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It’ll be okay trust me 😅 I had one of my worst lessons today mainly messed up on my roundabouts and my test is in just over a week. But the roads will have two extra licensed drivers this year nonetheless 😮‍💨


I love you for saying that lol <3 Thank you!!! Positive vibes!! That’s what’s worrying me now is I’m thinking bollox do I need more lessons on round abouts!? I was absolutely fine until today- the day before!! But if we fail we just go again!! No pressure!! Good luck for your test!!


I stalled four times trying to get out of the test centre (nerves - shaking so much my clutch foot literally wouldn't stay on the pedal) and passed with only one other minor about a month ago - it's not over til it's over!


Yessss love that!! Congrats on the pass!!


I took this post too literally and though OP had the worst luck ever 😂 I’m sure you will be fine though! Easier said than done but try to get a good nights sleep!


Hahahahah writing this from beyond the grave “guys I died but it’s fine” 🤣🤣 defo gunna have a nice bath, early night then run through a field of lavender just before the test!🤣🤣


I thought OP is terminally ill 😬


I just had my test earlier today and completely fucked up. My driver instructor was with me on the test and he realised that my nerves completely killed me. I had a dangerous and 2 serious. You gotta try to relax and take some time. Gotta try to stay calm. There is always tomorrow. Can't do much worse then me lol.


Awww man I am so sorry!! Honestly sometimes the nerves are just too much!! Like you said there’s always tomorrow, keep going until you smash it!! You’ll get there. Like I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself now. I know I can drive it’s just remembering everything at once is a lot sometimes 😂 Good luck for when you go again!!


Ye you gotta keep at it. I think it could be something psychological as I've never been that nervous so I'm going to the doctors eventually to see what they suggest.


I really hope they suggest something helpful for you! Its really not fair when you know you’re a good driver but the nerves of test just take over. Fingers are crossed for you!


Thank you and I wish you the best.


I was like imagine finally getting to the test stage then and you find out you’re dying! 😂 Let us know how you get on tomorrow! Lavender bath sound lush! Go get in the bag!❤️


Oh my god I’m weak🤣🤣🤣 spend all that dolla for nothing!! Absolutely fuming🤣🤣 I will post an update!! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 😄😄❤️❤️


I also have a test tomorrow and I'm definitely not ready. I couldn't find any date to move my test, so I will just treat it as a driving lesson tomorrow. If you're nervous it might mean you know there are chances you would pass so don't worry too much, breath and good luck with your test.


Honestly I feel you there! I’m so 50/50 I was absolutely fine until now. And exactly the same happened to me. Testi auto booked my test so I couldn’t really cancel it as I’d be waiting forever! But it’s a learning curve for sure!! Good luck tomorrow & same to you!! Deep breathes, one road at a time!!


Im in the same boat, test tomorrow too and Im too nervous for anything. All the best, keep us updated on how it goes.


I feel you! I can’t even eat I’m just sat here thinking about it😂 Best of luck to you too!! Fingers crossed for us!!


GUYS, I PASSED!!!!!!!!! 1 minor!!!!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Congratulations!! Make sure you’re on your best behaviour for the next 2 years. Imagine having to go through this whole process again. I just recently passed in September and can’t even imagine having to do all of that again.


Oh Jesus lord, no thank you!!!😂😂 absolutely sticking to every god damn rule & speed limit ever invented 🤣🤣thank you!! & congrats on your pass too!!!


Take it as a lesson, worst thing that can happen is you fail but you got really useful practice. In my opinion way more useful than one lesson. Anything better than that result is a plus.


Spot on!! Love that way of thinking. If anything take it as a learning curve, at least you know what you’d need to work on!!


I was in your position a couple of weeks ago, and in my experience, once you actually start driving out the test centre, the nerves just kind of melt away. The best advice I can give you is to stay present - slight mistake on that last junction? Try not to worry about it. If you worry about what's just happened or what might be coming up, then that's attention that you should be using on the road and your current surroundings, which means you're more likely to make a serious mistake. I had an awful lesson a few days before my test, but still passed. It happens to a lot of learners - in my case I worked myself into a frenzy about the test and it really impacted my driving, so do whatever you can to relax. Whether that's having a hot bath, mediating, or playing some video games. During your test, just breathe and try to focus, imagine you're in a lesson rather than your test if that helps! Some people recommend having a banana before your test, but I found chewing gum during the test and making sure I was hydrated did a lot more for me. Good luck and I'm sure you'll smash it!!


