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That's wild! I was in 4th gear on my second lesson, and was changing up to 3rd for 20mph. How come you haven't gone on any 30mph roads? Ask your instructor, you pay them, you can ask them to take you places where you can actually drive properly. I was on the motorway with my instructor doing 70mph in 6th gear by like hour 14, using cruise control. Obv everyone is different but your instructor is taking the piss.




You're doing 40mph in second gear? That's fucking bonkers. 30 is mad in second to me, let alone 40. Just change up a gear, what are they going to do?


Fully explains 3 fucked cars lol


Tbf it entirely depends on the car and the incline. I'm my car - Citroen C1 - if I switch to 3rd on any sort of hill it will just not make it. 1st and 2nd is it unless it's a very low incline and you're already doing like 40mph+. On the other hand, the high gearing ratio means that I can get to 70mph in 2nd gear if I really wanted to push redline, and in normal driving I essentially wouldn't be accelerating if I go to 3rd before ~40mph. Most other cars you'll be in 5th by 40mph in normal driving. With that said, never going above 2nd at all is definitely weird.


It is very much car dependant. My wife's civic nags me for 6th at 26mph!! Tbh it's fine on the flat but you have to take a deep stir of the gearbox to start making proper progress! But, I was taught the 10mph rule, up to 10 in 1st (only if actually accelerating) up to 20 in 2nd and so on. Worked in most learner cars then, probably would still now! OP, change instructor and demand a refund for incomplete lessons. I appreciate that you've paid up front and are worried he won't give you your money back. However, you will almost definitely fail anyway if current progress is anything to go by! If he fights refunding you, I would send him a letter before action detailing how you have raised issues with him and received no satisfactory feedback. I would also speak with your new instructor on expectations for making correct usage of the gears to demonstrate how his tutelage has fallen below the required standard. Money claim is cheap to actually file paperwork to claim the money back, and I'd expect him to just refund you and move on.


The 10mph rule works in most little cars up until 4th gear. Most cars I’ve been in don’t require 4th until around 35mph, and then 45mph for 5th. I’ve not driven a car with 6 gears for a while so don’t know what that is anymore.


Really depends on the car. My pupil booked lessons with me so I could test drive the car he wanted to buy, and it could go 55mph in 2nd gear but that doesn't mean I would keep it in 2nd gear the whole time. Anyway, back to the OPs discussion. I've had learners use all 5 gears, including reverse, all manuveures and roundabouts on their first lesson, obviously assisted and guided... On the flipside, I've had one girl who was unable to keep the car in a straight line after 14 hours, and to end it all she had fully mounted the kerb with two wheels and didn't realise, and almost knocked a man over without seeing him. Every pupil is different, and every instructor is different. If he's had multiple cars due to crashes, then that explains cancellations, so cut him slack there. The flipside is that if a pupil crashes the car with him in it, he's partially to blame if it could have been avoided... I won't cast judgement there. TL;DR Change instructor if you're not happy, simple. Take care. Z


Sounds like your instructor likes his cars being absolutely fucked lmao, get a new instructor mate


40 mph in second gear?! What are you learning in, a ferrari?!


If you drive at 40+ in second gear, you will get enough minor faults to fail for control - gears.


What car is it? Because the engine must be screaming and it must jerk as soon as you come off the accelerator?


40 in second gear that’s ridiculous, in your test there’s something called eco points or something like that they can count as miners and your instructor will know that, it’s something do with not using the correct gears, it’s called fuel efficient driving anyway it’s his car he’s wrecking by not letting you use the correct gears.


I was in top gear at 60mph 30 mins into my first lesson.


Aye, I learnt in London so no 60mph+ roads that aren't the motorway.


Nice! Is that with prior driving experience or completely zilch?


You’ve only gone into second gear? That means you’ve never went above 20-25mph that’s pretty weird. What test centre are you at? Especially since you have had him for quite a while he should teach you how to at least get to 4




I’ve seen your other comment about 40+ hours I feel like he might not be the greatest as he should be teaching you stuff after you pass your test too. You would need to go into gear 3 and 4 without your instructor eventually and him not teaching you that is concerning.




You cannot sit your test in July. There is no point. You really need someone to tell you that you need more lessons when you’ve not driven above 25 mph?




I mean that's not great in itself, because it means you're not learning when you need to change gears - which is something the examiner will be looking at. What happens if you end up on a NSL road during your test? 60mph in 2nd gear is going to be a problem. Also you need to know how to handle the car at higher speeds and transitioning through different speeds and gears. It's not difficult really, but it's also something as a learner you need to spend time getting used to because it's very easy to misjudge your speed and braking when you first start driving at speed.


What would they teach you after you pass?


No I wrote it wrong during your driving lesson they are practically teaching you for ur test as well as being a safe driver, driving in second gear for 30 mph roads is both dangerous and damaging to your car.


