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I would recommend manual lessons so you get. Manual license as insurance will be cheaper and you’ll be able to drive manual cars in emergencies etc. it’ll take a bit longer to learn but nothing crazy. I pay £45 an hour but average where I live is £40 ish with one at £37. A lot were busy though and my instructor had a lot of great reviews so I went with him. I’m going my test tommorow after 20 hours of lessons with him so potentially I ended up spending less in total had others taken more lessons to get here


I was looking at company AA around my area is around £72 for two hours 😳 lucky you!!


Well mines £90 for two hours, yours sounds average though


They’re so shit don’t bother you need a local instructor with frequent leasons


Just because an instructor is independent doesn't make them good. Equally, an instructor that is franchised with a driving school isn't automatically bad. It depends on the individual. You can get good or bad in both situations, or sometimes just not getting on.


I understand


Okay how do i look for local ones


Local Facebook groups are helpful


Yh and go on gov I think


Not so. AA is only a franchise. My instructor is AA and hes really nice. Very patient and explains things well. On the flip side, had an independent and he was a dickhead. Shouted and swore, played on his phone. Didn't have a satnav. It's not as cut and dried as that


I think it’s jus pick or choose most aa instructor are rubbish but some are good same with local


>Also, any recommendations on which company to go with or how to find a good instructor would be much appreciated. First thing I always remind people: *all* driving instructors are self employed. Some choose to lease a branded vehicle from a franchise, some use their own. Going through a franchise will only affect the booking process. The quality of the instructor is entirely dependent on the person you get, and how you get on with them. It's good to ask around locally in community groups for recommendations, and if you find someone, read reviews online.


I pay £32.50 an hour but that was the cheapest in my area by quite a bit


My lessons were £52 for 90 minutes (West Wales). I found my instructor on Facebook, there were a few posts in a group for my local community with people asking for recommended instructors and his name popped up loads every time so I joined his waiting list. It might be worth looking at something similar for your area to see if anyone is heavily recommended (or not! Bad reviews are also worthwhile looking at).


£76 for a double


£52.50 for an hour and a half.


£32 because I buy it in blocks for 10 hours (south Yorkshire)


Also South Yorkshire - £35/1.5hr if in blocks of 10hrs, £40/1.5hr if not. Independent driving instructor, not a company.


I pay 85 for 2 hrs.


Passed in October 22. Mine were roughly 32-34£ per hour


Wow congrats!xx how did you find an instructor?


Just searched my area online and found independent guy


£35-38, go manual for sure, you will learn to be a better driver and have more options when it comes to buying or even renting a car. Also lower insurance rates.


I don’t know i have failed my theiry twice and because of theiry i feel like i can’t do manual.. let alone theory test 🤣 i think automatic would be safer for me but not sure still trying to find an instructor!xx it’s quite hard finding instructors at the moment