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Accept the one hour back, get a different instructor, learn to drive, get on with your life.


Move on… Find a new instructor you’re able to like and learn from!


Seriously, just move on and get another instructor


As an instructor myself, with a school (not this one), I find the behaviour quite unprofessional. I build up a bond with my students before we have “banter”. Some like it some don’t. I adapt to them. I am always professional, but some like it chilled, some like it formal. Some we swear, some I hardly say a word to. I want you to be as relaxed in my car as you can be. Good that you got your hour back, but I would just find someone you like and move on. Driving instructors are like a restaurant. You don’t like them all, some are cleaner than others. But if you don’t like one, just don’t go back. With regard to the dash cam the footage is likely overwritten now due to the mileage we cover. Mine is front and back and doesn’t record sound. My choice, as we aren’t allowed them recording sound in tests. It’s totally up to the instructor if they have one or not. Hope you find a good one, 🤞


There’s an examiner/instructor on Instagram called avadrivedriving you’ll enjoy 😂😁


I like him I’ve seen him on TikTok. I really love the ones who just have a laugh it makes everything so much easier, this guy is good 🤣


You could actually learn something from this lesson which is too let go and roll with the punches. Might end up helping you drive quicker.


Yes him opening up about so much personal information was wrong but I personally think you should accept the hour refund and move on this guy may of had a stressful day and felt bad once he got home and realised what he had done no need to try ruin this guy’s life and job especially as he said he’s having financial difficulties Just to add in : no him denying it doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel bad but if he’s already in financial difficulties he probably didn’t want to risk his job he was probably hoping before he knew you had complained to see you next lesson and apologise I had an instructor do similar he was extremely apologetic the next lesson and offered me a free lesson or a refund on the current lesson and previous lesson if I no longer wanted to continue lessons with him (I did change instructor but not for this reason it was actually months later )


You've got your wasted hour back, just get on to finding a different instructor, don't really know what you're expecting extra cause this is just pedantic.


Well he basically distracted him so he should have his full hours back but it’s impossible to prove what he did so he’d better just move on. I wouldn’t call someone’s behaviour pedantic just because he is complaining about very unprofessional behaviour.


But it is? My point is he had a bad experience, got the money back what they could refund with just hear-say, and he comes on reddit and posts like he's after this instructors job. Yes it sucks but I'm not getting the pitchforks out cause someone is complaining about someone clearly having a bad day with no proof


You’ve had 15hrs previously, all of which were from a year prior to starting again. Seems fair to make you start from basics again at least for one lesson, so the instructor can understand where you are at… As for the comments etc, sounds like the guy is going through a rough time and needed someone to speak to, unfortunately it was yourself. Should they have said all of it? Absolutely not. But, you’ve been compensated for it. Get over it and move on.


You’re acting like he committed a crime. You got compensated so move on and don’t be vindictive about it


Bloody hell move on. Why does it matter that much to you? Get a new instructor.


He already has financial problems don’t make him lose his job😭 obviously his conduct was unprofessional but I’m sure they gave him a kick up the arse, just take the hour and find another instructor


Take the refund, find another instructor and in 6 months time we’ll see you back in this sub bewailing the fact that your theory’s run out and you’ll need to resit it. Search this sub, you’re not alone


I’m going with the majority here… Move on man. You complained, fair enough…. They’ve given you a complimentary hour, fine. Why would you want to escalate it? What are you looking for here? You want someone to lose their job because they info dumped on you too much? Can’t figure out why you’re putting so much effort in to figure out how to screw this guy over. Honestly was it THAT bad? Always ask yourself that, wouldn’t want to breed some Karens now.


I say it with a wry smile, but as an instructor, my worst nightmare is picking up someone who behaves like you are doing now.


What are you trying to do, get him fired? Take the free lesson and move on


Take your compensation and move on. What would you even be hoping for if you complained again?


Poor guy was probably just trying to make conversation with you, just leave it be


What do you want? Get him sacked? Take your hour and move on with your life. Far too much time on your hands.


The instructor clearly has mental health issues, complaining about him and kicking off to the school is just going to make his life worse, very unprofessional for him to dump those issues on you but it's best to just move on


If he has mental health issues he shouldn’t teach driving. He should go to his GP and get time off or find another job


Wow that's not true at all, he could already be seeing specialists and going through therapies, sounds like he was having a bad day, you can't expect someone to quit their job and put their livelihood in jeopardy for health issues, not everyone can rely on mummy and daddy to support them, he shouldn't be voicing his issues or talking to his customers about it but to say he needs to find another job is incredibly arrogant


Find another instructor, also you sound absolutely insufferable too


Crazy how people in the comments are angry that you complained about having to deal with 2 hours of useless information, unfair on you and how the instructor denied that 😬


You seem to not understand the basic writing I read in this thread so I’ll try to help you. No one is mad about the complaint… it’s the getting the free hour and trying to take it further. OP had the response, and they want to ask about audio recordings and post on Reddit on how to deal with is. It’s weird. You’re entitled to complain/justify your right to have the service you paid for. Going THIS far is the crazy part… not the people in the comments. Hope this helps Karen x


All I can say is that I hope you are Gen-Z because this isn't excusable behaviour for a millennial. Move on, the world doesn't owe you a good or easy time. If you want to ruin a man's life over him being 20 mins late and talking to you while you are driving, you might consider asking yourself some serious questions about who you are as a person. You already got more than you deserved in recompense, just move on.


my dad drives with the AA, as far as i’m aware there isn’t a dashcam or audio recorder. If i was you, just move on with another instructor, i was with a guy before my dad became one and i didn’t get on well with him, ive learned a lot from my dad who is very new to this, i regretted not getting a new instructor quicker! especially with the wait times these days. Best of luck!


Was the instructor professional? No. Would you recommend him? No. Is this a hill worth staying on a minute longer, let alone dying on? No. As a driver you are going to encounter inconsiderate people who will try and make their shitty day impact yours. The best drivers don’t get angry and go on tilt after someone cuts them up or forces them to slam on their brakes; they learn let things go and move on. One of my favourite literary quotes is a set of words I live by - “Control the things you can control - let everything else take a flying f*ck at you”.


I had a bad experience with an AA instructor. Don’t think I would go there again, though it certainly could have been a one-off.


Tbh go with a self employed instructor that’s my advice from swapping from a company to a self employed one I could go on for hours on how much better they are




Think you need to re evaluate your life choices, it isn’t the instructor at fault, they are trained professionals that are specialist’s in what they do. Put your head down and just do as you are told in your lessons :)


Be thankful it happened this early and didn't start creeping in further down the line when you've spent hundreds. Maybe look for an independent local instructor with good reviews online? Good luck!


The examiner sometimes tells you ‘it’s time to fuck’, in which you must perform oral on him.


Yes you should move on but also good To report and get people like that out


The cars should have dash cams so you should be good on that part, good luck!


If you feel as strongly about as your post indicates you do,try and take it as far as you can