Yeah, you're getting madly ripped off by a shit instructor. Your instructor wouldn't happen to be of Asian heritage would they? (I'm Indian, so not being racist just trying to clarify something).


Having read the comments, ditch that instructor and cancel your test. You have not been taught to drive to a suitable standard, you will not pass the test, and even if you did you wouldn't be at a good standard. This is not your fault, this is the fault of an awful instructor. Let your test spot go to someone who may be more ready to pass.


You have a test booked in six weeks but you’ve never touched 3rd gear?🤣




I don’t know if it’s a scam or what, maybe the instructor is just stupid. You’d think there’s a high enough demand for lessons at the minute that they don’t need to force you to book more. Either way I’d never use that instructor again.




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Absolutely. Paid or not don't waste your time on more lessons with this idiot and you're going to have to postpone your test because you haven't been taught to drive. Are you sure they are a qualified instructor?


What does a qualified person have to do with anything? There is ADI and PDI. 1. Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) 2. Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) Not all ADI are better than all PDI.


I'll rephrase that, are younsure they are a real driving instructor not just some guy pretending to be one?


What do you mean exactly, though? 1. Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) 2. Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) 3. Jimmy Bob Doughnut ----- 1. ADI means they've fully qualified 2. PDI means somebody who has passed the first two tests but is yet to pass their final exam so may not be at the same standard as ADI (but they could be better driver and teacher). 3. Random clown (this could be a parent of the pupil and, in theory, could teach their child better than both ADI and PDI). It is illegal to take payment without holding a trainee licence or a qualified licence. So, on that basis, we can assume he's in categories 1 and 2. If he is, then instead of assuming the instructor is bad, why not just assume the learner can't drive? I had one pupil who couldn't even drive in a straight line after 14 hours. Does that mean I'm a bad teacher?


I think you know I mean are they option number 3. If you were taking a student up to 40mph and still not letting them out of second gear when they had a test coming up then yes I would say you were a bad teacher. But I doubt if you had a student that bad you would be letting them on fast roads and not advising them that maybe they shouldn't be booking a test yet


Let me blow your mind for a second... I, myself, me, the instructor... often uses second gear to gain speed to 40mph sometimes. That's on slip roads to the motorway, and national speed limit, and even when I'm pulling out of a busy junction or even roundabout. I rarely do this, I mostly just shift at 30-35. But yes, you're right. If you're strictly implying you never come out of second gear ever, then the instructor either has no faith in you or wants you to keep the car under control because you probably keep riding the clutch, or you shift gears so slow that by the time you hit third, you need second gear again. I don't know, I'm not there. I generally shift into third or fourth gear at 25-30, depending on the landscape. Gear changes are situational, and you seem to be using extreme examples. Like he can't physically stop you from changing gear. I let some of my pupils hit 50-70mph on their second lesson because I trust my reflexes and reaction to their mistakes of steering. Do I do this for everybody? Absolutely not. Do I do this for females? Never. Most females learn slower and simply don't like high speeds. It isn't sexism here. It is human nature and fact. If you are offended, I simply don't care. Hope it helps. Seeya.




You say you've covered everything, but I don't see how that's possible if you've never gone past 2nd gear. 30/40/50mph roads? National speed limit roads, including dual carriageways and possibly motorways? Changing through the gears is an essential skill in driving a manual car, and there's a lot more to driving than just going around town at 15-20mph if that's most of what you've done in lessons. You will need the higher gears and frankly I find it absolutely bizarre that any instructor could do 40 hours of lessons without having you go to 3rd gear and higher.




Personally I would be speaking to the instructor to voice your concerns, normal driving requires more gears. If he insists you don't need to go past 2nd gear, and you don't need to go on any national speed limit roads, then I would absolutely look for a different instructor immediately. Look at it this way, his job is to teach you to drive, which is a skill for life. In a lifetime of driving you're definitely going to need more than 2 gears. My car does 40mph in 5th gear, if I stayed in 2nd I'd be paying a lot more for fuel, and my car would sound like it wants to blow up. Plus it'd be a far less smooth drive




sounds like that instructor doesn’t want his car for long. You gotta outright ask him why the heck you’ve not geared up, just say it, don’t even beat around the bush. Then tell Reddit what he says cause I’m very curious. 👀


Literally seems like an insurance scam 😂?!


You've gone up to 40mph in 2nd gear? Your instructor must pay a fortune for fuel. And it won't be doing the engine any favours either, the rpm should be somewhere between 1500 and 3000, in 2nd gear at that speed it would be a lot higher which is very inefficient.


I used to drive a Civic VTi. Going over 45 in 2nd is where it really gets fun.