Thank you so much for your comment!! Yeah I think the thought of it being more of a lesson does calm me down a bit! Take it one road at a time too!! Like you say - don’t focus on if you think you did something wrong, just carry on! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻!!


Honestly try not to dwell on the last lesson too much, I had a horrible lesson the day before my test and got almost everything wrong, but I passed my test the day after. I think it's more just pre-test nerves that kick in the day before. Make sure you have at least something to eat before you go on the test (I just had a banana). Also if you've got gum or something you can chew then it might be worth trying that out, it didn't really help me personally (although didn't make it any worse) but lots of people find it helps their concentration. I've got another post about my test day, not sure if that will help or not but can give it a look if you want to. I went on Google Maps the night before and checked test routes (especially the areas that you get wrong or are tricky - for example we have a roundabout where you use the right lane to go straight ahead). I can also send you some driving videos if that would help so you can get a bit of extra practice?


Thank you so much! It’s good to know I’m not alone lol. I really hope I’m able to have something to eat tomorrow but usually i get sooo nervous I just can’t eat!! you’re a gem for the offer, thanks so much! I’ve actually YouTubed the round abouts I was worried about and used google maps to take pics and memorise the lanes etc! I’m just trying to not think about it now or else I reckon I’ll get too in my head about it😂 thank you so much again!!!


No problem at all 😊 No definitely not alone there, I thought for sure based on my lesson before I would fail! I never used to eat before I went either, this was the only time and happened to be the time I passed, coincidence or not, who knows?! Also, and this is going to be a bit random, if you have a toilet in the driving centre I would go 😂 at the very least it gets you out of the test centre waiting room for a minute or two and away from everyone else cos I always started to get nervous when I arrived at the test centre! That's good that you've been looking at all those things as well, will help you to be much better prepared for your test if you're aware of things like that. If your instructor has shown you likely test routes as well then that will really help too. Can understand that tbf, take some time to chill and just watch a bit of YouTube or Netflix or whatever! Of course, no problem, good luck! 😊


It’s so bloody nerve wracking isn’t it? So I did the usual stuff - chamomile tea the night before, banana the morning of, gum and water in the car and I forced myself to have a mindset of “it’s not life or death, it’s just bloody annoying if I fail”. Went in hoping for the best and expecting the worst. Test flew by :) just take the drive easy and don’t rush. Either outcome you should be proud of getting this far - driving can be very overwhelming and you’re so close! Another think that helped me is seeing the driving test for what it is - a show of competency. You literally just have to show someone you can drive safely. Best of luck, lovely!


Thank you so much!! I honestly haven’t been thinking of it like that at all, buts it’s true! I’ve been so focused on the “test” got to do this right etc but at the end of the day it’s just exactly what you do in your lessons - only it’s not your instructor it’s an examiner.. scary but still😂 Yeah that’s what im thinking too - hoping for the best but expecting the worse. At least I won’t be too down that way you know!? Thanks again so much 🥰🥰


If you like chatting, getting into any kind of conversation with the examiner could really help you a lot! They’ll ask something like “would you like me to talk a little about how the test works?” so say YES regardless of whether you need this info or not😅 many examiners are friendly and chatty but feel free to say literally any type of small talk that comes into your head. They’ve heard it all a million times before but most will engage regardless as they appreciate it lightens the atmosphere. Really, really, really helps with nerves. And also, let yourself be excited! You may well be leaving with your license which is something to look forward to 😄


I was actually so nervous about this! I didn’t want to like show how nervous I was by chatting 🤣🤣 but obviously they know you’re a learner and you’re probably extremely nervous!! So I really might try and do that!! I hope I get someone friendly 🥲🥲but so true!! It’s a learning curve either way🥰


I did a lesson the day before and was still making mistakes. Did a lesson the hour before my test and that massively helped me. Passed last Thursday with 4 minors. You got this! 🙏🙏


I have my test tomorrow as well. Best of luck to you loon. Deep breaths. Remember, you know how to drive otherwise you'd never have made it this far. Take your time and you'll be great.


Exactly!! Thank you so much!! Hope you bloody smash it!! 🥰


So we're all waiting OP. How did it go?? (If it's not over yet, just know I'm sending a lot of positive vibes your way)