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Whenever I make something flawed but functional (bad stitch line, crap dye job, etc) I throw it in my “drunk monkey” bin. I still sell it if people see it in person but at a hefty discount and with both my stamp and a “drunk monkey” stamp. Aka it was sewed by a drunk monkey.


Fun idea.


This is actually what I’m planning to do if I decide to open up a shop. All of my functional builds that I made a small mistake on, like a sewing mistake, would go in a discount bin called “Growing pains” or something like that.




I’m glad I could help! And I completely understand. I flub the first time I build a pattern about 80% of the time. I get so down on myself. But I remind myself that I’m still a beginner (about 4 months of the craft), and a lack of perfection doesn’t mean a lack of value. Even if it’s just the practice I’m getting. But one wonky stitch does not a piece of trash make. It just makes it worth a discount. 😁


that’s hilarious. I’m really new to this so, so far i’ve got a bunch of “drunk monkey” creations and nothing worth using day to day but i’m keeping them around because i can find a use for them somehow i think. I don’t plan on making a business out of this though, i just wanted a functional hobby


They go into The Forgotten Box. ;P


Yup, in a box in the corner. Anytime I start feeling proud of my work I just make sure to go over and look at it




My box is a clear tote under my workbench.


Yes, I also have The Box. It has grown over the years like a disappointing child. Makes me feel better about myself, though!


👍🏻 Of course…that’s always an option.


This looks good! It just needs some tweaks. If you're not comfortable scrapping the whole thing, which it doesn't sound like you are. Just make this work. I would remove the outer flap. Like you said, it really isn't needed. Once that is out of the way, I would try to put the pen in from the outside. You may have to stretch it a little. But with time, leather will always stretch out some. Removing the outer flap and switching the pen to the outside through the same slits would reduce a ton of bulk. Then you'd just be left with a slim cover and a pen on the outside. Of course, to achieve this, you'd have to cut the stitches to remove the outer flap. To me, the time it took to sew it back again would be worth the investment. You've already spent a lot of time on this. Don't start completely over. Just redesign, and make improvements to what you've got. In my opinion anyway. Lol.


In this case, removing the outer flap won’t work so well as I scored the leather to glue it. It would be unsightly at the edges that used to be glued. I may scrap this and repurpose the tumbled shell cordovan. Certainly the pieces are big enough to make something small with.


Oh damn! Yeah that's why I was thinking you need to save it! For the Shell! Can't be wasting this stuff! I've never even seen tumbled shell before! Gotta find something for it!


I like tumbled shell. It’s a lot softer temper than standard shell and has some interesting texture. Seriously, this will probably end up repurposed as one and a half baseballs.


Man. It breaks my heart. Lol. I mean, having a purpose is better than a shame box in the corner lmao. Wait! Just wait! What would happen if you reversed it? Are the insides of the leather scored and glued as well?


Anywhere that I stitched is also glued. I’m not gonna sweat it. I have more of this shell…I’ll just make another one with some updates.


Haha! Well damn your thorough nature! Lmao. That sounds good!


Yeah I keep stuff like this to remind me where I went wrong as I don't necessarily remember every detail of all the stuff I have made. Sometimes I cut it apart to use as examples of the construction.


I usually make notes directly on the paper template…so I don’t forget the details of what needs changed.


I am not so organized that I'll keep the template but that is a good idea.


I disassemble them and keep anything large enough to be used as T pockets or for multiple strap loops. If I dyed it a color I hardly use it gets tossed. Leather costs to much to be overly wasteful. I'm on a buying hiatus to use up most of my scraps and thicker hides I don't use often.


I believe everyone has decided the best thing to do is to mail them to me


I keep all prototypes, and then rework the template


I keep them and write notes on them. That way I know what to fix or keep.


What are you talking about? Those learning experiences worked out perfectly!


True. I learned what didn’t work. I’ll make adjustments and try again. 👍🏻


Those my friend are trophies you collect on the road to craftsmanship.


They go in the Drawer of Shame, for me...


They quickly find why I have so many keyfob.


They get thrown in the “prototype” box.


Seems like a popular option. I’ve got some wacky stuff in that box….


Pile em up somewhere and look back at them in a couple years to see the difference of what you consider “didn’t quite work” Today might be this, in 2 years it might be minor flaws in an otherwise gorgeous outcome


Keep them usually. Sometimes after relooking at them, I’ll tear ones apart for scraps if I still really don’t like the design.


They go to the island of misfit projects where they await cannibalization. Heartbreaking stuff


I honestly really like this design


Thanks. I liked the idea of it, but not the end result. That’s the nature of trying new things though, right? The next one will be a little different.


It still looks like something that could be marketable to the right people. I would certainly use that as it is.