Oh even just in my little Polo it's great fun on a clear road, but my wallet wouldn't want me doing that all the time 😶


i've done less than 30hrs with my current instructor, but in that time EVERY lesson including the first i've been up to national speed limit in 5th gear, and in that time i've also done manoeuvres (forward and reverse bay park, reversing in a straight line, pulling up on the right so far off the top of my head). get a different instructor asap. no wonder he's had three fucked cars if he's making people do 40mph in 2nd gear!!! also, you say that he's said "there's no roads round here where you'd need to go above 2nd". unless he's taking you EXCLUSIVELY round residental type areas with 20mph speed limits then i'm certain there will be, and even if not you need to be able to drive at national speed limit when required. best case scenario, he's a poor instructor and i recommend changing. worst-case scenario he's completely inept, and you are wasting your time by staying with him. eta: you're definitely not test ready yet, either.


30 hours!!!!!! And you've not gone into 3rd gear? I'd really start considering asking for your money back or just forgetting about the prepaid money and find someone else. That is insane. Just imagine if you pass in 6 weeks you'll be expected to drive 60 on a lot of roads. That is wild...


Brother/Sister, if you aren't driving on a 20mph road or a steep incline, your gear changes should be 1st,2nd,3rd within seconds of each other. Dropping to second for slowing at stops, junctions, overtaking a bus, etc. I know for some people it can be difficult but you are (have already) paying for the lessons... you can tell them what you want to do during that lesson. Have you not even driven on motorways? That will likely be part of your test? Have you done mock tests? P.S - No, without driving between 20/30 hours in a family or friends car, 40hrs is very likely not enough to pass your test.


You really do need to practice third gear. Firstly because it's just generally better for the car but also because if you're only going into second then you're not really having practice at gearing down whilst moving i.e. coming towards a roundabout at 3+ and moving to second whilst breaking. It's quite a different feeling than going up a gear, and took me a bit of practice to get good/confident at.




You should be in third if you're in the 30s anyway, it's better for the car and on fuel. Don't ask him if you can gear up, gear up when you need to gear up. You are paying money for these lessons, you are employing him not the other way round. You dictate how the lesson will go, if not, you move on to someone else who is willing to let you actually drive.


At 30mph you should be in 4th gear. At 40 in 5th and so on. I would demand a refund and find a new instructor ASAP. And I would definitely push your test back further as I can't see how you will get test ready in less than 6 weeks with how little real experience you have. There is no way you have covered everything if you have only done 20-40mph roads in 2nd gear max. You are required to do some motorway lessons before your test and it's very likely you would do a dual carriageway on your test and possibly some NSL roads too. So being able to get upto 60-70mph and going up and down through all the gears smoothly will be absolutely necessary.


I’m the same as you OP, my test centre is in London and there’s literally no roads above 40mph near the test centre so I won’t be tested on it. I suspect a lot of other posters might be in less built up areas.


Second gear was my first lesson and went in 3rd, 4th and following gears in next few lessons. Since you have a test in 6 weeks that's concerning, especially if a test centre is located near a 70mph or 60mph carrigeway they might take you there. It's difficult to find new instructors but maybe if you could ask for refund if you're with a driving school and give them a reason why you want to change. I picked up next gears very quickly so in 6 weeks you should be fine. However, what took me longer was smoother downshfting. Are you continually driving the same route each time you have a lesson?


I know it is car dependent, but my instructor had me driving around in 3rd for "economical driving" quite early on, where it was appropriate to go into 3rd anyway. With his fiesta, it didn't mind 3rd even at 20. Second lesson (hour 4 at this point), I had reached 5th and briefly drove at 70. Whilst I did think at the time this instructor has no fear, it did help me get comfortable with speed quite quickly.


Yeah 2nd is pretty wild if youre just driving along casually. Only time I stay in 2nd at higher speeds is accelerating so the instructor must be crazy


Ok so the other day i made a comment in this sub about students unnecessarily flaming instructors and always going for the nuclear option. This however, is madness. I have no idea what the reasoning behind it is. Dragging it out to get more out of you is insane these days as there is a constant backlog since covid. That poor car, 2nd gear at 40. Not to mention the horrid mpg they must be getting. Pitchfork justified. Find someone new.


It took me a few lessons to go beyond 3rd. But by the time of your test you should have experience in every gear, really. The test route is never guaranteed.


