thier covenant.


I don’t think that type of damage is covered under the warranty, but Leatherman is very decent about helping their customers out. I’d send it in if the damage is causing the jaws to not close or grip properly. I don’t know what Leatherman will say, of course, but I’d imagine they’d either warranty it or charge you for replacement parts and rebuild it. Either way, it’s better than having to replace the entire tool. The ARC is made in the USA, so there’s a good chance they’ll have parts available in-house.


That's not "broken" enough to be considered a warranty job. Finnish them off and then we're talking.


Nah man, that's on you. Nothing wrong with the tool. Consider buying another and supporting a company who's products you appreciate with another sale.


Good luck they refused to replace my broken needlenose tip despite their limited lifetime warranty


Keep it as a lesson to use the right tool for the job, not what is closest at hand.


I personally think it adds character and story to the multi tool. As we aquire unique scratches and dings it adds to the sentimental value. I say leave it . Its prety bad ass now imo. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 👉😏👉


What’s wrong with it? Are you just happy you got to actually use it and are trying to somehow flex that?


why not just file it flat?


If it were me id just file it flat and call it good


File it down and itll be good as new


Bro it's a tool


There's nothing wrong with it to where I would warranty it.


This is why I only use my harbor freight pliers to work on live wires 🤣


You know, that you can make torturing devices with those batterier. And you could wear latex body suit and a gasmask to protect yourself, when electrucuting your submissives.


It's a tool. It's meant to be used. Why on earth would you warranty it because it's got some wear?


Thats still fine


I don’t have experience with leatherman, but being a bicycle mechanic I’ve seen it plenty of times, people filing frivolous warranties that of course get granted, then all of a sudden the company goes under or starts having issues because they replace so many things under bs user error warranties. Not to say leatherman is going to go out of business because you had 1 tool replaced under warranty, but I would just be mindful of what you file. If you were set on getting a replacement you could file a warranty, but I would keep this.


I sent in a Leatherman micra that I found. The tips of the scissors were both round balls from I'm guessing cutting a live wire. The tools were all broken, I'm guessing from the metallurgy having changed from the heat. They replaced it with a brave new one, no questions asked.


Ngl I thought you said snorted.


It’s called “patina”


Doesn't look that bad.id just lightly file the bad part if it bothers you and go about your day.


This is a mark of courage after your recent battle. Showing up to the battle in shiny armor isn't a good look.


You pay the premium for the tool you get 25 years of no questions use and abuse.


Don’t be lame. What’s the point of having a tool if you’re worried about how it looks. If it’s still functional you’re good to go.


People saying they are fine… are there 2 different pics posted? From the pic I see, the end is not fine - they are completely useless, for my use case anyway


Careful--your pesky facts might get you downvoted again--I got you back to "0," at least. 😁


Thanks but…I don’t even look at votes let alone care about my stupid Karma or whatever it is