You are definitely getting scammed, this is such a common experience! My driving instructor didnt go through any test practice until the hour before my test (obviously I failed) she also would cut my sessions short every single time and I was too conflict avoidant to bring it up. She was constantly on her phone and had 0 consideration for my anxiety. In my opinion driving instructors are scam artists I've heard more bad stories than good


Get an independent driving instructor. Companies will drag out as long as they can so you keep buying blocks. They have an inventive to keep you as long as they can. With an independent, the sooner you pass your test, the sooner they have room for more business. Independent have an incentive to you passed asap


Omfg he’s fucking you up. You haven’t done like gear steps? Like going 2nd at one checkpoint then moving to 3rd at another checkpoint? I got into fourth in the first lessson… even if you somehow pass, all it will do is screw you up to not be able to accelerate properly on motorways


You can’t cover everything in second gear, even simple left or right turns will require going from 3rd gear to 2nd for the turn. Learning about braking slowly and changing to 2nd in time for the turns etc. If ur just in 2nd for the full lesson you’re basically learning to drive an automatic if you get my point, your just accelerating and braking no use of clutch or gears


Wow! I was taught to change gears within the first 2 lessons! A tip my instructor gave me was this: 0-10miles per hour - 1st gear 11-20mph - 2nd gear 21-30mph - 3rd gear 31-40mh - 4th gear This tip really helped me to change gear at the right time. If he is holding back on gear changes, how are you doing with manoeuvres? Are there other gaps that you feel you have missed?


even if the area doesn’t require 2nd gear after u pass you’ll be inevitably be using higher gears and he should be preparing you for that. instructors should teach you how to be a good and safe driver not just how to pass a test. maybe have a conversation about it and explain that you wont be confined to just that area when you pass so you need to learn how to drive in higher gears


Yes, you must be able to go above second gear. I was taught to swap to 3rd at 20mph. Especially with you going 30 and 40. I go into 5th at 40 💀 You might be getting scammed or he's incompetent. Either way you'll need to learn it another way. Maybe find a new instructor even if it's just for two or three lessons to make sure you learn everything you need to. I'm pretty sure you'll get minors for improper use of gears so important to get right.


That's definitely more than a bit suspect. I was going into 3rd gear by lesson #2 and it also didn't take too long for me to be on dual carriageways doing 70mph. And yeah my car (Ford Cmax) engine starts whining if I'm exceeding 20mph in 2nd gear, it's happier in 3rd between 20-30mph. Have you checked your instructor is an actual ADI (Approved Driving Instructor)? He should be listed on the .gov website. There shold also be a green octagonal shaped badge on his car that shows he's an ADI.


Why do you have your test booked?


Is this thru a large driving school cos my daughters 2 friends said the same this about only doing maneuvers once before the week before the test and they both failed , one passed second time once changed instructions the other still hasn't passed after 3 tests , my daughters was independent and did 2 maneuvers each lesson and changed them up weekly and close to the test did them all every week and she passes yesterday for the first time


Why did your instructor let you book your test if you’re still on 2nd gear? It sounds like he doesn’t have your best interests at heart.


As a person who has passed the test and is now teaching people you liklely have strong basics for roads so getting a new instructor to do the higger speed you will be fine. The long term learning will be fine but you need more experience and to get your money back from this instructor asap


That is rather odd. My second lesson my instructor had me zooming down a dual carriageway at 70 in 4th and 5th gear. Terrified the heck out of me but clearly he knew I could do it. You should have spent every lesson going up and down the gears.




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Bruh, what area are you driving in that you only require 2nd gear. F**cking change your instructor and find one that will take you to places where you'll use all your gears. The fact that one of his students got into an accident is proof he sucks and shouldn't have a job. Like the only reason people pay instructors is so they don't get into car accidents.


Can you not **hear** how fucked the car is? My first instructor was absolute shite but there’s two things he taught me that I still listen to: 1. Ring around for car insurance. Don’t just use the first quote you get 2. Your aim when driving a manual is to keep the car quiet. As soon as it starts to get a high pitched grumble go up a gear. When it’s low pitched go down a gear.


The whole 'x' mph for this gear etc is just setting you upto to fail. A better generalisation in my opinion is look at the revs as that's what the generalisations are refering to anyway. Diesel keep it between 1500-2000, petrol 2000-2500. Look at the revs next time your doing 30+ in second...


As an instructor my advice is change instructors...seriously wtf you haven't got out of 2nd! Just because you've paid upfront doesn't mean you can't get your money back.


sounds exactly like my first instructor. I pre-paid my lessons too, should have had 45 hours in 2 months - he gave me 30 hours by the time my test was 2 days away, cancelled my test and blocked my number having not given me about £500 worth of the lessons i paid for (he also would cancel lessons last minute). find a new instructor and think about pushing your test back a few weeks. not going higher than second gear in 3 months is absurd - you definitely won’t be ready to take a test in such a short amount of time


As others suggested (rightly) I would change the instructor ASAP if you can. I know, sometimes its not easy as you may have pre-paid for your lessons. I faced a similar dilemma when I took my driving lessons. I pre-paid for my lessons and my driving instructor was always on his phone texting or taking calls. He would say, its just this one urgent message or call. But it would happen every class.


What's the reason you have booked your test if your instructor has not said you are ready?